Part 85

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*** Two hours later ***

"Your phone." I barely heard Harry mumble. He was still lying right beside me.. It took me a few seconds to register that he was telling me that my phone was ringing.. I groaned and rolled over, grabbing it.

It stopped ringing, only to start back up a few seconds later. I hit answer, holding it up to my ear, feeling Harry pull me backwards, so I was being held against him.

"What?" I asked, yawning. "He's still there with you, right?" I sighed. "Why do you always insist on waking me up?" I asked, annoyed.

"Because, you're always with him.. Listen, will you tell him he needs to get back to London? Him being there with you is spreading through the media. Also, did you talk to someone about Harry's surgery?" Jeff asked. I had to think for a moment, going back over everything he said. "Um. Ok, that's a lot. There was a reporter here this morning. Showed up at my apartment, and he saw Harry's scar from his surgery.. And, I've tried to get him to leave, but he won't." I explained. "Ok, well he needs to. Put him on the phone." He stated..

I sighed, holding the phone up. "Who is it?" Harry mumbled against my neck. "Jeff. He wants to talk to you." I replied. He sighed, taking the phone out of my hand. "I'm not coming back there." He said.

I couldn't hear what Jeff was saying, and he moved the phone to the other ear, his arm coming back down over me. "No. I don't care. I'm staying." He stated. "No you're not." I murmured, my eyes still closed..

"Because... I'll explain it to you later." He commented. Jeff apparently didn't want to hear that; I could hear him saying something on the other end.

"Fine. Um. She didn't take the pill soon enough, and wants to get an abortion." He said. I rolled my eyes. "No, Jeff. It isn't a good thing.." He stated, trailing off. "Listen.. I can't explain it to you right now, I've gotta go." Harry finished, hanging up and setting the phone down where it had been before.

"Please keep it." He said quietly, his arm coming back down across me, careful not to get near my fresh injuries..

I sighed. "Harry, I'm done talking about this. As of right now, there's nothing to discuss. So, you should get out of my bed and leave. Go get on with your life." I commented, and he shook his head.

His phone suddenly started ringing and he pulled it out of his pocket, sitting up a little. "Who the hell—" He stopped, cursing under his breath. "What?" I asked, not really caring.

"I have an interview... I can't not answer it." He commented. "Uh huh. So then answer it. I'm trying to sleep anyway." I stated. "Ok but it's on FaceTime. What do I do?" He asked, sounding slightly-panicked.. "Answer the phone. Just don't show me." I replied. He sighed, sitting up, leaning against the wall behind my bed. He wasn't wearing a shirt, so I quickly grabbed his from on the floor, rolling over and hitting him with it. He answered, angling the phone at the ceiling, where it couldn't see either of us. He pulled the shirt over his head, fixing his hair and picking up the phone.

"Hey, there he is. The man of the hour." The man on the other end announced enthusiastically. Harry laughed a little, and then they went on to start their conversation.. I easily rolled over and started going back to sleep, glad that he couldn't try and talk to me about having babies right now.

"So, Harry. Where are you at currently? There were some rumors earlier this morning that said you were in New York, at Brynn Matthews' apartment. Can you confirm or deny this?" They questioned, immediately bringing me back into a conscious state.. Harry coughed, laughing a little.

I knew he didn't want to lie. And they might have proof, if that reporter took pictures.. Also, the audio-recording would certainly reveal a lot if it ever got released..

"I, um. I actually am in New York right now.." He commented, hesitant. I rolled over onto my other side, instantly feeling the pain in my stomach from that cut. I grimaced, holding it for a few seconds..

Harry glanced over at me, and then looked back at his phone. "So, are you confirming these reports of your whereabouts?" The man asked. Why the hell are they so damn nosy? I mean seriously, this is none of their business. Although, I guess it's technically their job to get the scoop on celebrities and their lives. But still, it's way too invasive.

"You know, I actually don't believe it would be best for me to disclose my location right now. That could lead to some safety concerns." Harry replied. "Ok, ok sure; that's totally understandable." The guy said, then changed the subject....


I ended up falling back asleep for the remainder of the interview, and woke up about half an hour later. Harry was knocked out again, and an idea suddenly popped into my head.. I quietly slipped out from under the covers, grabbing my bag and shoving some clothes and shoes into it. I grabbed my pain medicine, and anything else I could quickly think to grab..

Once I had my shoes on, I wrote a small note on a sheet of paper, telling him that I was leaving and that I was sorry.

I set it down on the end of the bed, and then snuck out the front door and was gone........

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