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"Hey, Shuichi...I know it might be weird of me to ask...but I want to know," I asked as we started putting the dishes away. He was handing them to me to dry before I stacked them together. After finishing that we started putting them away into the cupboards.

"What do you want to know? If there is something you want to ask me, feel free," He said turning to me and giving me a small smile. I felt more relaxed knowing he was smiling and wants to know what's on my mind.

"Well, you always mention that you didn't have the best family either...and I was wondering if you maybe wanted to talk about it?" I almost facepalmed when I heard the words leave my mouth. Good going Kokichi...what if the question made him uncomfortable? God, you dumbass...

There was a moment of terrible silence before he spoke. "If you would like to know I will tell you when we go back to my room to cuddle," He paused and gave me a kiss on my forehead as he put the last dishes away. I blushed and smiled up at him. He wants to tell me. Nobody ever lets me ask things like this without being hella suspicious or hurting me in some way for asking...

"Ok, thank you, Shu," I said as the cupboard closed. Shuichi grabbed my hand and gently pulled me out of the kitchen. I didn't say anything because I know he probably doesn't want to talk right now, well, at least before we get to his dorm room.

The dining hall was quiet. I mean everyone has already left the dining hall and left for their rooms.

Ding Dong

Bing Bong

The nighttime announcement sounded but that didn't make Shuichi stop walking. We just kept on walking to his dorm hand in hand.

"Another day...I hope tomorrow nothing too gory happens..." Monopiane said shaking next to Monotaro.

"Well! A new motive may be coming tomorrow Upupupu!!" Monokuma screeched before the monitor shut off.

Shuichi opened the door to his room and slowly closed it behind us. "A new motive..." He whispered to himself putting his hand to his chin.

"Yeah..." I went to go sit on his bed...I don't want another motive to have to worry about...I just want to be with my love...without who's whole hells game.

"Hey, you wanted to know about my family right?" Shuichi asked trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, I do," I turned back to him and held his hand in my own. His fingers were slightly shaking. I let my thumb trace circles on his hand to try and calm him down.

"Well, to start...my parents are famous where we lived. My mom was an actress and my dad was a very accomplished businessman. So because of this, I didn't get much attention as a child..." He paused and I noticed he had some tears falling down his face. I turned his head towards me and wiped the tears off with my thumbs.

He looked up at me with a shaking lip holding onto my hand tightly. I gave him a small nod and a supportive smile gesturing for him to continue.

"Thank you...so when I was younger I was always so alone because my parents were almost never home. They only had me because the media was all over them...so they would visit to show me off to the public. After a while my uncle found out when I was volunteering to help him so he took me in," He sighed and took in a few deep breaths before calming down a bit more allowing him to continue.

"Living with my uncle was nice but he was busy most of the time as well, but he would be there whenever I had a school project or got a good grade on a test. My parents got some shit from the media from having me live with my uncle but soon enough they gave up and left me alone."

"My parents always hated how I was so gloomy all the time. I would only wear black all the time and wouldn't go out much...I have self-harmed before because of how lonely I was feeling. I never thought I would ever have someone who wouldn't hate me for being so clingy..." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his lap. I smiled and planted a gentle kiss on his neck.

"So I have experienced a lot of neglect and emotional abuse in my childhood...so that's why I get what you mean when you tell me about your mom and your other siblings..." He frowned and let some more tears fall from his eyes.

"Hey it's ok, I'm sorry that happened to you...but like you said before they didn't care about you and I can be your family! As your boyfriend, I am better than family!" I exclaimed planting kisses all over his face. He giggled and soon pushed me away only to pull me into a kiss.

I smiled against his lips letting myself relax into the embrace. He pulled away moments later with a smile.

"Why don't we read a book and cuddle?" He asked gently making a small blush come to my face. It wasn't really for any reason, in particular, he was just so cute when he asked it~,

"That's what we came here for didn't we~," I pulled him over into the bed. I got comfortable in the covers as he reached over and grabbed a book from beside his bed. He slowly sits up and lets me cuddle up against him.

He started reading the book to me and his unfairly angelic voice was making me feel sleepy. Eventually, he noticed this and ditched the book so we could just cuddle.

"I love you~," He said caressing my cheeks. We read maybe two or three chapters before we went back to just cuddling.

"Hey! Let me at least tease you before you go on teasing me!" He laughed and kissed my cheeks. I grabbed his hand and moved up on his lap and went closer to his ear.

"You shouldn't tease me unless you want me to tease you back~," I breathed into his ear making him flinch under me. I laughed at his reaction.

"You are so cute~!" I nuzzled my face into his shoulder and kissed his neck gently before playfully biting him.

"H-hey?!" Shuichi gasped making me laugh even harder.

"You are so easy to tease~," I smirked at him before going back into his embrace.

-Here is today's update! Thank you all so much for reading!!-


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