Part 67

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I sighed, glancing at my reflection. I ran a hand through my wet hair, pulling the door open. Harry was standing there, but was mid-texting someone. "Sorry to bother you. Jeff's running out to get—" He stopped after looking up from his phone..

"You were saying?" I asked, grabbing my hairbrush and pulling it through the loose tangles in my hair.. "Right. Um.." He seemed to have lost his train-of-thought. "You were saying something about Jeff." I commented. He nodded, glancing over his shoulder. "Jeff's going to buy some stuff, and wanted to know if you wanted anything specific." He explained.

"No, I'm alright." I replied, setting the hairbrush down. He went back to texting someone; presumably Jeff.  "What is that?" He asked, and I glanced in his direction. I was putting scar gel on the scar from my heart surgery. I showed him the container, and he took it from me, letting his hand brush against mine in the process. "Why use it on that one, and not the others?" He questioned, handing it back to me.

"Because." I stated, not wanting to explain it to him. He was watching me as I put lotion on my arms. "You really like staring at people." I commented. "Sorry." He murmured, looking the other way, out into my room. I put some moisturizer on my face, moving closer to the mirror as I put it under my eyes..

"Would it be bad if I kissed you?" He asked out of nowhere. I glanced over my shoulder, not sure he was even talking to me. "What?" I asked, confused. "I want to kiss you, but I know you don't like it when I randomly do it." He commented. "Well that's 'cause I'd rather you didn't." I stated, moving past him, rummaging through one of my drawers for a t-shirt.

"Why not?" He questioned. I found a shirt, pulling it out and turning to face him. "Because, I just agreed to giving you a chance. I don't just jump right into things. I take things really slow." I explained, pulling the shirt over my head. "Right.. Like you did with Daniel?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "As I said before, it was only-ever sex with him. That's it. That's completely different from what you're asking of me." I replied.

"Ok. Well if we're taking it slow, can I take you out tonight?" He asked. "Out?" I questioned. "Like, on a date. You said you take things slow. Usually the first step is going on a date." He commented. I looked over at him. "Right.. I don't really like the whole date cliché." I said, running a hand through my hair and going back into the bathroom. "What does that even mean?" He asked, following me.

I was putting concealer under my eyes. "The whole 'dinner at a restaurant, talk about life, kiss on the doorstep' thing. It's boring." I replied, applying a little mascara. He was standing in the doorway, watching me. "Alright. Then what's your ideal date?" He asked. I sighed. "Again with the date. I don't like that. It's all 'oh, how about 8:00 on Friday? Oh, no that doesn't work, let's schedule for this time next week.' I don't want it to be some predictable thing that you can prepare for to try and make it perfect. It should just be random, without all the over-thinking beforehand. That's how you really get to know someone, and not just the person they're trying to be." I commented..

"You're one of those girls. I should've seen that coming." He said. I sent him an annoyed look. "You're putting a label on me, so you can put me in some category as an attempt to figure me out. Don't do that. Everyone is different, you can't shove people into categories and think you know them." I stated.

"Fair enough." He replied.. I jumped when Jeff started talking. "I don't mean to interrupt, but the food is here." He said. Harry turned around. "When did you get in here?" He asked him. Jeff shrugged, and I walked past the two of them and out of my room..

"Harry, I don't want you doing this. She's not good for you." I barely heard Jeff say. "I think she actually might be." Harry replied, and he came out of the room. I was now lying on the couch, a blanket wrapped around me. "Okay, so what's the deal with me touching you? Am I eventually going to be able to do that?" He asked, sitting on the other couch. I shrugged. "Eh, we'll see." I said, my eyes on the tv..

After a few minutes, he got up and went into the kitchen with Jeff. They ate whatever Jeff had gotten, and then came back out.

Jeff sat down in the chair, and Harry took the couch again. "So, I was working today. Got a lot done. Harry, they wanted me to let you know that they're calling you at around 4:00 today. I don't want you talking about Brynn, or your heart surgery, or the coma. Just, stay away from all those topics." He commented. Harry nodded. "Got it." He said, checking the time on his phone. It was almost 3:20.

"I'm gonna shower, actually. I still feel gross from our run." He commented, standing up and leaving the room.. Jeff was staring at me. "I recommend you don't do that." I said, not looking at him. I was still watching the show that was on..

"You better not hurt him again." He stated. I rolled my eyes, glancing in his direction. "I tried to talk to him, ok? I told him he's asking to get hurt, and he said he was alright with that, and wanted to make his own decisions or whatever." I explained. "Ok, well can you at least try to be normal? You're playing hard-to-get, but in this overly extreme way. Dial it down a little." He said. I looked over at him. "I'm not playing anything. This is exactly how I was before, and you know that." I replied.

"Well, just try not to be that way. You're making it way too hard for him." He commented. "Sorry, so you're telling me not to be myself, and to pretend to be someone else to make you happy? Am I hearing that right?" I questioned sarcastically. "No. Just.. Be a nicer version of yourself." He said..

"Ohh, I see. So, you basically want the non-damaged version of me." I said. He sighed. "Just.. Go easy on him.. I've got to go back down to the café, you two are too much of a distraction." He stated, standing up and grabbing his bag.. After another few minutes, he was gone, and I was stuck with Harry again...

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