Part 2

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I didn't know what to do. I didn't know how to get Harry off the stage without causing a scene.

I pressed my ear piece. "What do you want me to do?" I asked, trying to be somewhat quiet, but also loud enough so he could hear me over the screams. The girl next to me looked over at me..

"You can't kill him. Ok? It's wrong, and there's thousands of innocent people out there as well." Jeff stated. He was trying to buy Harry some more time. Harry would have no idea what's going on. His ear piece doesn't connect to his security team.

"I recommend you move out of my way. His security team has been dealt with, as well as the arena's security. You're the only thing left in the way." The other man explained. I quickly realized he was right, looking around the arena. Harry wasn't being protected by anyone. There were no guards around the stage, and no arena-staff in sight. Where were they? "Shit." I cursed. Harry ended his last song, and ran off stage as the arena went pitch black.

"Jeff he's moving." I stated, getting worried. "Brynn this is on you, go now. Help him!" He exclaimed before going silent. I quickly stood up, easily jumping over the barricade before the lights could come back on. I sprinted all the way around the mass of girls. It got more difficult as the lights came back on, and I had to dodge many of the people who were trying to leave..

I quickly found the tunnel he'd gone down. Not being guarded. But the girls were leaving it alone, as it was covered by a curtain. I went through it, shutting it behind me.

I relaxed when I saw him and his band hanging out in that hallway. They were all standing around, talking and drinking water.

They all looked over at me. "You can't be back here." One of the girls spoke up. His drummer, I think. I nodded. "Actually I can. Harry you need to come with me, now. Your security has been compromised. Someone is in the arena. They're trying to kill you." I explained, knowing I'd sound crazy, but there was no time to explain. He raised his eyebrows. "Is that so? And you know this.. How?" He asked. I sighed. "Wait a minute... you're the one who was late. That was really quite rude you know?" He stated, wasting more time.

I groaned. "Listen to me, there really isn't time for this. He's going to kill you." I commented, my heart racing. I pressed my ear piece, but only got silence in return. By pressing it, I was sending an alert to Jeff that I needed to speak to him. A signal would go off in his ear piece and on his phone. He always answers. But, there was no response. Wherever Jeff was, he wasn't conscious, or at least unable to answer.

"Uh huh. And, how do you know this?" He questioned, obviously thinking I was one of his ridiculous fans.. I rolled my eyes, knowing I was compromising my identity. But, this was part of my job.

"Because." I stated, pulling out my black card, that only Harry would recognize. He pinched his eyebrows together, confused. He walked over, taking it out of my hand and looking at it, flipping it over. It had red writing on it. His name, the title "Security" written across it, and my ID number.

He met my eyes. "This doesn't make any sense. Why do I not know you? Did you steal this from someone?" He asked. His band seemed confused. They didn't know what the card was, or what it meant. Only a select few have it.

I took the card back, shoving it in my pocket again. "No. I really don't have time to explain this right now. Jeff is unconscious somewhere. Didn't you realize that when you came back for your encore, all the security was gone? No one is guarding this tunnel, or any of them. Please, just come with me." I said, already thinking my way through how I would get him out of here safely.

"No. Sorry, but I don't know who you are. I know everyone on my security team." He replied. I groaned impatiently, glancing down the tunnel when I heard someone running down one of the other hallways backstage.

I saw a big man come around the corner. He had a gun clutched in his hand. "Shit." I muttered, grabbing Harry's arm and quickly shoving him back through the curtain. I followed him and grabbed his arm again, pulling him back around the stage. The bowl had cleared out, and was now empty.

Harry was letting me lead him, and was running with me. I crouched down behind the other side of the stage, pulling him down next to me. I started visualizing my plan in my head. "You're really part of my security team? Cause you look like—" I covered his mouth with my hand. "Could you shut up about that? Obviously I'm kinda busy trying to save your ass." I whispered, hearing the man shouting.

"You may as well come out here and face your death! You aren't leaving here alive, Mr. Styles!" He shouted, his voice echoing through the arena. Harry was staring at me as I looked around the bowl, trying to think. He pulled my hand off his mouth. "Let me see that card again." He said quietly. I gave him an impatient look.

"There's no time. Just, run when I do, and stay close to me." I whispered. He remained hesitant. He didn't know who I was, and because of that, I knew he didn't trust me. I sighed impatiently, pulling the card out and handing it to him. He ran his thumb across the surface, studying the card carefully, before flipping it over. He handed it back to me, nodding, obviously still confused. I just hoped he would do as I said..

I held up three fingers between the two of us, and counted down. Once I got down to zero, I shoved myself off the wall and bolted down the nearest tunnel. Harry hadn't gotten as quick of a start, but was a few feet behind me.. I slid around a corner, and he followed me, as clumsy as someone could be doing-so. He finally caught up to me as I sprinted down the hall, glancing over my shoulder. I hit the button to the elevator, knowing the stairs were the other direction down the hallway, no longer an option..

The man came barreling around the corner, the momentum of the movement carrying his weight straight into the wall. He grunted, but kept coming, holding the gun up. I hit the button a few more times, and grabbed Harry's wrist, pulling him behind me to shield him.

I wasn't tall enough. I'm barely 5'5. "Oh my god." Harry muttered, tightly holding onto my arm. I was still repeatedly hitting the button, watching as the huge man sprinted down the hallway towards us..

The elevator dinged, the doors slowly opening. I quickly jumped in, pulling Harry with me and hitting the close-door button as well as one of the other floors. The man was maybe 70 feet from us, running at full speed as the doors began to slowly close. He raised the gun and the next thing I knew, the doors were shut, and Harry was on the ground.

I hadn't even heard the gun go off.. He was holding his left arm, and had screamed when it hit him.

I quickly fell down next to him, pulling his hand away from the bloodied arm. I relaxed. "Oh thank god." I commented. He looked at me. "What the hell do you mean 'oh thank god'?! He shot me!" He exclaimed, clearly not experiencing many injuries in his lifetime. I rolled my eyes. "Look at it. The bullet didn't hit you. It missed. It skimmed your arm, that's all." I said, and he looked at his arm, running his fingers over it, smearing the blood. "Oh.." He said quietly, and I watched him as he started leaning against the wall.

"No! No, you have to stay awake. You're barely fucking bleeding; get ahold of yourself!" I exclaimed, watching as the elevator got to our floor. "Harry come on, get up." I commented.

He slowly let me pull him off the ground, and as we stepped out of the elevator, he looked over at me, his eyes on my stomach. "Harry, could you not stare at me right now? We don't have time for that. We need to get out of here." I said, looking around the empty concourse of the arena. "No.. You said the bullet skimmed my arm.. It's um.. It's.." He stumbled over his words, and my mind caught up.

I'd been standing behind him in the elevator...

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