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"I can stay with Kokichi while you go to talk with your uncle," Maki said slowly, putting her arms around me. I could feel Shuichi hesitantly give me to Maki...I felt a little abandoned in a way, but it's probably just me being clingy because of almost losing him multiple times in the last 24 hours...

I clung to my shirt. I didn't want him to leave me. I didn't want to be left alone again...I felt some tears come to my eyes as Shuichi arms left from around me. I felt Maki's there in replacement...but it wasn't the same. I wanted Shuichi to be holding me right now, but he isn't even here at the moment.

"Hey, Kokichi, it's ok I'm here while Shuichi goes to talk to his uncle. He just wants to make sure that he is accepting and calm so he can introduce you to him...but he also probably didn't want to take you out there while you are still tired." She said while I yawned. She was right. I am still tired...I feel exhausted. Like there is this force on my shoulders making it hard for my eyes to stay open...making it hard for me to do anything.

I shook my head a couple of times before looking back over at Maki. "Thank you for staying with me...you don't think anyone is going to come with you either?" I asked, rubbing my eyes with my hand. I could feel some tears still in the corners of them as I rubbed Shuichi's jacket against my cheeks. Maki looked over to the door for a moment before gesturing to the couch.

I realized I was still leaning against her. I quickly muttered a sorry before we moved over to the couch. I sat down pulling Shuichi's jacket closer to my chest, not wanting to let go of the scent that was attached to it...the warmth that was still on it from him.

"Yeah, I mean I was at the orphanage before I was taken away and made to be an assassin." She said with a frown. I could tell something was bugging her, but decided that if she wanted to tell me she would. Because honestly, it's not my place to ask.

"I had a friend back there that was going to get taken, but I took her place instead..." Maki sighed looking down at her hands. She clenched them and unclenched them again and again.

"I see," I paused putting one of my hands on her own. "Maybe we can stay together then! Because I know for a fact my parents won't want to come to get me!" Exclaimed with a small laugh. She smiled a bit at me.

"Yeah that sounds nice," She paused before she looked at me.

"We are almost 18...so we could probably go look for a place to stay," She said as I met her gaze. I smiled at her.

"Yeah, we could stay somewhere with the others," I said with a smile. Shuichi, we could be living together~ with the others, it would be nice...sure we will get on each other's nerves, but I'm sure we could all make it work. I mean I have been running an organization with members that come from all over! So, I'm positive we will be able to work it out!

My smile fell...DICE, where the hell are they? Are they ok working without me? I felt a serious expression take over my face as my gaze fell to the floor. Did they get caught? How have they even been doing without me? I asked myself putting my head in my hands.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Maki asked gently, putting a hand on my shoulder. I smiled a bit at the action but wasn't able to get it off my mind. I have left them alone for so long...so what if they aren't doing ok? I sighed running a hand through my hair.

"I'm just worried about DICE," I said, feeling a little guilty for saying the name out loud. Maki didn't seem to mind it and she just moved her hand away to put it back into her lap. I moved back in the seat so I was leaning back before I met her gaze again.

"I get that feeling, I'm worried about some people I left behind as well," She said but I could hear her add, I still feel guilty about leaving them all behind....She didn't say it outloud but I still heard it loud and clear.

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