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I just let my hands move to his cheeks to wipe away the tears that continued to fall, this broke a part of me...making it hard for me to not want to just break down and take all of his pain and worry away. Because sadly I can't do that for him, the same as he can't do it for me. I wish for all of these burdens to leave him and his aching heart. But I know that can't just happen with the snap of my fingers...it takes work and emotional unpacking to get these things to a point where it's not a constant burden on you.

"It's ok, I'm right here," I repeated the words he would always say to me when I was having a panic attack or even having one after one of my episodes. It always had a way of calming me down, making me feel like I can be ok. At the moment we are together and I am no longer alone. I hope he can see that he is never alone. That he is always able to come to me when he needs someone to listen to him, someone to hold him.

"Shu, baby, it's alright, just breathe," I whispered as he started shaking as his hands moved to hold his arms. I rubbed the side of his arm letting my breathing come to a slower pace. While he is panicking I need to stay calm so he can calm down as well.

"B-but, why is this happening?" He said as another waterfall of tears came down his cheeks. I was trying to piece together what was specifically bothering him...maybe because of his parents the pressure to be perfect is making him feel bad because he believes he isn't trying hard enough...I mean so many people have been hurt and killed in this fucked up game, but he has still pushed forward and helped the others to get to the point where we could push on. During the trials he is always trying his best to get the information to expose the culprit, without letting his feelings get the better of him, so he can focus on getting the others to see what happened in the case and why it is the person who is the culprit.

"I know...this situation is fucked up to say the least...but you need to know that you have people who are here for you," I gently moved his arms away from his chest so I could move closer to him. I moved my head into the crook of his neck and wrapped my arms around his upper back. I closed my eyes and tried my best to help him know I was there for him.

There were a couple moments of silence before he moved a little. The shifting of the sheets and mattress under the both of us was all that could be heard aside from our quiet breaths. The sheets were soft and being next to him made me feel relaxed to the point I was getting kind of sleepy. This must be from the exhaustion I felt when I woke up this morning...but I want him to feel ok, and I want to be able to go on that date with him. Because these memories we make now are always going to stay with us, and they will always be there to remember and to cherish.

"Hey, Kokichi?" He asked breaking the silence between us. I moved back a little from him so I could look into his eyes. They were staring at me intently with a look I couldn't quite describe in one word. He looked confused, but also sad, and I could see the love he has for me in the look he gave.

"Yes, love?" I asked him to continue his thought. He paused for a moment taking in a deep breath. His eyes fluttered closed for a moment as he did this and it was almost mesmerizing, almost putting me in a trance of the thoughts that consume me. The good ones that have my love and adoration for him on display for him to see through my eyes, my thoughts, and my actions.

"Do you ever wonder about how it would be if we never met?" He asked looking at me. His stare made me start thinking about it, what if we never did meet? What if I never started teasing him? What if I didn't make it this far because of the shitty hands the world gave me again and again? What if...

"What if..." I started gently moving one of my hands to his chest. He looked a little confused at the action and his eyes were trying to read mine. I smiled at him letting my eyes close for a brief moment.

"What if you never came into my room that day?" I moved my hand to caress the side of his neck.

"What if you never saw that I needed help?" I asked again, moving my hand to his cheek. I let my fingers lightly squeeze his cheek.

"But-" He started but I gently shushed him.

"What if you never kissed me?" I moved my finger to his lips and gently moved it to his chin. He blushed at this action. The blush slowly moved across my cheeks making me want to just kiss him right then and now...but I'm making a point.

"What if I never let you know the truth?" I asked, moving closer to his lips. HIs blush increased as I moved closer to him as his eyes slowly widened a bit.

"What's in common with all of those questions my beloved detective?" I asked with a smile. He took a couple moments before he responded.

"The what if," He said before I gave him a nod.

"That's right my love," I gently kissed his cheek and pulled back so I was now inches away from his lips.

"They are all what ifs." I kissed his lips and let my lips linger on his own for a moment. Letting the both of us savor the moment.

"We are in the moment we are in. We are in the present and by god it's a gift!" I kissed his jawline before slowly kissing his chin.

"Mmhn," He mumbled before kissing me. I blushed at his action for a moment before I moved both of my hands up his back. I gently touched his shoulders before moving them to the base of his hair.

"Because you are my present and my future. I want this to be what we are, and I want to someday become more...but that all depends on if you want the future I have in mind. Because the last thing I want to do is move too fast." I said before letting him cup my cheeks. He moved so our foreheads were now touching.

"I want us to be together forever, because I didn't know I could feel these feelings for another person. While I know and can tell they feel the same," He looked me in the eyes.

"Because I love you Kichi," He moved down to my lips again. His breath hit my lips before he closed the gap. Passion was passed through that kiss. I felt like this way I was connected to him, and the feeling of being kissed by him is something that can't be described by any words that can be said.

"I love you too," I whispered with a smile, before kissing him again.

-Here is another update! I love writing slow scenes sometimes because it helps me to focus more on the moment instead of what's going to happen next! Thank you all so much for reading! Stay safe Lovelies!-


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