Part 35

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"You.. want to know why I like you?" He questioned. I nodded. "Okay. Um. It's sort of hard to explain." He commented. "So then, try." I stated, glancing in his direction. "Ok.. Well, it was pretty early on after I'd met you. When I went running with you that morning at the hotel. I don't know why.. But, I just got this weird feeling about you. It's hard to explain what it was like... And then when I drank too much, and you took care of me. I know Jeff forced you to do that. But, you could've dropped me at the hotel and left; but you didn't.. And.. The memories are still fuzzy; everything was a giant blur that night. But, I remember some parts of it.." He trailed off, looking at me.

"I told you, it was long before we were in Cozumel. You opened up to me a little bit, and that feeling I'd gotten about you was more.. And now.." He didn't finish his sentence, and I looked over at him. He was watching me. "What?" I asked. "I can't get you out of my head.. No matter how much you try and push me away, it won't change anything. I'll still think about you." He explained. I looked back up at the ceiling.

Those were all just words. It was an infatuation, and nothing more. He'd get over it with time. Time heals all wounds.."Brynn.." He sighed, stopping. I looked over at him again. "Never mind." He murmured..

I laid there for a few minutes, not really thinking about anything.. "I should go." I said quietly. "Please don't." He commented. I shook my head, getting off the bed. I ran a hand through my hair, glancing over at him, and then walking towards the door. I got to the door, and felt him grab my arm, turning me around so I was facing him.. I hadn't even heard him get off the bed.

"Why do you have to leave?" He asked. I took a step back from him, and my back hit the door. I swear if he tries to kiss me again, he's getting himself hurt. Physically and emotionally..

"I just do, Harry." I replied. He shook his head. "Explain it to me. There's a reason, I know there has to be. Just... Tell me why." He said. I looked at him for a few seconds. "Ok. Fine." I commented, leaning against the door.

"I don't let people in. Ever. I don't know why I thought you would be any different, or why I told you all those things.. I don't trust anyone, because in the end they always let me down. They'll find someone better. Or maybe they just don't love you anymore, so they leave without an explanation. This, between you and me, could never work." I summed up, not letting any emotion show through.

He was watching me now, but didn't say anything. I was good at that. I've always been able to say something and have people stuck, not knowing what to say next..

Another minute went by, and he still hadn't found the words to say. "Exactly. I'm gonna go." I commented, turning and opening the door. He pushed it shut, locking it. I sighed, turning back to face him. "Harry, you have to let me leave." I said.

"I can't. If you leave, you're going to quit, and then you'll move somewhere else. I'll never see you again." He stated. "There's other women out there. Better then me. You need to be with someone who's ready for all this. I'm just.. Not her." I replied..

"Except you are her. I don't care that you need time to be ready for this. I'd wait a lifetime for you." He said. I glanced down at my feet, not understanding how he'd gotten to that point so quickly. He barely knows me..

"Don't." I stated. "Don't say those things. I can't be her, Harry. I'm leaving. I just.. Can't be her." I commented, hating that he had somehow developed feelings like that for me.

I reached for the doorknob again, and he grabbed my hand. "Please, Brynn. Please, just give me a chance." He begged. I shook my head. "Then, keep working for me." He stated. "Harry... You know that would only torture you more. If I did that, you still wouldn't ever see me. I'd move somewhere else." I said, thinking about it. But then I shook my head again. "No. I can't do that. I can't keep doing this job. Jeff really doesn't want me here anymore." I commented, pulling my hand from his grip.

"Sure he does. There's no one he could hire that could even begin to do what you do." He replied. "Harry.. Just. Leave it alone. I'm leaving, and I'm quitting. I'm sorry that you caught feelings.. But, this is for the best, and you'll realize that some day. So.. Goodbye." I said, pulling open the door and walking out into the hallway. He didn't hesitate to follow me.

"Brynn, please. Don't do it because of Jeff; stay for my sake. If you quit, my image will suffer. You know that's true." He said. I hit the elevator button, glancing over at him. "I can't. It's too complicated. You know too much. I need to leave. And you need to move on. Please, just move on." I commented.

He grabbed my hand, pulling me so I was facing him. I glanced over at the elevator, which was taking forever. "Please.. Please, Brynn. Don't leave me like this. You can't leave me like this." He begged. "I have to. I'm sorry, Harry." I said quietly, seeing the elevator doors open. I pried my hand out of his tight hold, and stepped onto the lift. He stood between the doors, so they wouldn't close. I sighed.

"You can't do this to me." He commented quietly, making me feel guilty with the tone of his voice. Somehow he'd developed all these feelings for me, and I couldn't understand why, or how. It was too fast..

"I'm not doing it because of you, Harry. You're a great guy. It's me, okay? I'm screwed up, and I can't do this. I'm physically incapable of it." I replied. "No, you aren't. You're just scared of getting hurt." He said. I groaned, getting impatient.

"Harry.. I'm trying to be as nice as possible. But, you're testing my patience now. I need to leave, and you need to move on. Please. Focus on your career, not me. Okay? I don't deserve you. You deserve someone who won't ever do this to you. Okay? Go find that person. Please." I said, gently pushing him out of the way of the doors. I hit the button, leaning against the wall, watching the doors slide shut.....

I have a ton of chapters written, and am updating everyday to try and get the whole thing out there.. It's a lot longer than I thought it would be, but in my opinion it's worth it. Thanks to everybody who's reading and voting, it means a lot to me. <3

Edited: 5/27/2021

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