Part 40

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I stayed out all night, waking up the next day.. "Your phone's ringing." I groaned, rolling over. I held my hand out, and felt him put it in my hand. I answered it, lifting the phone to my ear. "What?" I asked.

"Where the hell are you?" He asked. It was Jeff. I held it away from my ear for a second, turning the volume down. I yawned, trying to put my thoughts together. "I'm out.. I told you I'd be back, and I will. Later." I said, slowly sitting up in the bed.

He sighed. "I thought you meant you were going to be gone for maybe an hour. Listen, you need to come back here. Harry's going to wake up soon, and he's going to do everything he can to find a drink." He explained. "Uh huh, right. Well, don't let him do that. Also, you woke me up, which is rude. So, goodbye." I replied, hanging up.

Daniel was across the room, getting some clothes. "That your boyfriend?" He asked, pulling a t-shirt over his head. "No. Just an old boss of mine." I replied, running a hand through my hair.

I guess I should explain a little. I met Daniel about a week after I moved here. He's one of the few people in this part of town, who also fluently speaks both French and English. He knows nothing about my past, except some irrelevant stuff I told him. We started hanging out more, and he wanted to make things official. I told him I didn't want to put any labels on our relationship. So, we aren't dating. We occasionally get together and either end up sleeping at either his place or mine. It's essentially just meaningless sex. Which is healthy, sort of. But that's the extent of it. And sometimes he buys me food.. But, that's all I think of it as. It means nothing to me.

"So, I have to head out. You know, work stuff. I'll see you later?" He questioned. "Uhh, probably not. I have some old business I need to attend to." I replied. He nodded, putting his belt on.. After a few minutes, he was out the door.

I got up, grabbing my clothes off the floor and going into the bathroom. I took a fast shower. And since I've spent a fair number of nights here, I have two or three outfits here, along with some of my makeup..

I got ready, quickly changing into something else....


I made it back to my apartment, and heard screaming from inside. I sighed, pushing the door open. Surely enough, Harry was lying on the floor, screaming, while Jeff held him down. "Ok... Um. What's going on exactly?" I asked.

They both looked over at me, and Harry stopped screaming. Jeff relaxed a little. "He wants to drink, and apparently you have vodka in your fridge." He explained..

"Right, no yeah I do have that." I said, shutting the door back.

"What's going on?" Harry asked. "Is he sober yet?" I questioned. Jeff stood up, getting off of him. "No. He's getting there. But, he's starting to get hungover. Which.. Is almost just as bad." He explained to me. "Uh huh.. Ok." I commented, going into the kitchen. I made myself some quick breakfast, eating it.

I walked back out. Harry was still on the floor, despite Jeff no longer pinning him down.. "Where am I?" He asked, slowly sitting up. He grabbed his head, groaning and falling back down onto his back..

"You're in France. I've told you about six million times; stop asking." Jeff stated.

I stepped over him, sitting on the couch and switching on the tv. "What're you doing?" He asked.
"Watching tv, what's it look like?" I replied. He walked over, taking the remote and shutting the tv off.

"I have been waiting for you to come back all night. Where the hell were you?" He asked. I put my feet up on the table. "At a friend's house. Sorry I have a life." I replied. Harry struggled to his feet, and then quickly ran into the kitchen. Jeff sprinted after him, and I heard them arguing.

"Harry, no." Jeff said, and I got up, walking into the kitchen. Harry was holding onto the bottle of vodka. He hadn't opened it, but was trying to keep Jeff from getting it. "Harry." I commented. He froze, and Jeff quickly grabbed the bottle from his grasp, and moved away from him..

Harry turned around, looking at me. "You're here." He whispered, even though he should've remembered seeing me a few minutes ago. "Yes. I am. And you look like shit. When's the last time you showered? Or shaved?" I asked. He walked over. I took a step back, but that didn't stop him from wrapping his arms around me.

"Great, ok. Um.." I slowly managed to push him off of me. I glanced over at Jeff, who was watching. "You couldn't have showered him?" I asked. He shrugged, and I sighed. "Go take him somewhere. Wherever you're staying. He needs to shower." I said, walking away from him.

"Okay. Sure." Jeff commented. I went into the living room, sitting on the couch. My phone was nearly dead, so I plugged it in. I froze, hearing my shower start. I got up, walking into my room. "Jeff what.." I sighed, already annoyed. "You said wherever we were staying. Which is here. So.. He's showering." He replied. Harry was sitting on the floor in the bathroom, holding his head.

"I need to drink." He said. "No. You need to shower. So, come on. Get up." Jeff stated. "No." Harry murmured.

Jeff glanced over at me. "What?" I asked. "Your turn." He stated. I rolled my eyes, and motioned for him to get out of the bathroom. He did, and I walked in, standing in front of Harry.

"Harry." I said. He slowly lifted his head. I crouched down to his eye-level. "Will you shower? Please?" I asked. He studied my face for a moment. "My head hurts." He murmured. "I know. But it'll go away. Now, can you get up, and shower? Because, the water's running. And, the hot water only lasts so long." I said.

"After, can we talk?" He asked quietly. "Sure, sure. Just.. Get up, and shower." I said, standing up. He held his hands out, asking for my assistance. I sighed, grabbing his hands and helping pull him off the ground. He stood really close to me, looking down at me. "You're different." He murmured.

"No, I'm really not. Now, get in the shower." I said, moving away from him, and walking out of the bathroom. I shut the door. Jeff was leaning against the wall. "He still likes you." He commented. I rolled my eyes. "That's unfortunate." I replied, going and sitting back out on the couch, where my phone was..

After about thirty minutes, the bathroom door opened. I was busy looking at something on my phone.

"Harry, what the hell?"

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