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The picture shattered into hundreds of pieces while they scattered on the floor. Shuichi pulled me back mostly because he didn't want me to get cut by any of them.

"It completely shattered..." Shuichi whispered as he held me close to his chest. My back was pressed against him as his shaking hands were tight around my torso.

"Yeah! We did hit it with a hammer after all!" I exclaimed pushing myself out of his grip. He shook his head before taking my hand. His hand was warm and soft. It was calming to have tiny moments like these every now and then.

We carefully walked through the frame and went into the back room. It had broken computers and some wires when we first came in. There was a hallway to another room that had a light coming out of it.

"There's another-" I cut myself off when we walked into the room. There was a massive device in the center of the room and it was illuminated better than any of the other rooms on this floor.

"What is this place?" Shuichi asked the question that was on both of our minds.

"I have no idea honestly," I shrugged my shoulders and walked closer to it. Maybe Miu could tell us what this is...what is it even for anyway?

Shuichi looked around the room while I kept inspecting the main device in the center. I'm thinking it could be some sort of supercomputer? That or some weirdly shaped thing Monokuma built for other reasons...

I felt myself shudder at the thought. I shook my head quickly before I regained my composure and walked over to my boyfriend.

"Hey Shu~, have you found anything?" I asked poking his cheek making him face me. He turned around and looked me in the eyes. His face was in a tight line...nothing then...great...

"I didn't find anything..." He looked down at his feet with a frown. It made me sad to see him looking so defeated.

"Hey, it's going to be ok," I kissed his hand before I grabbed his chin to look him in the eyes.

"I love you and you tried your best, so why don't we go and tell the others what we found?" I tried to get his mind off of what I was assuming he took as a failure...and kissed his lips for a moment letting my hands go to rest on his hips.

He didn't say anything back to me. He just had a blush on his face before he gave me a cute little nod. I smiled at how cute he was. The cute little pink flush on his cheeks. The way his eyes nervously darted to the side...I love all of it.

"You are just adorable~!" I kissed him again making him gasp before I grabbed onto his hand. I pulled him out of the room being careful of the glass in the frame and the glass on the floor. I also made sure that we were careful walking on the wooden floor...because it was unstable.

The floorboards didn't even seem like they were properly nailed into the floor. It was like they were all just laying on the support beams while we walked on them. I wouldn't be surprised if someone tripped on them...

"Ah, well...we should get going," He changed the subject like he always does when he gets flustered. I giggled at this but didn't say anything more in the matter.

"Alright, where do you think the could be~?" I asked teasingly. He covered his face with his hands before me mumbled out a reply.

"Why don't we check the dining hall...it's close to dinner anyway..." He said under his hand. I laughed and grabbed both of his hands in mine.

"Shuichi~ you know I love to see your face~!" I said spinning him around with me making his blush increased. I love teasing him so much~! But I know it can make him nervous if other people are around...but it also makes it so only I can see his reactions~,

"Well, I..." He cut himself off with a yelp when I cupped his face in my hands. I caressed his cheeks while he looked anywhere but my face. I really want to see him look at me...sometimes his shyness is annoying...but overall it is so fucking adorable~! I love my little Shumai~!

"It's alright! I know we should get going. I just wanted to show you that I love you so much~!" He grabbed my hand and walked with me to the dining hall. I could tell he was still flustered and probably didn't trust his voice not to crack or something. Even his voice cracks are cute though~,

. . .

When we got to the dining hall Kaito and Maki were the only ones there...that's a little suspicious...but they are all probably doing their own thing or something.

"Hey, Sidekick!" We both walked over to the table as Kaito greeted Shuichi. This wasn't anything new, so I just walked over to Maki and sat next to her while Kaito and Shuichi talked.

"You heard it to didn't you..." Maki whispered making me flinch at her words.

"Well yeah, I didn't think anyone else did..." I whispered glad that Shuichi was paying attention to Kaito's conversation other than my conversation.

I didn't want him to have to worry about this...but I should probably tell him because he is going to find out eventually. He is the Ultimate Detective after all...and he is also my boyfriend so he just knows.

"I did...and they know that the notebook is yours." She didn't look over at me which was how she usually talks to most people.

"I knew they would figure it out...but why now..." I whispered back. She gave me a knowing side-glance when some of the other students came into the dining hall.

Why is this all surfacing now?

I mean the motive was right after the first trial...

So why now?

-Here is the next part!! Thank you all so much for all your support and thank you so much for reading!!-


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