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T/W: Themes of hallucinations, gore, and depression. This is a warning.

The third floor was a different format just as the other two have been. There were unreadable scribbles on the wall, but what I could make out was 'killer' and 'fault', so I think they are targeted at me...which must be her plan. Because if she takes me out the rest of them are walking around without a leader.

"What's going to-" He was cut off as there was a sound that came through the hallway. It made my entire body shudder. It was a pained groan, like the one I would make if I was in one of my hallucination attacks and someone was dying because of him. I shook my head again...I hate to admit it but I have a personality inside me that wants to kill every person close to me and then take me out after watching me suffer...I hate this fact about myself, because even when I was younger he has always been in the back of my mind, waiting, waiting for the chance to take over my mind.

'What the hell?!" Tenko yelled, making my thoughts stop. I looked over to her before Kaito put his hand out to me. I turned to face him and saw him making an expression I haven't seen him make before.

"K-Kokichi?" Kaito stuttered as his face got even paler. I saw his hand pointing towards something...I was scared to look in the direction of his weakly raised hand. But after a few moments I turned around and saw that the floor was bright blue and there was a dark liquid flowing on the floor. I wanted to go closer to see what it was while at the same time I knew it was dangerous.

I glanced at Maki and her gaze was set on whatever was down the hallway...I looked again into the darkness and saw nothing other than the dark fluid...

Sure it didn't show any signs of being dangerous, but knowing we are trapped in Tsumugi's game...it must be dangerous. Soon enough a familiar scent came to my nose...the smell of blood...and the calming smell of Shuichi.

"Shuichi?! Are you out there?! Where are you?!" I screamed feeling some tears fall down my cheeks. I found that soon there was no one else around me and I was in a white hallway. There was nothing in the hallway other than the white floor surrounded by white walls. It made my stomach clench, god...this reminds me of the hospital.

"Kokichi!" Shuichi exclaimed from father down the hallway. I looked over to him and surely it was Shuichi, he was standing over there with a calm smile on his face. That smile was always able to make me feel calm, and loved...but where the hell am I? And the others-

"Baby come here~," He said in an odd tone. I looked up at him and blinked a few times. That didn't sound like Shuichi...

"Shu, love, why don't you come to me...I'm having a hallucination right now and you aren't real..." I whispered hating the words that left my mouth. He looked at me before he tilted his head slightly.

"But, I need you to come here, I'm so lonely..." He whispered. He almost convinced me that he was actually there with me...but I knew it wasn't him, because the way he sounded didn't match the look he had on his face. He was lying, well or should I say she...because this has to be Tsumugi trying to fuck with me.

The room was quiet...too quiet...I don't like this. This can't be real...

I tried to walk towards him and as I suspected I felt a liquid underneath my feet. I couldn't see the liquid under me, but that confirmed my suspicion that this was not real. This whole thing is a lie. A tear fell in my hand before Shuichi started yelling at me.

"But you need to come over here! You NEED TO!!" He screamed, making me jump back. I felt something tugging on me pulling me away from him. I need to calm down or this is only going to become more real...come on Kokichi, calm down.

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