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**10 days later—May 29, 2021**

"Please, Brynn. Just tell me where you are. You can't just leave and not come back." Harry stated over the phone. I'd ignored his last 200 phone calls, but Andrew made me answer this one..

Yup, you heard that right.. I decided to take my brother up on his offer, and am currently staying at his place in France. He had a small extra bedroom, and it's actually been really nice to be around him again.

"No, Harry. I'm done with this. You need to keep-on with your career, and stop worrying about where I am 24/7. I told you what would happen if we slept together. Please, just carry on with your life. Try to forget you ever met me." I explained.

"No. Brynn, please. At least tell me if you took a test or not. If you're pregnant, we need to talk. You can't kill it without talking to me first." He commented, and I rolled my eyes.

"I haven't taken a test. And, if that's the case, I'm not keeping it. And I'm certainly not subjecting you to a child, in the middle of your career." I replied. "Brynn, that's what I'm asking you to do." He said. I didn't even bother saying anything else; I just hung up, shoving my hands through my hair..

"Here, I got you what you asked for." Andrew's wife, Ella said from the doorway. She had a pharmacy bag in her hand.. I'd asked her if she could buy the test for me..

"Thank you." I replied, taking it from her. She didn't ask any more questions, which I was grateful for..

I hesitated a moment. "Screw it." I muttered, standing up and going into the bathroom to take the test.


After peeing on two of the sticks she bought me, I waited the recommended five minutes, washing my hands in the process.. I was scared to look, despite knowing what the likely result would be. I'd made her buy me two, just to be 100% certain.

There was a knock on the door. "Yeah?" I called out. "Hey, it's just me. Is everything okay in there?" Ella questioned from the other side. "Um. Yeah. Could you come in here?" I asked. A few seconds later, she opened the door, quietly slipping into the bathroom and shutting it behind her.

I sighed. "Can you look? I don't think I can." I asked, my brain notifying me that I was being weak..

She nodded, going over and picking it up off the sink. I watched her, trying to read her facial expressions.. She bit her lip, picking up the other one and looking at it.

She seemed like she was hesitating. "Just tell me." I commented, and she glanced in my direction. "I, um... They're positive." She said, turning to face me, showing the tests to me. Indeed, both of the tests were positive. "Damn it." I muttered, shoving my hands through my hair. It was mostly Harry's fault, but also totally mine for forgetting to get the Plan-B pill the day after... She set the tests back down on the counter.

"So, what're you going to do?" She asked.. "The only thing I can do. I can't ruin his career. And I don't want a child... I know it's wrong; I really do know that.. But, I think it's even worse to bring a child into this world with a mother who doesn't want it." I explained, and she nodded.

I'd gone through that. And we all saw how I came out. And, yes. I know Harry would be an amazing father. But, that would totally disrupt his lifestyle. He's just too young for this.. We both are.

"Well, the doctor I used for my pregnancies is really great.. Just, let me know if you want me to make you an appointment, or if you want her number." She commented.

"I will.. I just need some time to process this." I said, and she nodded, walking out.


After another few minutes, I threw the tests away, covering them with a few tissues.. I went back into my room, texting her, asking if she could make an appointment for me as soon as possible....


"Hey, you ready to go?" Ella asked, car keys in-hand. I nodded, leaving my phone on my bed, and putting a hoodie on as I followed her out the door.. She'd managed to get an appointment for this afternoon, which was perfect...

*** Andrew's POV ***

An hour after Ella took Brynn to the doctor, I could hear buzzing coming from upstairs. It would start, and then stop, and then start up again.. I sighed, finally going up to see what it was... It took me a minute to find the source, which ended up being Brynn's cell. "What?" I asked impatiently, answering it.

"Who is this?" The familiar voice made me realize I should've looked before answering.. "Um. Andrew." I said. "You're her brother. Is she with you? Please put her on the phone. Please." He begged, sounding truly desperate.. "Hey, man. I wish I could. She left about an hour ago with my wife. Went to the doctor." I explained, and then heard him curse on the other end. "What doctor? You need to call your wife. I need to talk to Brynn." He commented, his tone becoming obsessive..

I hesitated. "Listen.. I'm sure you're a great guy. But whatever's going on, Brynn knows what she's doing. She always does. You don't need to worry about her, she'll be fine." I replied. He sighed. "You don't understand... She might be pregnant." He stated, completely taking me by surprise..

"Sorry.. What'd you just say? She can't be pregnant, mate. She's 23." I replied, pacing across the room. 
"I know.. It was an accident, I swear.. Please, just call your wife. Brynn's going to try to get an abortion, and she won't talk to me about it. She can't kill my kid. We've talked about it a lot, and she just keeps saying that she isn't capable of the emotions that are necessary to mother a child. But I think she is; she just needs to give it a chance." He explained..

"Ok, so.. You got my sister pregnant, knowing she doesn't like children.. And now you expect her to not get rid of it, because you want kids? Do you know anything about her? Why are you trying to force her into this? That would totally destroy her. As for her not being capable of those emotions.. She isn't. And a child should not be subjected to having her as a mother. Brynn is a great person. But, the environment she was brought up in.. Mate.. You have no idea what she went through. She literally isn't capable of those emotions. They didn't develop correctly in her brain when she was growing up. They aren't there." I explained, shoving a hand through my hair and walking downstairs to make my own children dinner..

"I think they are. She cared about me at some point. I know she did. She could do the same for a child." He stated. I rolled my eyes, starting a pot of water on the stove.. "She didn't." I responded, not wanting to explain it to him. Medically, and scientifically, Brynn was not capable of those emotions. That part of her brain is basically the same as a psychopath's. Not to say she's going to start killing people or anything. Just that she isn't capable of certain emotions. Like empathy, and guilt..

"Yes, she did... Listen.. I know I'm being selfish, because I want kids, and she doesn't.. Please, just call your wife and make sure Brynn doesn't make any decisions about it. Please."

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