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"What about Himiko and Tenko?" I asked after we all were able to catch our breath. Shuichi looked at me with a smile on his face before he pulled out his phone. His phone looked new and by the smile on his uncle's face I assumed that he gave him a phone. After a few moments Shuichi held out his phone for Maki and I to see what was displayed on the screen.

"Oh you got their contact information? But how did you-" I was about to ask him how he was able to get all their information in such a short time, but he cut me off before I could finish my thought.

"When my Uncle met me outside Himiko and Tenko were still talking with some people they knew. So, I walked over and asked them for their contact information. They both smiled as the people that were there with them thanked me for helping them both make it out safely..." He looked down for a moment and I could tell he was chiding himself about the people we lost...I grabbed his hand before he continued.

"Then they asked if I had a phone because they got their phones back from their guardians. And then before I could say no my uncle gave me this phone...and he-" Before he could finish his uncle moved so he was in front of the three of us. I looked at him with a confused look on my face before he handed me and Maki our very own phones. I smiled and went up to hug him.

"Thank you Mr. Saihara!" I said before pulling back. I could tell Maki was a little excited about getting her own phone, but she didn't say anything about it. He gave me a pat on my head before he shook his head.

"No, don't thank me it's my pleasure! And call me Sam!" He said with a smile. I felt like he was my family even though I have only been around him for a short time. But he was so welcoming and accepting of this, not to mention willing and kind for having the three of us stay at his place. ..Shuichi is his nephew so he was going to take care of him already, so it's nice to be able to have someone who wants to have my stay with them. Just like Shuichi has told me multiple times already.

"Alright!" I said with another smile before I blushed at my earlier thought. Shuichi wants to stay by my side even now~ how romantic~ I said giggling a little bit before my mind had another question. How did he know that we were all here? Did Kyoko-

I was cut off by Shuichi before I could finish my thought. "He wanted to give you both a little house warming gift, as well as something to keep tabs on you so if you get in trouble it's easier to contact him or one of us." He said with a smile. That makes me feel safer about this whole thing. I don't want to go back into the real world...I don't even know what to do now that I have gotten out of that godforsaken place...

"Yes, Kyoko also notified me about you guys after telling me that Shuichi has been found. Kyoko knew I was looking to find a roommate because of how empty the house felt without Shuichi there." He said rustling his hand in Shuichi's hair.

"Oh, you mean that?" He asked looking back at him. He smiled and pulled Shuichi into a hug making my hand fall from his.

"Yes of course I do. I know I didn't show it much but I love you Shuichi, I know your parents weren't there for you and I wasn't great at being there for you either." He said, pausing to look Shuichi in the eyes. I moved over to rub Shuichi's back when I noticed he started crying. I felt concerned before I realized that his uncle was being honest with him about the way he made him feel...I wish my parents would do that for me and at least try to change, but they are already set in their own ways and their religion and their own judgement is final...they take nothing else into account...so maybe it will be better to be living with a detective?

"I want to be here for you from now on, after you didn't come home from school that one day I realized that I wasn't being a good guardian to you...and I want to become better, so can you give me another chance?" He asked, holding onto Shuichi's shoulders waiting for his answer. Shuichi looked back at me for a moment as if asking for my opinion. I just smiled at him and nodded, letting him know that it was ok to let him have another chance. Like he did for me all that time ago.

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