Part 51

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** Brynn's POV **

I woke up in the middle of the night, still lying next to Harry. I guess I'd slept through the entire day..

I looked around the room. Pitch black. I glanced over at Harry. Still sleeping. I reached up, pushing another hair off his forehead that had somehow fallen back down. I jumped when I felt a hand come around my arm. I sat up, surprised. He didn't move, still holding onto my wrist with his left hand. "Harry?" I asked quietly.

I tried to pull my arm free, but he wouldn't let go of it. I sighed, looking at him. He still had his eyes shut, but the heart monitor had started beeping slightly faster. I was worried that there could be something wrong with his heart. I mean, he died a few days ago.. Well, for a few minutes...

"Harry." I repeated. He didn't respond, or even slightly react. I sighed, lying back down. He was still gripping my wrist, so I didn't understand how he was remaining unconscious. After trying to get my arm back, again, I finally just let it slowly rest across his stomach. He wasn't moving the arm he had closest to me, and the rest of him was completely still..

I let my head slowly fall back down on the pillow. The monitor went back to the steady beeping from before. I sighed, not sure why he'd moved. I mean, that's not possible, right? For a person in a coma? They don't move as far as I know...

I laid there for a few minutes, thinking about how guilty I still felt. It was my alcohol that caused this. I knew he was a recovering (short-term) alcoholic, and still let him drink..  For some reason, lying here sort of helped me feel a little better about that. I guess seeing him still alive, and knowing that I didn't kill him soothed some of my thoughts. Plus, the hospital was freezing, and he still had a lot of body-heat radiating off of him..

I couldn't fall back asleep, but I did shut my eyes again....


Apparently I'd fallen back asleep, cause I woke up early the next morning, my wrist still stuck in Harry's grasp. I sighed, trying to pull it free. I used my other hand, slowly managing to get my arm free..

I looked at him again, and got up, leaving the room. The nurses were in the middle of switching shifts. I went back into my room, quickly using the bathroom. I washed my hands, and then grabbed my phone. There weren't any new articles, which meant that they had no new information, and had no way of obtaining it..

I pulled my hood up, and walked out of my room, keeping my head down. The nurses were all busy filling out paperwork from the night-shift, so no one paid me any attention. I got to the main lobby, seeing a few reporters sitting out on the curb. But, they looked bored, and were all sipping coffee, scrolling through their phones. They were probably waiting for Jeff. I kept my head down as I walked through both sets of double doors..

I had no trouble getting past them, and headed back to my apartment, having to take a taxi.

There were a few reporters outside, so I told the driver to stop around the corner..

I kept my head down, pretending to be on the phone, speaking in French as I passed them and entered my building.. My door had police tape across it. I guess they'd been investigating it or something. I opened the door, ducking under the tape and going inside..

Maybe an hour later, Jeff was calling me repeatedly. I guess they realized I'd left.. I thought that once I was back here, I'd feel better. That wasn't the case. Everything in here was bringing back the fact that I still felt incredibly guilty..

But, I pushed away all of those feelings, reminding myself that it was in the past and that feeling guilty wouldn't change the fact that he's in a coma..

I took a long shower. It made me feel a little better, getting to thoroughly wash my hair, face, and being able to shave.

When I got out, I quickly did my minimal makeup, and pulled the hoodie back on.

I went into the bedroom, hesitating at the door. I remember getting out of bed that morning. He'd been fine at the time.. I walked over, seeing a few drawers pulled out. Harry's bag had also been dug through, and I remembered that he'd been entirely naked that morning. They'd had to get him dressed before they could take him out of the building.. I hadn't even thought of that..

I looked around a little more, my eyes catching on something under the sheets. I went over, pulling them down. It was Harry's phone. I grabbed it, turning it on. Old calls from his mom and sister, the day this all happened.. Then a ton of other missed phone calls he'd gotten in the last few days. I recognized a few of the names. They were other celebrities that he was close with. He'd also gotten over two hundred messages, probably all related to the incident. Curious people, wanting to know what had happened, or if he was alright..

I put the phone back down, and grabbed some things from around the apartment. A few of my t-shirts, and a few of Harry's, along with a pair of his shorts that he could wear when he woke up.. If he woke up..

I shoved all of that in an old backpack, and grabbed some other things from my bathroom. Like my deodorant, and my toothbrush and whatnot..

I was about to walk out the door, and stopped, going back into the bedroom and grabbing his phone and charger.. I didn't take another look around. I just knew I couldn't be here. It wasn't doing me any good. If anything, it made me feel even more worse..

I put some sunglasses on when I got downstairs, and kept my hood up as I walked out the door. I had the backpack slung over my shoulders. A few of them looked at me, and I felt their eyes still on me as I walked a little ways down the sidewalk.. I called a taxi over, and opened the back door, telling them where I needed to go, in French, then shutting the door....


Getting back into the hospital was a little more difficult. The amount of press had doubled, and were blocking all the doors.. I kept my head down, sunglasses on, as I excused myself through the crowd. None of them said a word to me. I went inside, glancing back over my shoulder as I hit the button for the elevator......

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