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"What's the necromation?" Shuichi asked just as Monokuma revealed a book to all of us. I looked at it confused...so this is the motive?

"I think the student council should hold onto that!" Angie pranced over and grabbed it from the monokubs. She laughed while the rest of the students around her smiled. This is getting creepy...maybe Angie is brainwashing them?

"I would explain but people keep rudely interrupting me!" Monokuma yelled giving all of them an intense glare. I jumped a bit at the sudden change in tone. Shuichi must have noticed because moments later he grabbed my hand and rubbed my knuckles.

I felt calmer knowing he was there beside me. Going into something alone always makes me nervous. I have always had to go and do things on my own because of this I have never really known how much easier it to do things with another person by your side.

Having Shuichi in my life has changed me as a person. It's nice in a way. I feel like I'm able to talk to more people and I have been making new friends...even if it's just Kaito and Maki who are my friends.

This feeling makes me feel good in a way. The way you feel waking up on one of those perfect mornings. The quiet and calming aura surrounding you while you can lay down and relax on your bed. Listening to the quiet music of your calming thoughts...but those always end at some point and then it's back to the normal day...

I sighed and held back onto his hand. "Using that book and following the instructions you will be able to revive one of your past classmates! So choose wisely!" He yelled before him and the kubs left.

"So we have to use the book- and they are already gone..." I whispered seeing Angie and the others no longer in the room. Korekiyo was standing by the door holding his hand over his mouth. Is he thinking about something? He always has been a little much...that's why I don't hang around him much.

"Korekiyo what do you think is going on with Angie?" Shuichi asked pulling me over to Korekiyo. He flinched when he heard his words but soon composed himself.

"I think Angie has power over the others and is getting them to follow her and her atua..." He whispered as his eyes went back and forth from me and Shuichi. I looked at him and thought about the words he just said.

Is she controlling them with having them believe in Atua? I mean people have done that in the past with religion...because religion was the most power gaining thing you can have...

Shuichi gave me a side glance before we both left the room. "I think this whole thing can end up being dangerous..." He whispered holding onto my hand. He didn't look at me. This made me feel a little confused but I was sure he was just trying his best to come up with a plan to get out of this...

"Yeah, I mean she already has them all under her finger..." I whispered holding his hand as we walked. It was nice to have some silence between us so I could think.

The necromation...the new motive...Angie already has the upper hand. Wait! I could have asked Korekiyo if he knew what the necromation was. Maybe he would have given us some insight...he does study humans, right? So he must know of a resurrection ritual.

"Hey, Kokichi," Shuichi asked holding his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him with a small frown.

"What is it, Shu?" I asked trying to keep my voice calm and collected. I didn't really feel anxious or anything...I was just feeling a little unsteady because of the new motive...which is ultimately going to lead to murder. Somehow anyway...

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to training tonight," He said with a look over to the door. I moved my eyes and saw Kaito and Maki standing there. I got what they were trying to do so I decided to help them.

"Yeah, I think Maki was talking about discussing new ways to exercise," I said with a smirk. He looked at me with a smile.

"Well, then I want to hear what this is!" He said a little too enthusiastic for my liking but I know he isn't the best at lying so I let it pass.

I gave him a nod and walked over to the door where they were standing. Maki knew what was going on and led us to her dorm room letting us all in.

We all looked around the room at each other. I didn't like the feeling of gloom hanging over all of our shoulders. It's like a crushing feeling of worry and guilt...something you can't get rid of...it's just always there with you...

I sighed and decided to speak first. "This new motive...does anyone know that the book even says?" I ask looking at Maki.

"No, I tried to have Angie show us it and I even tried to take it from her but her other members of the student council wouldn't let me get near her..." Maki sighed.

"Yeah! It was so weird! She was talking about the student council and how they are trying to prevent more murders by enforcement of the rules and having more strict rules." Kaito sighed rubbing the back of his neck.

I bit on my fingernail. "This isn't good..." I whispered. This has to have something to do with yesterday and with how Kirumi murdered Ryoma...at nighttime...

"That makes sense with how they were asking us so many questions about being out of our rooms after the nighttime announcement," Shuichi added. I was surprised at how he was able to just know what he was trying to say.

"Yeah, no kidding..." Maki said with a frown. We all decided to end the meeting for now because it was going to start looking suspicious if they stayed in much longer.

. . .

"Hey, Shuichi can we stop by my room before we go to dinner? I want to put my grab my lock picking things just so I have them on me," I asked pointing over to my dorm as we left Kaito and Maki.

"Yeah that's alright," He said not questioning into the topic any farther. I smiled at this and walked into my room only to stop when I saw my kubs pad with an arrow through it with a note attached.

"Oh, you think you are so smart~ well if you don't give up on finding the mastermind something might happen to your beloved! Don't think I won't go to the extent of killing him because you know I can! You wouldn't want that now would you~ I hope you make the right choice!

-Here is another part and another cliffhanger! I have been having a down day today and I'm just overly tired...anyway, thank you all so much for reading!-


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