Part 79

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"So, what's it gonna be babe?" He asked, still on top of me, pinning me down. I looked up at him, finally meeting his gaze. Everything in me was telling me
to look away. He was going to hurt me if I didn't.. But I fought against all my instincts, and maintained the eye-contact.

He smirked. "You're playing a risky game there." He murmured. I didn't say anything, just kept my eyes trained on his, hoping he would remember this. If he did, he would understand exactly what I was trying to do..

"What're you doing?" He asked. Harry had stopped struggling, and was watching us now. I smirked. Ryan shook his head, and finally broke the eye-contact, looking to the side.. I'd won the first round.

I glanced over at Harry, who seemed confused, so I looked back up at Ryan. He was watching me again, studying me. "How long is this going to take? 'Cause we don't have time for you to do whatever it is you're doing." My mom questioned. He didn't bother to look at her. He'd gone back to holding eye-contact with me. "It takes what it takes." He said, tilting his head a little, pinching his eyebrows together in confusion. "That's very interesting." He murmured..

"What exactly is going on?" My father asked.. "Oh, just a little game we used to play." Ryan said, his eyes still locked on mine. "And what exactly is that?" My dad questioned. Ryan shook his head, smirking down at me. "You know you can't hold it." He said quietly. "You don't know me." I replied. I'd shoved all the horrible flashbacks and memories down, and was just focused on winning..

He put the knife on the ground next to me, and used that hand to pin my other arm down. I was trying to think of ways I could make him lose.. I heard my dad sigh impatiently. "Ok, can we just hurry this along? We don't have time for you to play a game." He stated. Ryan shook his head. "Just give it a minute. She'll cave." He commented.

Another minute passed and I froze when he moved, and I felt the knife lightly drag across my forearm. He was trying to get me to look away first. He suddenly sliced it straight down the back of my arm and I grimaced, looking down at it. It was about two inches long and deep enough to leave a scar when it healed.. The sight of blood didn't bother me. But, I didn't want any more scars.

"Next round wins." He murmured. There was blood dripping down my wrist onto the carpet. I was having to block out the pain, and Harry was freaking out again, trying to get to me while my dad tightly held onto him...

I hesitated, having to push all the fears back again. He'd cheated, and I somehow hadn't been expecting it. I finally looked at him, starting the last round. We always played 2/3.. "Put something under her arm; you know we can't afford to pay for that mess." My dad stated, sounding annoyed. My mother grabbed some fast-food napkins they had lying around, and shoved them under my arm. I winced at the movement, but didn't break the eye contact..

"You won't win. You know that, right?" He asked. "You clearly underestimate me." I stated, glaring at him, knowing it would piss him off. He hates it when I'm not submissive towards him. His muscles tensed, and I felt the knife against my skin, threatening me. Harry started screaming through my father's hand again..

"Or maybe we should switch arms. Where do you want this one?" He asked. "On you." I said, and he laughed. "Forgot you had a sense of humor." He murmured, studying my eyes for a moment. He used his left hand to hold himself up, still pinning that arm down. I went still, feeling him slowly pull my sweatshirt up, letting the knife drag against my skin..

The whole time, his eyes were locked on mine. "That's cheating." I said, knowing he was about to cut me again. "Whatever it takes to win." He stated. I glared at him again. He instantly turned the knife, slicing it right through the flower tattoo on my stomach. I grimaced, clenching my teeth, trying not to break eye contact first. I could feel the blood dripping down around my back and onto the carpet beneath me. These cuts aren't like the ones where people cut their wrists. These are deeper into the skin, which results in more bleeding and thicker scars.

Harry had nearly gotten free, but my mom helped out and they managed to keep him there.. I could feel his eyes on me.

"You messed up my tattoo." I said. "Did I now? How unfortunate." He commented. I wanted to use my right arm to do something, since he wasn't holding it down. But the pain in my forearm wasn't going to let me do that. It would take strength to really do anything, and that'd only increase the bleeding..

"You know, I'm impressed. Two bleeding wounds, and you're still trying, even though you know you're going to lose. You always lose the third round." He said. I shook my head, trying to control my breathing. My body was tense. "You know what I always enjoyed?" He asked..

When I didn't answer, he carried on. "What happens after you lose." He said quietly. "I won't lose." I stated firmly. "Sure you will." He replied. He
brought his hand up, letting the bloodied knife lightly drag across the side of my neck. I went still, knowing he'd never cut me there before. "Ryan, we need her alive. So if you could wrap this up before she loses too much blood, that would be great." My dad commented. "I'm working on it." He stated, his tone sounding impatient. I decided to change my method, knowing eventually I'd pass out..

"I bet you miss me." I said quietly. He was watching me, and studied my eyes for a few seconds, trying to figure out what I was thinking. "Not really." He replied.. I laughed. "I know you do." I commented. He shook his head. "No. I really don't." He stated. "Oh really? So you're telling me, that you don't miss our sex?" I asked, nearly silent.

He smirked, clearing his throat. I'd caught him off guard. I made sure that as I continued, I kept my voice low enough that they couldn't hear me. "You don't miss the way I used to touch you?" I questioned. "All those mornings.. The nights.." I was triggering a part of him, and had messed with his focus.

He was watching me. "What about.." I trailed off, biting my lip for a moment, thinking, watching the look in his eyes change. I smirked. "I know you remember the showers." I said..

He growled, frustrated. Out of nowhere, he kissed me, and I had won the third round. He'd dropped the knife, and had that hand around the back of my head, digging into my hair.. I smirked, turning my head to the side, breaking it off.

"I win."

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