Part 24

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Harry and I walked on the beach for a long time, still talking. The sun was already down, but it was still a little light outside.. We'd walked a few miles down the coastline, and were now walking back towards the hotel.

"So, before you even graduated, Jeff gave you a job?" He asked. I nodded. He looked over at me for a few seconds. "What?" I asked, laughing. "Nothing, I've just had a lot of fun today. I wasn't sure how it would go, considering you went so long hating me. But, this was a good day." He commented. "Who said I stopped hating you?" I asked jokingly. He smiled, looking over his shoulder like it was a habit. We passed a few people. Some were walking, some were standing around looking for crabs or shells or something...

We got back to the hotel, which is right off the beach.
"Here, I got it." He said, grabbing the hose that's used to wash the sand off your feet. My hands were full. I had my bag in one hand, and my sandals and phone in the other. He hosed my feet off, one of his hands unnecessarily on my leg. He then rinsed off his own feet. He stood back up after turning the water off, and looked down at me.. He was standing really close to me. "Alright, let's go, I'm starving." I commented, walking around him and towards the hotel. I threw my shoes onto the ground, putting them back on, freeing one of my hands.

"Brynn, wait." He said, and I stopped, turning and looking at him.. We were still standing on the boardwalk, and there wasn't anyone around us at the moment.. "Um. I want to say something before I leave tomorrow." He stated. "Ok. What is it?" I asked.

He took a few steps towards me, shoving his phone into the pocket of his bathing suit. "Well.. It's not really that I wanted to say something, as much as I wanted to do something." He commented, stopping in front of me. "Um.." I trailed off, putting it together in my head. "Yeah, I think we should probably just.. Go eat. That's what I'm gonna.. Do." I said, turning and going into the hotel, getting the hell away from that situation...

He essentially pretended like that hadn't happened, and we ate dinner at the hotel.. We had to eat there, since I still only had my jean shorts on with my cover up. I hadn't brought a shirt, so my bikini top was still on..

"Alright. Well, I won't see you tomorrow. So, have fun with the rest of your tour." I commented as we stepped off the elevator upstairs. "Thanks. Where will you be? Since you said you weren't staying here." He questioned, looking at me as we stopped outside my room.

I shrugged. "Wherever I feel like going." I replied. "So, you just travel around? You don't have any place you call home?" He asked. "No. Never have." I stated. He was watching me.. "And, um.. Where do you think you'll end up?" He asked. I sighed. "Harry, it doesn't matter. You can't follow me around. That's my job. You need to just continue doing what you normally do. And I'll do what I do." I commented. "So.. The States? Europe? Asia?" He listed off a few places. I laughed.

"I'll tell you what. I'm going to the airport in two days. I'm going to look at the list of flights, and whichever one my gut tells me to choose, I'll pick." I said..

He was standing there, watching me, like he usually does, not saying anything. "Alright.. Well, you should go." I commented, glancing down the hall. When I turned back to face him, he had moved closer. "You know I have issues with my personal space; why do you insist on ignoring that?" I asked.

"Because.. I don't know when I'll see you again. Possibly never." He replied. "So, you invading my space is supposed to help with that?" I questioned.

"No. This is." He said. Before I even knew what was happening, he pushed his lips against mine, one of his hands lightly holding my jaw, the other on the side of my neck. I turned my head, breaking it off.

"You shouldn't have done that." I stated.. "I had to." He replied, still standing close to me. His hands had both fallen down to my shoulders, and he slid his thumbs across my collar bones. "No, you definitely didn't. That was inappropriate.. You should just, go back to your room." I commented. He laughed. "I don't understand you. Today was.. Amazing. And I thought I'd gotten through to you, at least a little—" I stopped him. "Harry, I don't care what you thought. You can't just go around kissing people." I said.

"Brynn, it was just one kiss." He replied. "You don't know anything about me. We talked a lot today, but you have no idea why you shouldn't have done that." I commented.. "So then tell me." He stated.

"No. Please just, go back to your room." I said. "Brynn—" I cut him off again. "I said no, Harry." I stated firmly. He sighed, glancing over his shoulder. "Fine." He murmured, meeting my gaze once more, before stepping away from me. He walked down the hall and went into his room..

What the fuck just happened?

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