Part 61

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*** Jeff's POV ***

Once they took Brynn for her surgery, I learned that this Daniel guy is extremely talkative...

"Okay, so the other guy that was here. The English one. He looks familiar, but I don't think Brynn's mentioned him." He commented, turning his chair to face me more. I nodded. "Yeah. Um, she used to work for him. Well, for me technically. But, the work was centered around him.. Cause, he's a famous musician. I'm his manager." I briefly explained.

"Uh huh. Yeah, I don't listen to a lot of music. But, what's his name?" He asked. "Harry Styles." I answered. "Ohh, okay. That makes sense." He replied. "So you have heard of him?" I questioned. He nodded. "Of course. I don't pay much attention to his music career. But I've heard people talk about him I guess." He stated.

"Right.. You see, 'cause when you got here, you said you read about this whole thing in the news. All the headlines include his name, and none of the articles really talk about her much. And yet, you didn't know his name." I commented, looking at him. That seemed to catch him off-guard, which meant my instincts were right.

"So, what's the real story? You know, the one you didn't make up." I asked. He was watching me. "It's complicated." He said. I raised my eyebrows. "Is it now? Care to elaborate?" I questioned.. He hesitated, glancing over at the door. "I can't. It's.. sensitive information." He commented quietly. I sent him a confused look.

"So.." I trailed off. He got up, walking over and shutting the door to the room. He looked around some. "Turn your phone off." He said, digging into his own pocket and pulling his cell out. He turned it off. "Why?" I asked. "Just, do it." He stated, sitting back down in the chair.

I hesitated a moment, but took my phone out, turning it off.. He nodded, looking around the room some. "What're you doing?" I asked. "Looking for cameras." He replied, before relaxing some, his eyes coming back to me..

"You can't speak of this with anyone. Okay?" He questioned. I shrugged.. "Ok so, Brynn was working for this really sketchy company.. And by sketchy, I mean completely illegal. She was essentially hacking into databases and websites, changing the coding and getting super-classified information for her bosses... So, when this whole incident happened, they had been 100% reliant on her services.." He trailed off, watching me try and comprehend all of this..

I motioned for him to continue. "So.. They tracked me down, because they know everything about everyone she knows and whatnot. And they threatened me, and told me to find out what was going on with her, and then to report back to them." He explained.. "I see.. So, who exactly are these people?" I asked. He shook his head. "It's this huge mess. It doesn't really matter. It's all illegal, which is why they can't enter any government buildings, like this one." He elaborated. I slowly nodded..

"So like the mafia or something?" I asked. He laughed. "No. Brynn is way too smart for that. The problem is, these guys need her for something they're working on right now. And, she's in a coma. So now I'm just trying to figure out what I'm going to tell them." He replied.

"Right... Well, is Harry in any danger from this? Since, he knows her?" I asked. He looked at me. "No. I mean, I don't think so. They targeted me because of.. Well, it's just.. more complicated." He mumbled the last part.

"Right.. So.. Are you going to explain?" I questioned.. He hesitated. "It's going to make me sound like a dick." He commented. I laughed. "Trust me, I already don't like you. So, you might as well tell me." I stated.

He sighed. "Ok. Fine. Um. These guys have been around for decades, and plan to be around for a lot longer. The problem is, there is a huge shortage of people as smart as Brynn, who are willing to do super illegal things.. So, that's sort of where I come in." He said, stopping, obviously still hesitant.

"Oh my god, just keep going with the story. It's not going to make a difference if you keep pausing. You're telling me anyway, might as well say it all at once." I stated.. He slowly nodded. "Ok. Well, they found me, hired me. And essentially paid me to get super close with Brynn. Like, well.." He sighed, turning so he wasn't looking at me. "They wanted me to try and get her pregnant. So that they could potentially have someone as smart as her in the future." He explained.

I was at a loss for words. He glanced in my direction. "But listen, I really did like her. It wasn't just about the money or anything. I fell in love with her. But then she had all these rules and boundaries and whatnot. So, it sort of just turned into this whole random casual-sex thing.. Which, worked out well for the company. Well, I actually don't know if it did or not." He commented.. I looked at him. "I'm sorry, so.. You were intentionally trying to get her pregnant, without telling her.. And getting paid by someone to do so." I summed-up. He nodded.

"Yeah.. It really wasn't too difficult. I mean, cut a small hole in all the condoms; even tried not using one.. I really thought it'd be easier to do this. But, it's been a while. So, did the doctors mention anything like that? I feel like they'd do a test to see if she was pregnant." He questioned. I sent him a disgusted look.

"No. She's not. She took an emergency contraceptive." I replied. He sighed. "Great... Well. Again, you can't repeat any of this to anyone. Especially Brynn. 'Cause, that would probably mess with me doing my job." He said. "Right.." I commented, honestly wishing I hadn't heard any of that..

He stood up. "I'm going to go. I've got some other things to attend to." He said. "Oh yeah? More girls to impregnate?" I asked sarcastically. He rolled his eyes. "It's not even that big of a deal. It's just a baby; who cares?" He stated, walking out of the room.

I shoved a hand through my hair, looking around. "What the hell just happened?" I muttered....

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