Part 38

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"Do you enjoy ignoring people? Is that it?" He asked, and I relaxed, setting my keys down. "How'd you get in?" I questioned. Every time I spoke English now, it just felt so weird and foreign to me, despite only switching back to French two months ago..

"Your landlord." He replied, turning around. I ran a hand through my hair, glancing around my apartment. "He's not here, right?" I asked.

"Who? Harry, or the reporter?" He questioned. I rolled my eyes. "Of course you sent him." I muttered, going into the small kitchen. I got some water from the tap, and walked back out..

"You should leave. I'm supposed to be working." I said, grabbing my laptop and sitting on the couch. Jeff walked over, sitting in the chair across from me. "You need to come back." He stated. I was already typing away on my laptop, translating a document my boss had asked me to do. I sent it back to him after five minutes, and glanced up at Jeff, who was still sitting there...

"You're still here?" I asked. "Brynn. I know when you left, you never looked back, and never considered how he'd feel. He's not better. He acts like it when he has to. But once we're not in public, we can all see the toll you took on him." He explained..

"Uh huh. Okay. Well, I'm not talking to you about this. And I'm not going back. So.. You can leave." I replied, opening another file on my computer..

"I didn't know you spoke French. You never mentioned that. But, I heard it on the recording that reporter got. And, it's not bad. You sound just like the rest of the people here." He said. "Yep." I commented, knowing he was hoping to surprise me with the fact of the reporter recording our conversation. But, I'm not stupid. They always record everything. That's another reason why I knew I couldn't tell him anything. Not that it was anyone's business.

"So.. You'll come back?" He asked. I laughed. "No." I said.  "Brynn, come on.. Seriously?" He questioned. "Yes." I replied, not giving him an explanation. He didn't deserve one, nor did I feel it was necessary..

"Ok, well—" He stopped, his phone interrupting him. He sighed, answering it. "Yeah?" He asked..

Someone said something on the other line. "Oh, uh. I'm actually out of town." He said, looking at me while whoever he was on the phone with was talking.. "Just.. France." He commented.

I ignored the rest of the conversation, getting bored. I spent the next few minutes doing some work for my other job; the illegal one. It's fairly easy work, as long as no mistakes are made...

"That was Harry." He said, setting his phone down on the table. "Uh huh." I said, barely paying any attention to him. "He's drunk. It's not even Noon, and he's drunk." He stated. "Yep." I replied, simply.

"Brynn. He really shouldn't be drinking this much; it's not good for him." He commented. "Yeah, sounds like it." I said, still working on the project they had me doing..

"He won't listen to me. I've called everyone. His friends, his mom, his sister. None of them can get through to him." He explained. "Uh huh; right." I replied, only half-listening to him. I finished the small project, and opened another file. Jeff suddenly shut my laptop, taking it from me. I hadn't even noticed he'd gotten up..

"I'm trying to talk to you, Brynn. What the hell could be so important?" He asked, sitting back down in his chair, opening my laptop. I didn't care if he saw what I was working on, because he wouldn't know what it was. On the left half of my screen, was a document entirely in french. The other half was the file I'd just accessed. It's a bunch of algorithms and coding..

He glanced up at me. "What the hell is this?" He asked. I laughed.. "Work." I stated.

"You know, I speak a little French." He said, looking at the document. I rolled my eyes, watching as he tried to decipher the language.. "Ok, I know this says you. And this is we.." He trailed off, looking at it.

I laughed. "Wow, good job; you speak the same amount of French as a two year old."I stated. He glared at me. "I haven't been to France in awhile." He replied, looking at the document. "Ok, let's see.." He commented, in deep thought. I got up, walking over and looking at the screen. "Nous avons besoin de vous pour modifier le codage de cette." I said, and he glanced over at me. "What does it mean?" He questioned. I laughed. "It says, 'we need you to alter the coding of this'." I explained.

"Right.. Okay. But what's the rest of this?" He asked. It was an extensive document, with detailed instructions of what they needed the coding to be able to do. It was 100% illegal, but it couldn't be traced back to me..

"That's classified." I said, going and sitting back down. He studied me for a moment, and then shut the laptop, setting it on the table.

"Alright. Well, I'm here for one reason, and you know what that is." He stated, going back to our main conversation.. "Yeah, that's not happening. I quit for a reason. I mean seriously.. Once you quit a job, a few months later are you thinking 'you know what, I'm gonna go work for them again'. No. No one does that." I replied. "Well then, don't come back to the job. Just, come with me to see Harry. You did this to him, you need to undo it." He explained.

"Right... Still no. He'll get over it. Besides, I didn't even do anything. He's the one who got all emotional about it. I didn't ask him to have feelings for me, nor did I want it." I stated. "Yes, I know that. And I don't understand what he sees in you. But, he does. It's not like I'm asking you to marry him.. You said a lot of things to him, and so.. Just, say the opposite." He commented. I laughed. "Do you know anything about people? That's not how it works. I don't tell lies, so I won't do that." I said.

"Well, you didn't need to be that honest with him. Brynn, please just come see him." He replied.

"Where is he?"

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