Part 46

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I woke up, the sun blinding me as it came through the window. I groaned, rolling over. I ran into someone, getting confused, before remembering Harry was here.

I sighed, reaching up and feeling the back of my head. It still really hurt, and my headache was absolutely horrible. I pulled the sheets over my head, and it took me less than a second to realize I only had underwear on, along with the t-shirt I'd been wearing last night.

I pulled the covers back down, looking over at Harry, confused.. I wasn't sure what the last thing I remembered was, but I definitely didn't remember taking my pants off..

I hesitated, reaching over and slightly lifting the covers by him. I cursed under my breath, seeing that he wasn't wearing anything. I rolled back over. I didn't know what had happened last night, and wasn't sure if he'd remember either.

I realized Jeff could come back any minute now, and quickly got out of bed, nearly falling. I leaned against my bed, waiting for the dizziness to pass.. I went into the bathroom, seeing the bottom cabinet open and a mess. I was confused, but remembered that's where Daniel keeps the condoms. But it didn't look like any of them were missing, which made me feel a little better..

I had absolutely no idea what had happened last night, but knew that I needed to clean it up before Jeff came back..

I quickly showered, having to sit down in there so I wouldn't pass out.. After that, I pulled a towel around me, and walked out at the same time Jeff came through the door. He looked around. The apartment was a mess. There were multiple empty glasses on the table, scattered cards all across the floor, and the couch had been pushed back at some point, as if someone had fallen on it.. The empty bottle of vodka was lying in the middle of the floor.

His eyes landed on me. "What the hell happened in here?" He asked. I was still in my towel. "Honestly.. I'm not sure." I said, nearly falling. I grabbed onto the wall, and managed to sit down on the windowsill. "Are you drunk?" He questioned, walking over. His eyes went into the bedroom, where Harry was still asleep.

"No.. I hit my head at some point. I'm not really sure when, or how." I commented, holding the back of my head and shutting my eyes, waiting for the spinning to stop. "You could have a concussion." He stated. "Uh huh, right.. Could you get me some clothes?" I asked, not sure if I could stand at this point..

He hesitated, before going into my room. After a few minutes, he came back out, dropping them into my lap. "Get dressed, and then we need to talk." He said. I sighed, standing up, holding onto the clothes. I immediately almost fell, and he caught me, slowly helping me get to the bathroom. He shut the door, seeming hesitant to leave me on my own. I managed to get dressed, using the wall for balance.

He'd gotten me some shorts and a t-shirt. I ran my hand through my wet hair, and walked out of the bathroom, still holding onto the wall.

"Ok. Um.." He hesitated, then got up, helping me over to the couch. "I'm going to take you to a doctor. But, I need to ask you some things first." He said. "Okay."I replied, grabbing one of the throw pillows, and lying on my side with my eyes shut.

"Brynn, don't do that. You can't go back to sleep. If you have a concussion, you need to stay awake." He commented. "Ok. Ask the questions." I murmured, the world still spinning around me..

"Did you let Harry drink?" He questioned. "Yes." I replied, thinking. "Also, I'm pretty sure he had alcohol poisoning.. I remember that.. And I think I went to bed early, and he stayed up drinking by himself I guess. Actually, I do remember that. He was unconscious, and I couldn't wake him up.. But then he was awake. And I went to help him get to the couch. And, that's it. I don't know what happened after that." I slowly explained.

"It also looks like you or Harry must've fallen right here, which is why the couch is like that. That could've been when you hit your head." He said, sounding unsure. Everything about last night was unsure..

"Ok, next question. That pill yesterday; what was it?" He asked. I sighed. "Does it really matter?" I questioned, knowing it really didn't.. "Yes." He stated. I hesitated, feeling nauseous from the room spinning so much.. "It was an emergency contraceptive. Because of Daniel." I said.. "Oh. Ok. Um. Just one more question."He commented.

"Did you sleep with Harry last night?" He asked. I sighed. "I honestly don't know. I don't think I was conscious for that." I admitted. "You don't remember doing anything with him? At all?" He questioned. I shook my head. He pushed his hands through his hair. "You did something. I don't know what. But, something happened." He commented. "How do you know that?" I asked, not opening my eyes, still lying there.

I heard him get up. "Because. Harry always leaves the same marks on the women he sleeps with." He stated, walking over and gently pulling down the top of my t-shirt, revealing my collarbones.

"Are there marks?" I asked. "Yes. Multiple." He said, letting go of my shirt and pacing across the room..

"I'm going to wake him up and see if he remembers." Jeff stated. "Mm. K." I murmured, feeling myself falling back asleep. "Brynn, stay awake. Just for a few more minutes, I'm going to take you to the doctor. After I figure out what happened." He said.. I didn't respond, and heard him come over. He crouched down in front of the couch.

"Brynn, open your eyes." He commented. I was tired, and wanted to sleep. After fighting my body, I managed to open them. "Good. Keep them open, okay? Don't go back to sleep." He said. The second he got up and walked away, I let them shut again, the sunlight practically blinding me.

I heard him go into the bedroom. "Harry, get up." He said.. "Harry." He stated, and I heard a little movement. "Harry." He repeated. "Harry, wake up." I heard him say, his tone sounding slightly distressed..

"Damn it." He muttered. "Brynn!" He shouted. "Hmm?" I murmured. "Brynn, call 911! Or, the French version of that!"

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