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I woke up and looked over at Shuichi who was still soundly sleeping. I wanted to wake him up so we could cuddle more and I felt a little bad but- I wanted cuddles so I'm going to get them!

I moved closer into his chest and shook him a bit before his eyes fluttered open, "Ko...kokichi?" He asked, sounding exhausted. I don't blame him because yesterday was really emotionally spending...he had a panic attack while I left with Tenko to talk to Angie...we should probably go and make sure that she isn't doing anything weird with the student council before we go to breakfast.

"I want cuddles~," I said with a smirk grabbing onto his arms. I secured them around my waist with a hum. He just sighed into my hair and slowly began to rub my back up and down. I closed my eyes and let the feeling come over me. Calming shivers of pleasure running through my spine making me sigh, feeling content with the feeling surrounding me. My thoughts and worries about the game and about Angie all lost to the moment.

I could feel the heat from his breath as he smiled against my hair. My head is probably one of the more sensitive parts of my body, I don't like admitting this to anyone. But I'm pretty sure with Shuichi and his detective insight he has already figured that out. I mean even though he can be super dense he has his moments of being super smart! It's interesting and super entertaining to watch this! Seeing his cute thinking face while he puts things together before he states them with confidence and a willingness to rebuttal against anyone who is wrongly accusing him of being incorrect. He is just amazing!

I moved back slightly getting over the shivers and the loss of the feeling so I could look into his eyes. He looked down at me confused probably because of the change that I was about to act on. "Can I hold your hand?" I asked with innocent eyes. If I'm right this should make him super flustered! I mean I haven't tried it before...but I know Shuichi and I'm sure that the amount of innocence will make him super flustered~.

"I-I U-um...what?" He asked as his face immediately went red. I knew it! Bullseye! I giggled to myself before getting cut off by him moving his hand to grab my own. I looked at him tilting my head a bit trying to make him blush even more in any way I can. He looked to the side for a moment leaving the two of us in silence. What could he be trying to do~? Maybe my beloved is trying to be bold for once~ A d o r a b l e~! I smirked to myself before he kissed my hand.

"Shuichi~ How romantic~" I teased with a smile. He just looked at me a little annoyed before he sighed and frowned.

"Kokichi..." He frowned for a moment before he smiled again.

"How could I ever be mad at you?" He asked moving his other hand to cover his mouth and the cute pink blush behind it.

"Well~ You love me don'tcha~?" I asked, teasing again. He smiled lightly as his hand moved back down to my waist. I smirked feeling proud of my accomplishment. I know you better than you think my love~.

"Y-yeah...but you already know that," He said slowly moving off the bed, making me frown this time.

"But Shu~" I groaned grabbing for him. He looked back for a moment not responding. I met his eyes and pouted which made him laugh.

"We should get going soon," He said looking over to the door. I groaned again before getting up and getting changed.

"Fine!" I yelled before angrily throwing my clothes on. Shuichi just laughed and waited for me by the door.

"What a gentleman~ you must be taking lessons from Gonta Nishishi~," I teased before walking out of the room with him.

"I don't know about that...all I did was open the door Kichi," He whispered, rubbing the back of my hand. I sighed at how he always seems to not take a compliment without discounting himself for it beforehand...

"I still think it was pretty romantic Shu~ holding a door open for little old me~ Adorable~!" I kissed the back of his hand feeling him jump.

"Did I embarrass you?" I asked starting to place kisses around his wrist. He didn't say anything he just blushed and shook his head.

"It's ok if you are~, we should get to the dining hall though! I'll stop messing with you," I paused before adding.

"For now~," I was sure that made him blush more and I took it as a small victory that I was able to make him smile even though he was more anxious and paranoid about things.

We were on our way to the dining hall before Maki met us halfway. "Guys, Angie's lab is locked and no one has heard a sound from the room and the door is still closed...something's up." She said blankly before walking to the fourth floor.

Me and Shuichi shared a glance before we both followed behind her. Just as she said Angie's lab was locked and even if we knocked, yelled, or screamed, no answer came.

"How are we going to get in?" Shuichi asked as the other people there just shook their heads or shrugged. I put my hand on my chin, well I was going to have to put my locking picking skills to the test at some point! It's about time! I thought to myself with a grin.

I let go of Shuichi's hand and skipped to the door with a smile. I started to lockpick the door and heard Shuichi move closer to me. "What are you doing Koki?" He asked. I could tell he was nervous- hell I feel nervous about what must have happened behind the door to make Angie not respond to any of us at all.

"I can pick this door open in just a sec!" I exclaimed before after a few more picks there was a click. This indicates that the door was now unlocked. I smiled to myself and got off of my knees before looking back to all of them.

"TADA~!" I yelled before opening the door with a small bow. Shuichi rolled his eyes at me but I still took it as a small victory before I grabbed his hand again. I felt the bad feeling I had before double when I smelt that familiar smell when I walked into the room...god no-

Angie Yonaga lay there dead for all of us to see.

-Sorry this was so late! Today literally kicked my ass- I got a bunch of homework right after going to school for 6 hours and then my computer kept crashing and it was just a pain....anyway! Thank you all so much for reading!!-


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