Part 88

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"I'm scared." I said quietly, feeling him rest his chin on the top of my head, his other arm coming around me as well. "I know." He replied, speaking softly..

After a few minutes of sitting like that, I knew I was still tired from just having woken up. I sighed, letting myself relax, and falling back asleep....


When I woke back up two hours later, Harry was no longer there, which really surprised me for some reason.. I rolled over, facing the wall, jumping when the bedroom door opened. I looked over, seeing Harry come back in. "Sorry, didn't mean to wake you." He said quietly. I shook my head. "You didn't." I replied, lying back down. "So. Um. Our conversation earlier.. Does that mean you'll have the baby?" He asked.

I hesitated. "I don't know yet." I commented. He nodded, but didn't push it.. "Why do you want me to do this so much?" I questioned, rolling over to face him. He was sitting back on the floor cushion.

"That's sort of complicated I guess." He replied.. When I didn't say anything, he sighed, sitting up a little. "I see.. So, I guess we both have secrets." I murmured, rolling over and facing away from him. I honestly didn't care too much. I mean, he clearly wasn't comfortable talking about it, so I'm not going to force him to tell me. He was patient with me and my secrets. It's only fair that I do the same, right?

He didn't say anything. I instinctively rolled to my stomach, grimacing at the pain that came with it. The cuts were still not 100% healed. They were pretty close to it, but still hurt a little bit...

"Are you ok?" He asked. I nodded, not turning back over to face him.. "Have you said anything about it to your mom?" I questioned, and heard him curse under his breath. I rolled back over, careful not to stretch my stomach too much in the process.. "I forgot I have to tell her." He said, running his hands through his hair..

My phone suddenly started vibrating, making me jump. I sighed, reaching over and picking it up off the bedside table. Unknown number. I set it back down, knowing I didn't want to talk to some annoying telemarketer right now..

"So, when do you think you'll tell her?" I asked, looking back over at him.. He shrugged. "I'll probably wait a few weeks. We can get a picture of the scan thing, and show that to her." He commented, glancing over at my phone when that same unknown number started calling me again.

I groaned, grabbing my phone and answering it. "I'm really not interested in what you're selling, so don't bother wasting your time." I stated, about to hang back up when they spoke..

"Hello, Brynn." I froze, meeting Harry's gaze. He sent me a confused look. "Don't say anything to him." Ryan stated, and I looked around the room, not sure how he knew I was with Harry.

"I know everything, Brynn. Of course you'd be stupid enough to get pregnant with his child. Now, listen to me carefully, and you'll want to do everything I say." He trailed off. I could feel my heart about to beat out of my chest.

"You're going to meet me a week from today. I'll send you the address.. If you don't, I'll make sure your boyfriend doesn't live to see that child." He explained. I swallowed, his tone scaring me. "I don't want to." I said.. He laughed, sending chills down my spine.

"You don't have a choice, cupcake. You meet me, or he dies. I know exactly where you are right now, and that he's sitting right next to you.. You can't hide from me, Brynn." He commented. "Just leave me alone. You know I still have a restraining order against you, right? I'll call the cops." I replied, and Harry held his hand out, wanting to talk to Ryan.

I shook my head. "No, let me talk to him." Ryan said, and I looked around again, glancing over at the window, confused. "Brynn, give him the damn phone before I make you regret it." He stated. I looked back over at Harry, handing him the phone. He held it up to his ear.

"You better leave her alone." He said. I couldn't hear Ryan's response, but knew it wasn't good based on Harry's expression.. He didn't say anything else, and handed me the phone back.

I hesitated, before bringing it back up to my ear. "A week from today, Brynn. I'll see you then." He commented, the line going dead...

I slowly brought the phone back down, glancing up at Harry. "What'd he say to you?" I asked.

"He told me not to tell you." He said, and I sighed, shoving a hand through my hair.. "I'll never get away from him." I murmured. Harry stood up, and sat down next to me on the bed. I sat up a little. "It'll be ok." He commented, although he didn't sound so sure..

I sighed. "Hey so, um.. I know that you still hate me, but do you think I could shower here?" He asked, looking at me. I laughed. "Go for it. I'll be downstairs." I said, moving and getting off the end of the bed....


"He's a lot nicer than I thought he'd be." Ella commented from across the kitchen. I simply shrugged in response. Her and Andrew were making dinner, while I sat at the kitchen table with their kids. They have two girls and a boy. Leo is 5, almost 6; Briley and Beth are both 3.

"No. I want the blue one." Leo said, reaching across the table and taking the blue crayon out of the box in front of me. They were coloring in coloring books at the moment. Not very well; but they were doing their best..

Briley was digging through her own box of crayons, and dumped it out, scattering them across the table trying to find a color she wanted to use.. "Here, why don't you try this one." I said, picking up a crayon and showing it to her. She moved in her chair, sitting on her knees and taking it out of my hand. She started scribbling away on what she was coloring.

Beth got up, walking over and climbing onto the chair next to mine. She leaned over, digging through all the crayons in front of me. I moved some of them back over when they started rolling across the table.. I felt someone watching me, and looked up. Harry was leaning against the doorframe, watching me. I rolled my eyes, going back to watching them color.. Beth got off the chair, going back over to sit next to her sister..

Harry came over, taking the chair next to mine. "Thought you didn't like kids." He said quietly. I laughed. "I don't." I replied.

"Alright, dinner's served." Ella announced after a few minutes..


Throughout the remainder of the night, all I could think about is ways to get out of meeting Ryan in a week...

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