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"So do you want to go on that date now?" Shuichi asked with a laugh. I smiled at him and moved my hands down to his waist.

"Yeah, I did say we were going on one!" I said with a smile. He smiled back at me before he slowly moved away from me to sit up on the bed. I frowned at the loss of touch, but soon sat up next to him. He let his hands rest on his thighs for a moment before he slowly moved over to me and held his hand on the small of my back. The touch was so small, but it was making all of my senses go haywire for a moment while a blush slowly made its way onto my cheeks.

I was going to move my hands to cover the faint feeling of warmth on my cheeks, but knowing that it was only Shuichi who was going to see it, I decided against it. I slowly stood up moments after that. He quickly joined me and took my hand in his own. I looked up at him and saw that he had a similar blush on his cheeks, only his was more dominant on his face.

I smiled and gave his hand a squeeze. "Let's head to the library then~!" I said in my usual teasing tone. I felt better being beside him and I felt better knowing that I was the one to cause his smile as well as the adorable blush on his cheeks. I wanted to be the only one to ever have these intimate moments with him, because I want to be the one he keeps by his side even in his times of need.

"Yeah, we should," He said with a small laugh before we walked out of the room. He hesitated when he grabbed the door handle for a moment. I almost asked him why he was being nervous and hesitant, but then he opened the door and walked with me outside of the room.

There were no other people around the dormitory and it was just the both of us. It was nice to just be the two of us without the others interfering. I'm ok with being around the others, but when we have moments like this, I want it to be me and my beloved. This is because this is the way it should be, me and Shuichi together hand in hand.

"So, what are you planning on doing in the library?" Shuichi asked, putting one of his hands out to open the door to the courtyard.

"I was just thinking we could do some reading together! What did you have in mind my love~!" I said poking his chest teasingly at my last question. His reaction was almost immediate when he blushed.

"I-I was thinking we would do the same...but I don't see you as someone who reads a lot..." He whispered, putting his hand in front of his face. I let it slide this time because we weren't in his or my room alone having a moment. Sure I wanted to see his face, but I can see his blush all I want when we are together in other places.

"That sounds great Shu~! And sure I don't read all the time...like some people~ But I enjoy reading!" I said teasing him a bit for his book addiction. He has gotten better and wont read when we are alone for long periods of time...but sometimes I have to let him read because I respect that he enjoys it~ Even if it takes away his attention from me~

"Y-yeah," He stuttered, still recovering from my teasing. I smirked at my accomplishment of making him flustered yet again.

"Yuppers~!" I said before we finally made it to our destination. The library was quiet and no one was really in the library, which is what I wanted to happen.

It was kind of dusty and it had the memories of the first murder and trial that came back to our minds. But after a moment Shuichi pulled me over to some shelves while he looked for a novel to read. I didn't mind reading that much, I used to read a lot, but then other people started making fun of me for it so I kind of grew out of it. There were books on the shelves that had titles that made no sense...but I mean Monokuma made this or designed it...so I shouldn't expect anything different.

"Heyo!" Speak of the devil...Monokuma appeared in front of the two of us. We both jumped at the interruption. He stood there with the same smirk he wears the majority of the time.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I questioned with a sigh. This seemed to annoy him as his eyebrows furrowed and his forehead turned a shade of red.

"I'm here as your beloved headmaster! I'm interested as to why the two of you came to the library seeing what happened the last time a lot of time was spent here~!" He said with his usual cackle. I sighed and moved my hand that wasn't being held by Shuichi to my forehead. Rubbing it to try to ease the pain and frustration he was bringing me.

"Beloved my ass-- so what do you need to tell us?" I asked again with a frown. Monokuma seemed to get the hint that I was implying that the two of us came here to be alone.

"I'll make it quick!" He said with a huff, puffing his cheeks out. It reminded me of an angry elementary student who wasn't able to have a treat after school...

"This library has a lot of literature! Some that are pretty recent! So make sure you take care of the books with care!!" He yelled before disappearing before we could say anything. Shuichi and I stood there dumbfounded for a moment before he spoke again. Shuichi dropped my hand and picked up a book with probably around 900 pages...god, that's a lengthy book.

"Wow! I didn't think they had this series!" He said with an excited look across his face. His eyes were practically sparkling as he looked at the book he picked up.

"You read this series Shumai~?" I asked with a smirk. He blushed for a moment before one of his hands went back to scratch his neck awkwardly.

"Yeah, I love this series..." He said, sounding a little embarrassed to admit it. He was holding the first issue of this Detective series called Akira and the Thief of Lies. It is an amazing series about a girl detective trying to find and catch this phantom thief called the Thief of Lies. I loved reading it when I was younger...my mother always told me it was more of a big kid book for the language and other aspects of the series. Frankly, I didn't care much about that and read the series anyway and loved it!

"I love it as well~!" I said gently grabbing the other two books of the series off the shelf. There are about 5 books in the series but one is the origin issue of Akira, the main character, and her apprentice. While another one is the origin of how the Thief of Lies became so popular and so dangerous.

"Y-you do?" He asked with a wide smile across his cheeks. I smiled back holding the books in my arms.

"Yup!" I said before he grabbed the remaining two books and we went over to a corner of the library to read together. He was very excited and moved quickly to get us situated.

"Do you want to read together or on our own?" He asked, picking up the first issue.

"I want to read with you! We can read out loud and even do voices!!" I said feeling my body fill with excitement. I haven't read a book out loud in so long, I'm sure this is going to be even better than I remember!

I moved closer to him and he pulled me onto his lap. He rested his back against the bookshelf while I rested against him. He held the book in my lap while his arms rested at my sides.

-You heard it, darling you look perfect tonight. I have been listening to this song and remembering the one I lost, the one who made me feel real and as I could make my own choices without having someone pulling my strings. Thank you all so much for reading! And thank you Jordin for helping me make it this far.-


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