Actual Part 100

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** Five years later ** • September 18, 2027•

{{ Harry's POV }}

"Hey, dad?" I heard Grace say, and heard her run down the hallway. She appeared in the doorway of my bedroom. She'd turned five just over six months ago.

"Rylan called me an accident." She said, and I looked over at her, setting my book down. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I was playing with him and Faine. Faine said her mom and dad were fighting. And then Rylan said at least she wasn't an accident like me." She explained.

Since Grace is 5, and spends so much time away from home due to my career, she'd missed the cut off point to go to an actual school this year. So over the last year, I've been sending her to this woman's house, where she can start working on her language and grammar early. But I mainly send her there to socialize with other kids her age. It's been good for her..

I bit my lip. It was still hard to talk about Brynn. Or even think about her for that matter.

After I found out she'd been killed, it felt like someone had taken a piece of my soul, and I honestly don't think I'll ever get that back.. It's been five years, and the pain of that happening still feels like it was just yesterday.  Everyone keeps telling me it'll get easier, and that time heals all wounds. But... It just feels so permanent. It was as if Brynn tattooed my heart with the memory of her. And that hurts...

"Well that wasn't very nice of him." I commented, not sure she was old enough to hear about why she was being called an accident.. She nodded, walking into the room and managing to climb onto the bed..

She laid on her stomach, propping her elbows up and holding her chin on her hands. "What was mom like?" She asked. I looked down at her.

"You never talk about her." She said. "I know.. It's just difficult." I replied. She moved forward, rolling onto her back and laying her head on my stomach, looking up at me.

"You look like her." I commented. "Really? Was she pretty?" She asked, and I laughed. "She was beautiful. Like you." I said, smiling. "Do you have a picture of her?" She questioned.

"Maybe when you're older." I commented. "You always say that.. Can you tell me what she was like? What was her favorite color?" She asked, and I smiled at the memory of me begging Brynn to tell me.

"Green. She liked nature a lot." I answered. She rolled over, digging her elbows into my stomach. "What else did she like?" Grace asked, looking at me. I laughed a little. "Uh.. Well that's a good question.. I know she really liked computers. She was crazy good with technology.." I trailed off, thinking back over Brynn and I's conversations.

"She liked to run. A lot. She once make me run like six miles." I commented. "Do you miss her?" She asked. I nodded. "Every day." I answered. "Did you love her?" She questioned, and I laughed at her asking me so many questions. "Yes. I did. A lot.." I replied.

"How did she die?" She asked, and I bit my lip, having known she would eventually ask me that. "That's a story for when you're a little older." I said, and she let out a dramatic sigh..

"Harry?!" I heard someone shout. "In here!" I exclaimed, sitting up a little. My mum appeared in the doorway. Grace jumped off the bed, running over and hugging her. I smiled, getting up. "You're early." I said. "I know. I thought I'd come pick her up now so that you could leave on time." She explained. I nodded. "Thanks." I replied, ruffling Grace's hair before going into the bathroom...


"Alright, so I'll be back in a few days. I really appreciate you looking after her." I said, slinging the duffle bag over my shoulder. "It's no problem." She replied..

I had to spend a few days in LA this week to record some things in the studio. It was a little harder to get things done with Grace around. But, absolutely worth it. I wouldn't trade this life for anything, and having her made me feel like a part of Brynn was still here with me..

I did miss her, a lot. Despite her not always treating me well, none of that really affected me all that much.

I just wish she was still here...

A/N: Since I had a lot of people not liking the way it cuts off at the end on part 99.. I wrote this chapter. Thank you so much for reading. Maybe there will be a sequel...
<3 <3

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