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"Hey, we need to talk about Kokichi...I know all of you know about the motive and we need to get down to business." Keebo said to the small group of students gathered together in the room. 

"Yeah, if he is the mastermind it would be weird for him to expose himself like that-" Tsumugi whispered to herself.

"Well, what if he wanted to throw us off his trail!" Korekiyo said with a gasp. He put his hand over his mask as his eyes widened.

"That does sound like him...what a fucking liar! He even has poochie to fuck with now!" Miu exclaimed. She sneered at the room of students. 

"Gonta confused why we are all here...why is everyone saying this about Kokichi?" Gonta asked awkwardly rubbing his arm. Tsumugi gave him a pat on his shoulder.

"Kokichi is the mastermind of this sick and twisted game and we have to take him out..." Tsumugi whispered.

"Then we can all get out of this fucking hell hole!!" Miu said with a cackle. She slapped her thigh making Tsumugi jump. 

"Yeah..." Tsumugi said before Keebo took over the crowd again.

"Well, we have all of this information about him having issues but is any of it the truth?" He put his hand to his chin before walking over to the board they have with all the information they have on Kokichi. 

"It would be nice to get Shuichi on our side...but he has already brainwashed Shuichi, Maki, and Kaito. Which is surprising." He continued.

"Anyway, moving on with this. We would be able to know if the scars and cuts were real and truthful if we got to see his arms. He is underweight so that matches up with the problem with eating..." He got cut off by Tsumugi. 

"Well, seeing as Shuichi came and asked me and Kirumi to make him a swimsuit that covered his legs and arms that would match up." She put her hand to her chin.

"So if those weren't lies...why would he tell them to everyone else?" Korekiyo asked.

"It could have been because he wanted people to get the suspicion on him so we think it is too obvious for it to be real!" Tsumugi yelled with wide eyes. Everyone in the room jumped from the out of character outburst.

"Tsumugi?" Keebo asked breaking the silence.

"Sorry...that was out of character..." She whispered to herself before she shook her head and went back to being herself.

Keebo and some of the others found this weird but didn't press any farther. "So, why do you want us to suspect Kokichi, Tsumugi?" Everyone in the room turned their gazes to her.

"He is the most suspicious out of all of us! So we just need to be cautious..." She whispered.

"I was just asking because you put this together..." He said putting his head down for a moment before the announcement went off.

"Well, time to go for the night...see you all same time tomorrow," Keebo said before the students began to go to their dorms one by one. Tsumugi looked back to the room with a frown. 'This wasn't supposed to happen...' She thought to herself before she went to her lab.

.   .   .

"Kokichi...I'm scared..." Shuichi said shakily. I woke up, well, woke up makes it sound like I was sleeping. I wasn't sleeping because insomnia is a damn bitch...I was awake anyway I just woke up more because of Shuichi being scared. I hated the thought of him being so anxious...I hated being anxious and it is the last thing I would want him to be...along with being sad of course.

I wrapped my arms around his torso. "It's going to be ok love," I whispered rubbing his back as his shaking lessened under my touch. Shuichi leaned into my touch letting small sobs come out of his mouth. I know I hate having nights like this...but I like being able to have each other for comfort.

Shuichi's sobbing soon became small whimpers. I kept him close and kept whispering sweet nothings in his ears. "It's alright love, I'm right here...I love you," Shuichi let his eyes close again and he slumped against me. I'm glad he was able to get some more sleep...this night hasn't been easy for either of us...I slowly moved back into the pillows after helping Shuichi lay back down. 

His head was rested against my shoulder while his arm was lazily wrapped around me. I pulled the blanket over both of us and moved my hand to Shuichi's hair. Slowly I moved my hand through the navy locks. Shuichi shivered in his sleep and moved closer to me. I smiled to myself. "It's going to be ok now...I'm right here for you and I will never let anyone hurt you,"

I eventually let myself fall asleep next to Shuichi. I had been up on and off the whole night because any time I close my eyes I would see Him and he was always telling me the same things he always tells me.


He could never love something like you

They all hate you

You will never be able to save them

Why don't you just give up already?

I hated all of it but sucked it up and let myself focus on Shuichi's breath. The steady rhythm coaxing me back to sleep.

.   .   .

"Kokichi, you need to get up, I'm glad you slept in but Kaito and Maki are waiting for us..." Shuichi whispered kissing me on my forehead. I started to slowly move around with a groan before I slowly opened my eyes to see Shuichi looking at me with a smile.

"Good...morning Shumai~," I said with a yawn. I was still exhausted from being plagued with nightmares all of last night...Shuichi didn't sleep any better...he had a panic attack in the middle of the night so neither of us slept well...

"We should get going, I grabbed you some clothes." He rubbed his arm awkwardly with a blush on his face. I slowly grabbed the clothes still feeling groggy. I flinched when I saw the scars littering my body. 'Disgusting,' I thought to myself with a sigh. 

I felt a hand resting on my arm. Confused by this, I slowly looked up and saw Shuichi standing over me with a sad smile. I was going to ask him what he was frowning about. Neither of us said anything to each other. Shuichi just slowly moved down and started to kiss every single one of my scars. I blushed and wanted to try to suppress it but knew Shuichi wouldn't judge me either way. 

I don't know what it is about Shuichi, but he is just so kind and gentle it makes me smile no matter what he is doing. I love him so much. I blushed at the thought and tried to stop my face from getting hotter knowing my boyfriend was kissing my scars.

After a while, Shuichi had gotten done with all the ones on my torso and went to move to my legs but I got flustered and grabbed his chin. "We should get going now, shouldn't we love~," Shuichi chuckled and kissed my lips before standing up with me.

I really didn't want to have him kiss me there...I'm so sensitive from being touch starved and trying to not make embarrassing noises when we hug or cuddle is hard enough! I don't want to have to deal with that as well...

"You know I think your scars make you so strong for making it till now...and I love them for that..." He said kissing one scar on the back of my neck as we walked to the dining hall. I just sighed as we walked to the dining hall. 

.   .   .

"Hey, Shuichi, Kokichi!" Kaito yelled when we got to the dining hall. I smiled to myself and we walked over to the table...but I had this overwhelming feeling that everyone else was watching me like they knew something...shit they must have figured it out bu now...I'm kind of surprised they didn't figure it out earlier...while at the same time I'm glad.

I turned my head to look at some of them and all I got were intense glares...like I killed someone and they all had just witnessed it...I hate this feeling. God, what happened yesterday to make them all act like this?

-I know a lot of you had been wondering about the notebook motive at the beginning and here it is. They have been having meetings discussing it while Shuichi and Kokichi were oblivious to this fact. Anyway, thank you all so much for reading!!-


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