Part 63

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I wanted to pull my hand away, but didn't really have much strength to do anything but breathe. I was tired, and just wanted to sleep some more.

"You work for an illegal company?" He asked. I sighed. "I really can't talk about it. Besides, I need to get in contact with them before they do anything bad." I commented, knowing that much was true. "Brynn. What's going on? Why are you working for them?" He asked. I glanced in his direction.

"Because, Harry. It's exactly what I grew up wanting to do. It's not my fault that it's illegal. But, they've been around for decades, without getting caught.. Well, except that one time.. But still, I'm good at what I do. You know that. And this company allows me to do what I love." I explained. "Can you get out of it? Or will they come after you and kill you or something?" He questioned. I rolled my eyes at him being overly dramatic.

"Have you met me? They know I'm not staying with them forever. Besides, they all know that I'm capable of destroying their lives very quickly.. Same with you actually. And Jeff. But, I haven't had to do that. So. That's good, for you." I commented. He was still watching me. "How would you destroy my life?" He asked.

"I never reveal my best secrets. There's no fun in that.. Besides, all these questions are making my headache worse, and I'm exhausted." I said, letting my head rest against the pillow.. "Ok, well the doctor is about to come in here and ask you a bunch of questions and stuff." He commented. I groaned. "I can't do that. He needs to wait." I murmured, shutting my eyes. He was still holding onto my hand.

"Brynn." He said. "Hm?" I questioned, barely awake. "I don't want you to go back to sleep." He commented. I didn't respond, letting the exhaustion overtake me.. I could still hear him saying my name, but was mostly asleep.. I squeezed his hand a little, to let him know that I wasn't going back into the coma right now.....


I only got about thirty minutes of rest, before the doctor came in, and immediately turned on the lights. I brought my hand up, holding it over my eyes. "Ah, so it's true. How are you feeling?" He asked, walking over to my bedside. "Like the lights need to be cut off." I murmured, my head throbbing..

"Ok, well it's a good sign that you're talking.. I need to take your vitals and check your reflexes, so the lights are going to stay on." He said. "I can't do that right now." I replied quietly.. "She's tired." Harry commented. "I'm sure. Not like she didn't just get three weeks worth of sleep or anything." The doctor stated sarcastically. "Brynn, I need you to take your hand off your eyes." He said.

"I can't." I stated, annoyed that he wasn't understanding the fact that my head was killing me. And like a migraine, the light would make it ten-times worse.. "It's only for a minute or two. Why can't you do it?" He asked. I realized Harry had finally let go of my other hand, so I brought it up, pointing at my head.

"Does it hurt?" He asked, sounding confused. "Yes. And you talking and turning on all these lights isn't helping. I need to go back to sleep." I said. There was  a moment of silence. "How bad does it hurt, Brynn?" He questioned. I felt dizzy now, which only made the headache more dire.. I shook my head. "Ok. Um. We need to get her down for an MRI.." I heard him say quietly.

"Why, what's happening?" Harry asked. I heard them walk away from my bed a little. "Her brain surgery was a few weeks ago. Her head shouldn't be hurting. And she shouldn't be as tired as she is right now." I heard him explain in a hushed tone. I felt myself about to pass out, and I felt like everything around me was spinning. I didn't have the energy to tell them that. Within an instant, I blacked out, my hand falling back down, limp...

** Harry's POV **

"Brynn?" I asked, walking over. Nothing.

"She's out. Um, ok, I'm taking her to get a quick MRI. If I had to guess, I'd say what we did last time didn't hold, and her brain is bleeding again. I'll update you when I can." He quickly explained, and in less than minute, she was out of the room and down the hall...

I sat down in the chair. "What if she goes back into the coma? What if she doesn't even make it through this surgery, because her heart isn't strong enough yet?" I asked, looking over at Jeff. "Harry, we just have to hope that she'll be fine. That's all we can do for her, okay? I know it's hard. But, she's gotten this far." He replied...

** Brynn's POV ** >> 3 days later <<

The first thing I felt when I woke up, was a throbbing pain in the side of my head.. I groaned, reaching up and holding it. I had some new stitches behind my left ear, which is where the pain was coming from. I felt weight on my right arm, and looked over. Harry was lying on the bed, turned on his side, holding onto my arm.

I somehow managed to reach his phone, and turned it on. It was almost midnight; so he probably fell asleep recently.

I decided to go look at what had been posted recently about this whole thing.. They'd seen Harry going back into my apartment building almost two weeks ago.. He'd had his hood up. But you could still see that it was him. Those images had blown up, many of his fans relieved to learn that he wasn't dead. They'd also commented on the fact that he was still going to my apartment, and that it was odd for him to stay in one country for so long..

I turned the phone back off, setting it down on the table. I glanced over at him, wishing he wasn't holding onto my arm, or lying this close to me. But, despite all that, I was still tired, and quickly fell back asleep.....

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