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Shuichi's POV
I held Kokichi in my arms as we walked to the dining hall. I felt bad whenever he would flinch or whimper, but when he smiled up at me it made me feel more at ease. We made our way to the dining hall slowly and surprisingly we didn't pass any of our classmates on the way. I think it is better that way because I know Kokichi is nervous about this whole thing.

We made it the dining hall but Kokichi stopped in his tracks staring at the door. I pulled him into a hug and held the back of his head with my hand while the other one was securely around his waist. I gently caressed the skin on the back on his neck making him shiver and sigh at the touch.

"It's ok if you're not ready," I said into his ear in a whisper moving my hand to comb his hair.

"I know. I have to do it sooner or later and doing it sooner would be better than doing it later..." Kokichi said quietly sounding defeated. I moved my arms around his shoulder gently pulling him into my chest making sure I didn't press too hard on his wounds.

"I believe that you can do this. You are so strong Kokichi and I will be by your side the whole time." I said pulling back to be able to see his face.

"Ok... Thank you, Shuichi." He said before he started to move towards the dining hall making me quickly move my arms around him helping him walk. He pushed the door open and I could hear him take a shaky breath whole we walked in.

Everyone was talking and didn't acknowledge we were here. I took him over to a table and sat him in the seat next to me.

"Hello, Shuichi would you like me to bring you two plates of food?" Kirumi said after she walked over to the table and gave Kokichi a concerned side glance. Kokichi looked down at his hands in his lap. I could tell he didn't like the way people were looking at him. Most of our remaining classmates were trying not to stare, but Kaito wouldn't take his eyes off Kokichi.

"Yes, thank you Kirumi," I said before she moved away from the table disappearing into the kitchen to grab the meals. I glanced over at where Kaito and Maki were sitting. Maki gave me an apologetic look apologizing for Kaito's behavior. I smiled back showing her that it wasn't her fault and it was alright.

"Oh look Kokichi finally came out of his room!" Miu yelled making a lot of people in the dining hall give her glares.

"You know I'm not wrong! He was in his room for most of the past days with Shuichi! They were probably fucking each other!!" Miu exclaimed giving Kokichi a smirk making him shrink back into his chair.

"Miu you shouldn't-" Keebo started only to be cut off.

"Well, Kokichi has been acting weird ever since the new motive came out! Have any of you thought the notebook might be his?!" Miu yelled before getting out of her seat and pointing a finger at Kokichi.

"That may be true... it would make a lot of sense seeing all the strange way he has been behaving recently... and how close he and Shuichi suddenly got..." Tsumugi said under her breath just loud enough for us to hear. Kokichi put his head into my shirt tightly gripping the sides to hide his face.

"Yeah, and seeing what Kaito yelled yesterday it does make Tsumugi's claim more believable," Keebo said making everyone look over at me and Kokichi if they weren't already...

"Shuichi what's been going on with you two recently?" Kaito asked looking me in the eyes making me flustered. I wanted to turn my head away, but I stayed put because I knew Kokichi would want me to be strong.

"Yeah what's this all about Shuichi?" Tsumugi asked making their gazes all turn to me. I took in a shaky breath and wrapped my arms around Kokichi noticing that he was shaking. I rubbed my hands up and down his back before I spoke.

"Kokichi and I have been talking more because Kokichi is my boyfriend. Seeing as we are together the hanging out more often makes sense. And the part about the motive... it doesn't matter who the notebook belonged to because it was just a motive put in order for a murder to happen. So please don't incriminate Kokichi for some superstition you have." I said with a sigh before turning my attention to Kirumi who brought the plates of food placing them on the table in front of me and Kokichi.

"Thank you Kirumi," I said as the dining hall went silent from the statement I said before. I didn't mean to be that forward, but I feel like that was the best thing I could have said to make this easier for Kokichi.

"Yeah, you are right..." Tsumugi sighed turning her attention back to her food.

"It was just for a motive best not to worry about it," Keebo said making everyone but Kaito go back to what they were doing before. Kaito kept his gaze glued to Kokichi who was crying silently into my shirt.

"Hey, it going to be ok," I whispered into his ear making his shaking lessen.

"It's alright. shhh. calm down. it's going to be ok. I'm right here. It's ok." I whispered into his ear under the conversations going on through out the cafeteria. He didn't look up at me or say anything for a moment making me a little concerned before I realized that maybe he wants to tell me when there aren't so many people around.

"Can you try and eat something before we leave?" I asked quietly making him raise his head and grab the fork to take a couple bites of the rice and chicken.

"That's great Kokichi. Do you want to leave now?" I asked looking down too meet his eyes before he nodded. I stood up and brought the plates to Kirumi before helping Kokichi stand before we slowly walked out of the dining hall.

-Here is another chapter sorry it is kind of rushed... I have a ton of projects and a test due tomorrow so I couldn't write that much today. Thanks for reading!-


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