Part 90

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Ryan opened the door, walking right in.

"Excuse me, who the hell—" Ella stopped when she saw me come in after him. Andrew walked out of the kitchen, and sent me a confused look. "Brynn, would you care to introduce your friend?" He asked.

I sighed, nervously glancing over at Ryan. I bit my lip. "Right, okay. Um, this is Ryan." I said, watching as Andrew's expression changed from confused, to pissed.

He stormed over, grabbing him by his shirt and throwing him against the door. Ryan laughed. "How dare you." Andrew stated, and Ella walked over. "Sorry, ok. Um. What's going on?" She asked. "He's her ex-boyfriend." Andrew replied, still holding Ryan in place.

Harry came down the stairs, his eyes first landing on me, and then on the situation by the door. He came over, standing by me. "Are you ok?" He asked quietly, and I nodded. "I should kill you for what you did to her." Andrew said, letting his anger get the best of him.

"I didn't do shit. She deserved what she got." Ryan replied, trying to shove Andrew off of him, but he didn't budge.

"No, she didn't deserve any of it. You're just an insecure little prick." He stated. Ryan scoffed. "What would I be insecure about? I've got everything I could ever want." He responded, that smug look never leaving his face.. He looked at me, then moved on to Harry. "Nice to see you again, mate." He commented.

"Can't say the same 'bout you." Harry replied, and Ryan laughed. "Moving on; I suggest you let go of me before you get yourself hurt." He threatened, turning his attention back to Andrew. "I want you out of my house, and I never want to see your face again. You hear me?" He questioned, making Ryan laugh again.

"No. Actually, I can't do either of those. Brynn, do me a favor and get your brother away from me." He commented.. "Leave her out of this." Andrew stated.. I sighed, stepping towards them, knowing that Ryan would only get angrier, and then someone would definitely get hurt. "You can let go of him." I said, and he looked over his shoulder. His eyes briefly fell to my arm, where you could see both the new scar, and the one from years ago.

He let go of him, only to slam his fist into the side of Ryan's face. In-turn, Ryan tackled him, easily pinning him down and landing a few punches. I ran over, grabbing his wrist and tightly holding his pressure point.. I brought my knee up and thrust it into his side, shoving him at the same time.

He fell off of Andrew and I immediately stepped on his wrist, keeping him in place on the ground. "Don't ever fucking touch him. I warned you earlier about messing with Harry, but the same thing applies to everyone here. You aren't stronger than me, Ryan. Don't ever think you are or you'll regret it." I stated, my anger being brought back to the surface again.

He tried to get up, and I kicked him in the side as hard as I could. He groaned, holding his stomach.

"Thought you didn't want to challenge me." He said, grabbing my ankle and forcing me to stop stepping on his wrist.. He rolled over onto his back, looking up at me. "I don't." I commented. He smirked. "Now, I want you to leave." I said. "No." He replied, slowly standing up, towering over me. He shoved his hands through his hair, placing his sunglasses back on his head.

"Ok, sorry. Can someone explain what's going on?" Ella asked, and Ryan looked over at her.. "Sure. Brynn and I dated for a few years." He said.. "So..." Ella trailed off, still confused. Ryan tightly grabbed my wrist, and I grimaced.

"He abused her." Andrew stated, walking over, pulling Ryan's hand off of me, and shoving him backwards. I quickly moved between them when Ryan started to go for him again. "Stop it." I said. "He needs to get out of my house." Andrew commented. "If I'm leaving, so is she." Ryan replied. I shook my head, turning to face him. "I'm not going anywhere with you." I stated. "Sure you are. I gotta make sure you don't run off and try to hide from me in the next eight months." He said, moving closer to me. Andrew reached over me, shoving Ryan back again.

"Ok. Um.." I trailed off, sighing. "Can we talk outside?" I asked. "No." Ryan replied. "Why not?" I questioned. "Because then your brother is going to lock me out." He stated. I glanced over my shoulder at Andrew. "Fine. Ok then, upstairs." I said, looking back over at Ryan.

He motioned for me to go first, and I bit my lip, nervous to be alone in a room with him. But, I went anyway. He followed me up the stairs, and then into my room, shutting the door behind us. I heard the lock click, and turned to face him. "Is that necessary?" I asked. "Yes." He replied, choosing not to elaborate.

I rolled my eyes, deciding to just cut to the chase. "I'm not giving you this child, Ryan.. It's not yours to have." I said. He walked over, and I backed away from him. "Stop it." I stated. He smirked, standing in front of me, tightly grabbing my wrist to keep me there.

"Whether or not you want me to have your child, is not up to you." He said, pushing me backwards. I hit the wall, and reached up, holding my head. "You don't get to make that decision, Brynn." He stated, his hand coming around my throat. He still had his other hand tightly gripping my wrist.. With my free hand, I grabbed the hand that was around my neck. "Let go of me." I commented, looking up at him.

"Or what?" He asked. "Or you're going to regret standing this close to me." I replied. I waited a few seconds, and was about to bring my knee up between his legs, when he let his hand fall from my throat. He was watching me, studying my eyes. "I want you to leave." I stated.

"Ok. Well, I'll be back in eight months for my child. And, you better be here." He commented.. I looked at him. "I can't. Ryan, I'm not giving it to you.. It's Harry's. You'll have to talk to him." I replied..

He sighed, and glanced over at the clock on the wall. "I have to go. But, I'll be back." He said, not letting go of my wrist just yet. There was a knock on the door, and half a second later, someone tried to open it. I had my other hand down by my side, and felt Ryan give me my phone back.

"Don't you have a key or something? I've seen what he does to her, you need to open the door." I heard Harry say on the other side. "Your boyfriend's clingy." Ryan commented, and I laughed a little. "He's not my boyfriend. But yes, he is clingy." I replied, looking at him.

I hesitated. "Can you let go of me?" I asked. He finally did as I said, letting his fingers slide across my skin as he did so.. He unlocked the door, pulling it open. Harry and Andrew were both waiting there.

He pushed past both of them, walking back downstairs. Andrew followed him. I heard the front door shut, my body finally relaxing..

Harry came into the room. "Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" He asked, walking over and softly grabbing my arm, I guess looking for any new cuts. "No, I'm fine." I murmured. He glanced down at me. "Why were you with him?" He questioned. I sighed, not sure I should tell him..

I looked down at my feet. "He wants the baby." I said quietly, and felt him gently bring my chin back up. "Why?" He asked. I shrugged. "He just does.. I guess he thinks it'll motivate me to go back to him.. I don't know." I replied. "So then.." He trailed off. I sighed, moving past him and going over my bed..

"Brynn." He said. I turned around, facing him. He walked over, grabbing my arm and pulling it out towards him. "You said he didn't hurt you." He said, and I looked down at it.. Ryan had left dark bruises all around my wrist.. I bit my lip, pulling my arm out of his grasp. "It's fine. I'm fine." I replied, turning back and getting under my sheets..

Andrew suddenly appeared in the doorway. "Is she alright?" He asked, walking into the room. "Brynn?" He questioned, and I glanced over at him.

"I'm fine."

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