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It's been getting easier to eat, which is surprising. I think Shuichi is helping me a lot more than I think he should have to...but I think it is making all of this better. All of the times I would always be having thoughts of wanting to hurt or kill myself seem to not come to my mind as much.

"Here you go," Kirumi said walking over to our table and placing meals in front of me and Shuichi. "Thank you Kirumi," Shuichi said while Maki gave her a small nod. It feels nice to not be getting glares from everyone all the time. But is this going to make it harder to get out of here...getting too attached to anyone could spell out disaster for me...especially seeing where it has led me in the past...

"So, Maki said she would go swimming tomorrow! You guys are coming right?" Kaito asked with a big smile on his face. "Yeah, we will be there," Shuichi looked down at me making sure that I was ok with going swimming tomorrow. I gave him a nod and a smile. I don't want him to have to miss out because of my fears...so I will suck it up and I'm going to go swimming.

"All of the others said they would join as well!" Kaito gave Shuichi a thumbs up making my stomach twist. I don't want to have to go swimming with all of them...but I need to get over this...right? For Shuichi...

It's not that I haven't ever liked swimming...it's just I have almost drowned and have almost been drowned...and it was traumatizing and it makes swimming look less appealing than it already was...I didn't go swimming much because of all the marks I made on myself as well and people always judged me for sitting it out...I'm so lame...

"So, Kokichi did you guys find where all of the items went?" Maki turned the attention over to me cutting off my train of thought. "Yeah, we did and it didn't take as long as I thought it would because me and Shuichi make a great team!" I exclaimed putting an arm around him with a smile on my face. I felt good about how well we worked together today. I feel like out of everyone here that he is the best match for me...I can't say the same for him...but he is so kind hearted to stay by my side for this long...I love him and I don't want him to feel like he is being held back because of all my problems.

"I'm glad," Maki gave me a smile making me smile back. I never knew Maki could be so kind to others, I mean seeing what her actual talent is anyway...but I think she makes a great ally and she is really helpful when trying to solve things. She also can keep Kaito in line, I mean that's a talent all on its own. Kaito can be such a dumbass it makes me want to rip my hair out but he has been getting better...I guess.

The night time announcement went off and me and Shuichi made our way to his dorm. "See you guys tomorrow for swimming!" Kaito yelled before leaving abruptly. "I'll see you guys tomorrow," Maki whispered before disappearing into her room. Me and Shuichi gave them a wave before we went into his dorm room.

"Kokichi, are you sure you want to go swimming tomorrow?" Shuichi must have sensed my nervousness. How do you do it Shuichi? I have no clue how you can read me so well...I mean you are the ultimate detective. "Kokichi?" I felt a hand on my shoulder making me blush. I must have not said anything. "Sorry, Shuichi, I think I'll be alright!" I said putting on a smile...it was a fake one, but I hoped he wouldn't try and press farther with this topic.

"Alright, but tell me if you feel uncomfortable and we can leave, ok?" He went and changed into his pajamas as I soon did the same. "Yeah, thanks Shuichi," I whispered before walking over to the bed waiting for him to join me. He took a moment before he walked over to the bed. "Sorry, I was just thinking about something," He wrapped his arms around my torso. "It's alright Shushu,"

I nuzzled into his chest before I pulled my head away from him. "What were you thinking about love?" I asked wanting to ease his stress. I could tell he was nervous about something...did Kaito say something to him? "I was just worried about the motive...I don't want anything bad to happen..." My stomach did a flip. I don't want anything to happen...I don't want Shuichi to get hurt or anyone else...God please say nothing happens...

"I'm sure it will be alright Shuichi, we are trying our best to end this killing game remember. We can do this!" I said caressing his cheek making him look into my eyes. He let out a shaky breath. I don't want him to have to feel like this...if anything I should be feeling like this while he is being calm with his friends...having fun without me...I shouldn't think like that! Shuichi says that he loves me and wants to be around me...and I believe him. He is super bad at lying after all.

"Yeah, your right," He paused and kissed me. I closed my eyes and let him comb his finger through my hair before he slowly pulled away. "I love you so much Kokichi," He brushed his fingers across my face pushing my bangs out of the way. "I love you so much, my love," I blushed and slowly let my eyes slide closed. "Goodnight my love,"

. . .

"Swimming today! Kirumi and Tsumugi made this for you!" Shuichi said walking over holding up a swimsuit for me. It was a black swimsuit that went over your legs and your arms. I smiled up at him. "I love it Shuichi, thank you for doing this for me!" I smiled and poked his cheek making him blush again. "Of course Kichi," He blushed covering his mouth with his hand.

-Monday update! I keep getting reminded from all my supposed 'friends' that I'm not important enough to remember. Whoo Hoo...love people so much...I shouldn't be complaining...Anyway, Thank you all so much for reading!!-


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