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"So, would you like to tell me more about your experience in the game?" The male asked me. He was supposedly my therapist, but honestly, Shuichi is the one who helps me the most, along with the others.

"It's still making my nightmares worse, just because of what they have put us all through. Tsumugi is the one who always is in my nightmares...taking Shuichi from my side and killing him..." I let the words drop from my lips like the heavy stones they felt like.

"I see..." He wrote more things in his notebook before his assistant opened the door and let me out of the room. God I hate coming here. They have been making me come here for months now and it's making everything honestly worse in some ways...because they only want to bring up the past over and over again.

I walked out of the white building with all the white walls and let myself open the door as the cool air surrounded me. The air was a little colder making me wish I had brought a jacket with me...but this morning I remember Shuichi reminding me about it...but I just told him I would be fine without it. Why didn't I just take his advice...

I sighed and saw Shuichi's car waiting for me in front of the building. I smiled to myself and moved towards the car feeling a warm feeling radiate through my chest. I love him so much, he waited for me while they kept me for an hour...even though that felt like forever.

"Koki!" He exclaimed with a smile just as I opened the door. The warmth of the heater of the car enveloped me as I sat into the seat. Shuichi even wrapped his jacket around me with a small laugh.

"You cold, I told you to bring a jacket," He sighed, making me huff. I folded my arms over my chest and looked to the side.

"Yeah, laugh it up," I said with an annoyed tone. Shuichi laughed for a brief moment making my cheeks threaten to reveal my stupid smile and the blush I felt coming to my face. This was partially because of the heat of the car and because of his teasing, sometimes I resent how well he knows me.

"Are you mad?" He asked in a teasing tone, but his eyes were more serious. I shook my head feeling the anger leave my shoulders almost immediately.

"No~ I could never stay mad at you~" I teased leaning into his chair. I rested my head on his arm for a moment. I nuzzled the side of my face with a smile. He is so warm~

I let my eyes move up to his face and his cheeks were red as they usually are because of my teasing~ But honestly I love him and all of his flaws and all of his hidden talents and hobbies~. After another moment passed I moved back into my seat allowing him to drive.

"T-Thank you," He whispered before he started driving the car back to our apartment. I smiled to myself and finally let myself relax for the first time since this morning when they called me to come into the office...I hate coming here so they can get information for their 'research' about the survivors of the game.

"So what have you been up to all day?" I asked, trying to get the conversation started. He smiled as his eyes studied the road.

"I was at work first thing in the morning, and I got let out early to pick you up--which reminds me, I got you something." I felt my eyebrows raise at this. He got me something~ but my birthday isn't coming up...so what would he want to get me?

"Oh~? My beloved shumai got me a gift~?" I said in a teasing tone. He blushed more before stuttering out an answer,

"Y-yeah...you're just going to have to wait until we get back though," I frowned and folded my arms across my chest.

"Fine~~," I said with a sigh before I was cut off by my phone buzzing. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw that Maki was calling me. I smiled and answered the phone.

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