Part 8

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I woke up to my phone ringing, and groaned, rolling over and answering it. "What?" I asked. "It's 4:30." It was Jeff. "Uh huh." I replied, not putting it together in my head.

"Where are you? Have you not left the hotel yet?" He questioned. I rolled onto my back, running a hand through my hair. "What?" I asked, still confused.

"Brynn, Harry was supposed to be here thirty minutes ago. Get over here now." He stated. I glanced across the room. Harry was still asleep.

"Why do we have to be there so early?" I asked. "Because, he needs to be here for sound check. Doors open at 6:30." He explained. I sighed. "Fine, I'll wake him up. We'll be there around five." I replied, hanging up before he could yell at me more..

I grabbed one of the many extra pillows on my bed and threw it at Harry. It hit him, and he groaned, rolling over onto his stomach. I grabbed another one and threw it at him. "Stop throwing things at me." He mumbled into his pillow.

"Get up. It's 4:30." I said, standing and going into the bathroom. I fixed my hair and touched up my makeup fairly quickly. I walked back out. Harry had put the hoodie I'd let him borrow back on, and was sitting on the end of the bed. "Let's go." I said, grabbing my keys and phone. He stood, pulling the hood up and following me out of the room.

We went down to the lobby, and Harry kept his head down since there were fans down there. He stayed close to me, and we made it out to the car with no problems..

Once at the arena, I walked him inside and down to his dressing room. Jeff was waiting there, looking impatient. "You're gonna end up with wrinkles doing that." I commented. "You're an hour late. Harry, go ahead and go out to the bowl for sound check." He stated, and Harry left.

"Can I leave now? The guy's been arrested; I don't need to be here." I said. He shook his head. "Technically you're required to attend all of his shows." He replied. I looked at him. "You're joking right? He knows who I am now. Isn't the whole point of this, to have security that no one knows is there?" I questioned. He raised his eyebrows at me. "Jeff, he's so damn annoying. Also, you need to be keeping him in better shape. We went for a run this morning and he nearly died." I stated.

"You get used to it; he likes to talk to people.. And, that's up to him, not me." He responded. "Now, I'll give you the night off. Tomorrow we're in North Carolina. I recommend you go on up there. You have a reservation at a hotel, as per usual. I'll send you the address." He said, and I nodded. I hated that I had to go to every single show. It's exhausting. But, it's my job. And I guess it's better then some other jobs...

I stopped by the hotel to get my stuff, then started driving up to the next location..

I definitely had to get used to driving all over the country and flying internationally a lot. It was annoying. But, I've gotten to listen to a lot of different music at this point. And being international has been fascinating. I absolutely love seeing all the different cultures, and I speak fluent french, which at least makes that part of the trip easier..


I got to the hotel, and am currently lying in bed, watching Netflix. It's nearly 2:00AM.. I watched another episode of my show, then turned the tv off, rolling over and shutting off the lamp. Not a minute later, my phone started ringing. I ignored it. As soon as it stopped ringing, it started up again. I groaned, answering it. "What?" I asked, annoyed.

"I know it's late, I apologize. There's been an incident at Harry's hotel. I'm sending him to you." Jeff vaguely explained. "No." I replied. "Brynn, it's not an option." He commented. "Sure it is, he can stay with you. Or literally any of his other security guards, or his band mates. He knows a lot of people. Why the hell does this fall on me again?" I questioned.

"Because, since you're his secret security, you stay at a different hotel then the rest of us. He's already on his way over. Get him to the arena at 4:00 tomorrow, no later. Thanks Brynn." He explained, hanging up.. I groaned, hating my entire existence in that moment..

Ten minutes passed, and there was a knock on the door. I got up, pulling on a white sweatshirt, and answering the door. "Hello again." Harry said, walking into the room. "You're sleeping in the bathtub." I stated, shutting and locking the door. "Why?" He asked, laughing.

"Because there's only one bed, and I don't know you. So, you can sleep in the tub." I explained. "I've got a bad back, so, no." He replied, walking over and sitting on the bed.

I rolled my eyes. "A bad back? Really?" I questioned, not believing him. "Yeah. My left leg is half an inch longer then my right. So, bad back." He elaborated. "And yet it never seems to bother you on stage. Or anywhere else for that matter." I commented. He sighed.

"Please don't make me sleep in the bath. I promise I'll keep my distance." He begged. I looked at him. I let out a slow breath, annoyed that I couldn't just have my room to myself.

"Touch me even slightly and you're in the tub." I stated, walking over and getting back under the covers on my side. I grabbed two of the extra pillows and shoved them in the middle of the bed under the covers. "Really? Is that necessary? Those take up half the bed on their own." He questioned. I gave him a look. "Yes it's necessary. I don't want you anywhere near me." I replied, turning off the lamp and putting my phone on the bedside table.

He sighed and I felt him get under the sheets on the other side of the bed..

You'd think that sleeping in the same bed as a celebrity would be anybody's dream come true. But to me, status and labels mean absolutely nothing. I treat everybody the exact same, because when it comes down to it, we're all people. Just because he's well known and better-off than most, does not mean he isn't still a complete stranger.

That's like letting some random man sleep in your bed just because he's written a few songs.. It's no different.

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