Part 11

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** August 4th, 2020 **

Harry is in-between Florida shows right now. His next show is in two days. I haven't had to deal with him since we were in North Carolina. Everything is back to how it was. I go to his shows, don't interact with him, and make sure everything is running smoothly on the Internet.

I'm currently in my hotel room, watching another one of those crime shows. I swear they're always on tv.. There was loud knocking on my door and I groaned, looking over at the time. Nearly 3:00AM. Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to bang on someone's door at this time?

I got off the bed, walking over and looking through the peephole. I opened the door, confused. "Yes?" I asked, running a hand through my hair. He held up a black card, and I sighed. One of Harry's main security guys.

"What's wrong with him now?" I questioned. "Well, Jeff told me that you're good at your job, and to come find you." He said. "Why didn't he just call me?" I asked. "They're both downtown at a bar, drunk." He commented. I sighed. "You're joking.. I don't actually have to deal with that, right?" I asked. "Sadly, your services were specifically requested." He replied..

"Ok, um. Fine.. Just, let me change." I said, shutting the door back. I changed into a pair of black leggings, and a t-shirt. I pulled on some tennis shoes and grabbed my phone, walking out of the room..

On the way there, I turned to the guy. "So, how drunk are we talking?" I asked, really not wanting to deal with any puking or passing out. I was already annoyed with the fact that I was having to deal with Harry in the middle of the night.

"Well, they were standing on the bar taking shots and doing karaoke when I left. So, there's no telling." He answered, pulling into an empty parking lot. "No one else is here?" I asked, and he shook his head. "Bar closed two hours ago. They paid the owner to stay and keep drinking." He explained. "Of course they did." I murmured..

I got out, and followed him through the doors. Jeff and one of the other people from Harry's band were doing karaoke still, lying on some of the tables. I saw Harry was passed out on the bar, lying across it. I groaned. Jeff came over, tripping over a chair that was on the ground. The other security guy caught him when he stumbled. "Thank you, Cameron." He commented.

"Brynn, glad you could make it. Harry needs to go home." He said, his eyes out of focus. I'd never seen him be anything but professional, and immediately didn't like this side of him..

"Great. Well, Cameron here can take care of that." I stated. "No no no, you need to do it. Cameron has to stay with us. Harry!" He shouted, grabbing my hand and pulling me over to the bar. He was stumbling over his own feet, and using me to stay standing.

I heard Harry groan, and he rolled over, falling off the bar and hitting the ground really hard. "Yes, good. He's awake now. Brynn, you're in charge of him. Take him back to his hotel; my car is out back, you can take that." He said, grabbing his keys out of his pocket and shoving them into my hand. Before I could argue with him about it, he let go of me and made his way back across the bar.

I sighed, looking down at Harry. He was still lying on the floor, unconscious.

"Get up." I stated, lightly kicking his arm. He let out a groan, wrapping his arms around my ankle and resting his head on my foot.

"No, this isn't nap time. Get your ass up." I said, bending down and prying his arms off of me. He finally opened his eyes, which were unfocused, his pupils way too dilated.

"Youmadeit." He slurred, rolling over and struggling to his feet. He held onto the bar, his legs obviously not wanting to hold him up. I sighed. "Yeah ok, come on. We're going home." I said.

I ended up carrying most of his weight, his arm pulled across my shoulders. It took us forever to get to the car.. He laid down in the backseat, and I put in the address to their hotel.. I drove there, parking, and saw three paparazzi guys sitting on the curb. They were waiting, and stood up, obviously recognizing Jeff's car.. I groaned.

"We're gonna have to somehow sneak past them." I commented. "Harry." I said, turning around when he didn't answer. Of course, knocked out again. How the hell was I supposed to get him in there? I stepped out of the car, shutting the door and walking towards the hotel entrance, the guys with the cameras looking confused. They were standing by the doors.

"How much are you all being paid right now?" I asked. They exchanged glances. "Well.. I can't let you take pictures of my boss, no matter what you're being paid. So, if you could just.. Not do that?" I explained. "You work for Harry Styles?" One of them asked. "Yes, sort of. I'm his personal trainer." I commented. One of them took a picture of me, and I sent him an annoyed look. He lowered the camera.

"Listen, lady. This is our job. We've been sitting out here all night." One of the others stated. "Yes, I know. I respect that; it's hard work.. Um, could you all do me a favor though? Harry is unconscious in the backseat. We've been at the gym all night, and I pushed him way too far, and he passed out from dehydration or something. He's fine. But, I can't carry him. So, could you guys please help me out?" I asked, lying, hoping they'd believe it.

"He passed out at the gym?" One of the guys asked, clearly not believing me. "Yes, now come help me, please." I said, putting on an innocent, nice-girl act. They hesitantly agreed, setting their cameras down and helping me carry Harry up to his room. By doing so, they couldn't take any pictures of this human disaster, which certainly helped a lot..

Once they left, I shut the door and heard a loud thump. I turned around. Harry had fallen off the bed. I groaned, walking over. He let out a moan, rolling over. "I need to get to the bathroom." He got out, slowly. I sighed, grabbing his arm and somehow managing to pull him to his feet, his arm over my shoulders. I half-dragged him into the bathroom and he fell to his knees by the toilet.

I immediately recoiled, walking out of the bathroom when he started puking. "Nope. Nope, not doing that." I said, shutting the door and walking out onto the balcony, where I couldn't hear the sounds of it..

About thirty minutes passed, and I was sitting out on the balcony, enjoying the night-time breeze. These parts of Florida always smell like a vacation, like a beach. It's soothing.

"Brynn!" I heard Harry screaming for me from inside. I sighed, making my way to my feet, and walking back through the room. I slowly pushed the door open to the bathroom, using my foot. He was sitting by the tub, head resting against the wall, his hair hanging down in his face..

He lifted his head a little, looking at me. His eyes were clearly out of focus, as he was still plastered. "You look like shit; what do you want?" I asked. "Water." He got out, seeming nauseated just from speaking.

I sent him a disgusted look, grabbing one of the glasses and filling it with water from the sink. He reached up, and I handed it to him. His fingers couldn't stay wrapped around the glass, and he almost dropped it. I rolled my eyes. Of course he got this drunk; he can't even hold onto anything.

"Here, just take small sips." I said, crouching down in front of him, holding the glass for him. He had his hand on my wrist, slowly drinking a tiny bit of the water. He let his head fall back against the wall, his hand coming off my arm and limply falling to the ground. I set the glass down, looking at him.

He'd passed out again. "Harry." I said, shaking his arm a little.. Nothing. I hesitated, holding two fingers to his neck, hoping to feel a pulse.. I relaxed, leaning back on my heels, looking at him. This was going to be a long night...

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