Part 39

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"Where is he?" I asked. "LA." He replied. "Nope. Too far." I stated. "Come on, Brynn. It's not that big a deal. All you have to do is talk to him." He said.

I looked at him. "You do realize how difficult that is, right? I'm not an idiot. You said he hasn't stopped drinking. He won't be sober enough to have an actual conversation; so I'd have to wait at least two days." I commented. He sighed, glancing down at his phone. "Listen.. I need you to do this one thing. Please. He's ruining his life." He said, looking at me again.

"I'm not going all the way out there." I said. He looked at me. "What do you want me to do? He can't go out in public. Not like this." He commented. "You're right. So do it at night, when there aren't as many people." I stated, getting up. I grabbed my coat, which I'd taken off. "Where are you going?" He asked, getting up.

"To grab some food." I replied, picking up my keys and walking out of my apartment. He followed me, and I heard the door shut.  I wasn't worried about people breaking into my apartment. Especially here..

"So.. Are you saying that if I bring Harry out here, you'll talk to him?" He asked, following me out of the building. "Maybe." I said, crossing the street. He had to wait for a car to pass, before catching up with me. "Okay then. I'll do it." He commented. I glanced in his direction. "You really care about him, don't you? It isn't just about bad publicity, you actually care for him." I questioned.

"I knew him for years, even before I became his manager. It's hard for me to see him like this." He replied..

I nodded, looking back to where I was walking. I saw one of the locals that I've gotten to know, and said hello to her. We had a short conversation, in French (obviously), and then I continued on my way..

"You don't just speak French, you're fluent in it, aren't you?" Jeff asked, walking beside me. "Sure, you could say that." I replied, turning a corner. I've always loved France.. America's great. But, there's something about this country. The cities are old, and the buildings aren't made to appear modern. It's a calm atmosphere. Well, until you get anywhere near any of the main tourist spots. Then, it's just chaos.

"Interesting.." He murmured, watching as I said hi to someone else. I know a large number of the locals. They're pretty nice, for the most part..

"As fun as this is, you can leave now." I said, and he laughed. "I will. But, you better still be here when I get back." He commented. I shrugged. "We'll see." I replied, walking into a small sandwich shop......


Two days passed, and I was spending my morning working on a few projects for work. Jeff had texted me a few times, asking if I was still in France. I didn't reply to any of them. Just because I agreed to this, doesn't mean we're going back to communicating. This doesn't change anything.

That reporter had stuck around and took pictures of me walking around Paris with Jeff. So, the rumor mill immediately started running again. Of course...

Since I went out to grab coffee this morning, I was wearing actual clothes, and not my normal leggings..

At around 2:25PM, there was knocking on my door. I shut my laptop, and got up. I made sure to look through the peep-hole first. It was Jeff. I sighed, unlocking the door and pulling it open. "Honestly wasn't expecting you to be here. Thought you would've ran." He commented..

"Where are we?" I heard a familiar voice ask. Jeff looked over, and down. "We're in Paris. I told you five times already. Harry, get off the floor." He stated. I stepped out into the hallway, after checking to make sure it was clear.

"Whyare we in Paris?" He slowly got out. His eyes were closed, head leaned back against the wall. Clearly very drunk. "Well, if you'd get up, I could show you." Jeff replied.

"No.. I'm gonnasleep here." He murmured, falling over onto his side.  It sort of reminded me of when I had to take care of him that one time. Except, he wasn't talking a lot then, and was barely conscious. I had no idea how Jeff got him up here..

"What happened to bringing him at night?" I asked. Jeff looked over at me. "The time change really screwed that up." He said, bending down. He grabbed Harry's arms, pulling him back into a sitting position. He fell forward, forcing Jeff to hold him in place.

"Why is he drunk? He shouldn't be, considering you left last night, and it's like an 11 hour flight." I questioned.

"Well, I can't watch him 24/7. There was a bar at the airport in LA, and another one here. Also, the plane served him while I was sleeping." He explained. "Great.. Um. Okay. Just, drag him inside." I said. He looked at me.

"Drag him? Seriously? Isn't that a little—" I sighed, impatient. I grabbed Harry's wrists, pulling him across the floor. He was now unconscious. Luckily, I work out a good amount still, so it was fairly easy to pull him into the apartment.

Jeff came in, shutting the door behind him. His eyes landed on Harry, who I'd left in the middle of the floor. I was sitting on the couch. "Really?" He asked. "Yeah. He's unconscious; he won't know the difference anyway." I replied.

"Harry, come on. Get up." He commented. "Leave him be. He'll wake up in a few minutes." I stated, taking a sip of my coffee. He looked over at me.

"You really don't care at all, do you?" He questioned. I shrugged. "Drunk people work differently. Trust me, I know that better than anyone." I said. He glanced down at Harry.

"So, you don't even feel slightly guilty about this? That you're the one who made him this way?" He asked. I put my feet up on the coffee table. "He did that to himself, actually. It was his decision to start drinking. Some people just can't handle the reality of things." I explained. He laughed. "I honestly can't believe I thought you cared about him at all. You don't, do you?" He asked me.

"Now, that's a complicated answer.. Anyway, if he wakes up and needs to throw up. Just, make sure he makes it to the bathroom." I commented, standing up.

"Wait, where are you going? The whole point of me bringing him here, was so that you'd talk to him." He said, watching me grab my wallet and phone.

"I'll be back. Besides, there's not much talking going on with him like that. He needs to be sober. Don't let him drink." I replied, walking out of the apartment.....

Will be publishing part 40 in the next few hours <3

Edited: May 28, 2021

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