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Shuichi's POV

The noise of the morning announcement filled the room. I groaned raising my head slightly to look over to what it was about. I only saw Monopiane and Monotaro talking so I put my head back down into the pillow not wanting to get out of bed with every fiber of my being. I felt Kokichi shuffle from where he was beside me in my arms. I felt a small smile forming on my face.

"Saihara... Chan..." I felt him mumble into my shirt.

"Kokichi we should probably go to the dining hall," I said shaking his shoulder slightly.

"Saihara-Chan." He groaned and I felt his grip on my back tighten.

"Kokichi we should go-" I started and got cut off by another groan.

"No! Saihara-Chan you're warm and I'm still tired..." He said yawning to add effect. I laughed to myself at how cute he was being. I put my arms more tightly around him. I didn't say anything I just rested my head on his hair and contently sighed.

"Alright, Kokichi... Only a little longer though..." I whispered into his hair.

"Mnnn..." He just hummed onto my chest before I felt his grip loosen a bit before I could hear small snores coming out of his mouth. I closed my eyes and let my hands fall over his sides.

"Kokichi!!!" I jumped a bit at the sudden loud sound before quickly relaxing so I didn't scare Kokichi. I felt Kokichi shuffle around before he sat up abruptly.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?! I'M TRYING TO SLEEP!!" Kokichi screamed opening his eyes annoyed. I jumped at the sudden noise but pulled him into my chest trying to not make him more angry.

"It's me Kaito! I was wondering if Shuichi was in there with you because I can't find him anywhere!!" Kaito yelled from outside the door making Kokichi lean out of my touch and stomp over to the door.

"Yeah he's in here! Why do you need to know?!" He yelled back before pulling the door open to reveal Kaito already ready and dressed for the day.

"Well I was going to ask him if he wanted to come to the dining hall for breakfast..." Kaito said scratching the back of his neck.

"Well I-" Kokichi started to yell again. I mean he was mad so it made sense but I rushed over to cut him off so I could talk to Kaito.

"Kaito we will be there in a bit... so you go ahead I'll meet you there." I said and he nodded before giving a brief wave and turning around to go to the dining hall.

"Kokichi... Are you ok? You were crabby just now..." I said pulling the door closed and lightly pulling him over to the bed. He just sighed and looked away from me when I sat down with him on the bed. I pulled him into my lap and tried rubbing circles onto his back to make him feel better. He leaned into me almost making me fall back onto the bed.

"Sorry I didn't mean to yell... I'm just really tired..." He said before he rested his head into my chest making the last few words he said muffled.

"Kokichi it's ok. I was just wondering why you were crabby all the sudden. I should have known that being abruptly woken up like that would make you angry..." I said resting my head on top of his placing a quick kiss on his forehead moments before.

"No I'm sorry Saihara-Chan I shouldn't have acted that way. I shouldn't have yelled just because I'm tired." He said like he was chastising himself. I moved my hands to the back of his neck and moved them up and down. He shivered under my touch making me smile that he had calmed down. To some extent...

"S-s-saihara..." he said before he nuzzled into my neck causing me to shudder at the touch.

"Kokichi, we should go to the dining hall... You can take a nap later if you want to." I said pulling his chin so I could see his face. His eyes were glazed and he looked really tired. His hair was a mess and he still had those bags under his eyes. I found it so cute how he was such a kid sometimes. He gets angry when he doesn't get enough sleep... so cute

Kokichi's POV
"Saihara-Chan... you're probably right... sorry for being so grumpy..." I said wanting to never leave his euphoric touch. I sighed and got out of bed.

"Kokichi?" He said looking confused.

"I should probably change before we go and we should go get some clothes for you too..." I said blushing. Not because changing in front of him is weird, no, it's more like I'm just so happy that he has stayed with me this long. Lots of people can't handle being around me for 2 days straight. With barely any breaks. This man must be crazy...

"Y-yeah..." he said stuttering covering his face with his hand. I walked over with a smile and pulled his hand away.

"I want to see your face Saihara-Chan~" I said giving him a quick kiss on his cheek before moving to his eyes and then lastly his nose. His blush increased and he tried to look away only making me pull his face even closer to mine.

"Saihara-Chan~ I love the blush on your face it's so cute~ I love you so much~ Sometimes I just want to hold you and tell you how much I love you~" I said in a teasing tone bopping his nose in the process.

"Stop!" Saihara yelled pushing my face away. His face was so red it made me laugh a bit just because of how cute he was being.

"Ok ok ok. I'll stop. But you know that you are the cutest person~ Even your personality is cute~ Everything about my beloved Saihara-Chan is so cute~" I said turning around and getting changed. I heard him making my bed while I was buttoning my shirt.

"Kokichi you ready?" He asked walking over to my side.

"Yup let's go to your dorm!" I said poking his cheek before hugging his arm making him sigh. I love how we can be like this Saihara-Chan...

We walked over to his dorm and he quickly got changed before he took my hand and we left his dorm towards the dining hall. I smiled while we walked content with having him by my side. Knowing that he cares enough to want to be around me for all this time. I felt some guilt build up in my gut. He could be hanging out with anyone else right now... but I'm making him hangout with me...

"Kokichi?" Saihara asked looking down at me. He must be looking at me because of my frown. I quickly changed it into a smile trying to reassure him. Only to get a look of concern before he looked forward while we entered the dining hall.

-Sorry for not updating all weekend... that's on me... Thanks for reading!-


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