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The sun began to rise and both of us knew that meant that another day was beginning. I sighed and put my arm over my eyes not wanting to see the sun rise.

"Kichi?" Shuichi asked, looking over at me placing his hand on my arm. I smiled at the gesture and slowly moved my arm down so I could see his eyes.

"Yeah..." I whispered feeling a groan come from my throat. Shuichi looked like he didn't believe me and honestly I didn't either. He didn't say anything as his arm slowly moved to my own. Our skin slowly collided as his face moved to form a smile. It was a calming smile. Calming my body, mind, and soul.

"It's ok if you aren't," He whispered coaxing my mind to fall asleep again, but I was too afraid of sleeping because of what happened only a long moment ago...

"Because it's ok to not be ok," He said again gently kissing the palm of my hand before he smiled again. I could feel his smile against my hand and it made me smile as well. The best thing about his smile is that it is contagious. Anyone who has seen him smile knows this fact and I'm absolutely in love with his smile.

"Y-yeah," I stuttered feeling his other hand move to my back. His fingers slowly traced at the back of my neck making me shiver and shudder under his touch. My body craves for his touch and just for him and because of all the events that took place before, the worry that was forced on my shoulders, made me need his affection even more. Because I was worried that maybe- I shouldn't be thinking like that...he is right beside me now, so I need to just enjoy this moment as we are in it. Not worrying about future or past events, making this calm moment one full of worry because of the thoughts of yesterday...or even the thoughts of today.

"You were worried about me weren't you," He whispered into my ear moving closer to me. His arms moved around my shoulders as he pulled me on top of him. I blushed a little bit at the new position...but was too focused on the calmness of his touch and the sensations it was sending through me.

"Hmm..." I hummed letting that be my response to him. He just breathed into my ear making me shiver more from the added sensation. He was rubbing my back and holding me close to his chest. It rose and fell as he breathed, and honestly it was one of the best feelings in the world. It told me that he was here, and he was alive.

"I'm sorry for making you worry...but know I'm here now, and I'm not going to leave your side." He said in the same unfairly attractive and calming voice. I wanted to glare at him for using the voice he knew would make me tired. After a few moments of me trying to be angry at him, and failing terribly, I just let my eyes flutter closed.

"I love you more than anything baby," He said, making me feel more at peace. I finally let myself get some much needed rest and I could tell he did the same. I was a little worried because we were alone outside, wait, actually Maki and Kaito should be outside as well, so we should be ok...okay, now I can rest then.


"Maki Roll!" Kaito called out to me and I sighed feeling my cheeks heat up. Goddamnit...why is he able to do this to me. I huffed and pushed my hair behind my shoulders before going to meet up with him in the courtyard as he asked me before. This was before Shuichi went missing for a moment and Kokichi came to me with a face I have never seen him make before. Honest and pure fear, afraid for Shuichi's life. Honestly, I would be the same way about Kaito...sure he is an idiot...but he is able to make me feel something I can't describe. And I don;t want to find out what it is...because I don't want him to think he has to feel the same about me.

"Kaito..." I sighed sitting next to him in the grass. I felt a little calmer because of him being next to me, but also because we were able to find Shuichi...and I'm positive Kokichi is there to take care of him so he should be in good hands.

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