Part 80

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"I win." I said, looking back up at him. "Damn it. You sneaky little bitch." He muttered, glaring at me. He pulled himself off me, standing up.

"Ok, well do you want to maybe explain?" My mom asked, impatient.. He glanced down at me. I had my hands over the cut on my stomach, and shut my eyes, trying to block the pain out. The napkins under my arm were entirely soaked in my blood.

"She won. So, she gets to leave. That's how it works." He explained. But I couldn't even stand up. I was trying to hold pressure on my stomach, but it wasn't helping much.

"What? You can't do that." My dad said, sounding pissed. "It's how the game works. It's not my fault, ok? She's never won; how was I supposed to know she'd start saying those things?" Ryan replied..

"You need to call for an ambulance!" I heard Harry shout out of nowhere. I guess they'd let go of him. He was crouched down next to me within a few seconds. "Nah, she'll be alright. I've done worse." Ryan stated..

Harry got up and came back a minute later. "Brynn, move your hands." He said. I hesitated, but moved them.. He held a towel against it, keeping it there.

"I mean, could this count as a disability?" I heard my mom ask. "Not really.. I mean, you could try. I don't know if they'd accept it though, since it's only temporary." Ryan replied. "Brynn, open your eyes. Please." Harry said quietly.

"Hey man, you just gotta wait it out. She's gonna pass out in a few minutes, but she'll be back." Ryan said to Harry. "Why the hell would you do that to her?!" He exclaimed. I heard Ryan laugh, and my brain instinctively told me I was in danger and I started moving. "Hey, hey you're ok. Brynn stay still." Harry said, holding me down. I stopped, and he went back to applying the pressure to my stomach. He'd wrapped another towel around my arm, and had his knee lying across it so he could keep both of them under pressure..

"Dude, seriously. You're wasting your time." Ryan commented. "Shut up. Do you seriously not even care? She's a person. I don't care if you hate her, this isn't right." Harry stated.. "Woah, no one ever said I hated her." He replied, and I heard him walk over. "Get away from her." Harry said. I felt the back of Ryan's hand lightly brush against my cheek and I flinched. He laughed, and I went still when I felt his lips next to my ear. "You know who really won that, right?" He whispered.

"You may have gotten lucky this time.. But I'll be back. You know I will. And you know why." He continued, before kissing my cheek and standing back up. "Alright, well this was fun." I heard him say, and he picked the knife up from where it was next to me. "You're leaving?" My mom asked.. "Well, yeah. My job is done. Those are the rules, and you have no use for her now.. I mean, I could kill her if you want. We are in New York, after-all." He replied. "You'd do that?" She questioned, and I reached over with my left hand, grabbing Harry's wrist and squeezing it, trying to let him know that they were being serious..

"You can't kill her. What the fuck is wrong with you?" Harry asked. "Nothing; what's wrong with you?" Ryan questioned.

"But to answer your question, yes. I would do that. But you'd be responsible for disposing of the body. I don't do clean-up, you can ask Brynn." He said..
"Well, how would you do it?" She asked. "Easy. All she needs is a few more cuts. She can live with three or four, but any more than that and she can't." He replied..

"Don't you dare." Harry stated. "Oh, and I'd also have to kill him. He knows what I look like, and knows what you two look like. So, he'd definitely talk. But, I have no problem doing that." Ryan explained.. I knew he was being serious, and knew that my parents would let him unless I did something..

I managed to steady my breathing, and opened my eyes. "I'll play again." I said, and he laughed, walking over. "Cupcake, you really don't want to do that." He commented, crouching down on the other side of me, across from Harry. "Ok, before y'all start that up again, explain it to us. What happens if she loses?" My dad asked. Ryan laughed. "That's for her and me to know only. But, if she wins, she lives." He answered.

"Right.. But if she loses, you'll kill her?" He asked. "Yup. But, she wants to play. So clearly she's willing to die, amongst other things." He commented. "Brynn, don't." Harry said. I shook my head. "He'll kill me if I don't. And you.. Right?" I questioned, looking at Ryan. I knew the answer. "That's correct. With your parents permission, of course." He answered.. "We're alright with that." My mom stated. Harry looked over at her, and then back down at me.

He was clearly trying to think of a way to get me out of here. But, with the three of them, and me temporarily unable to walk.. It would be impossible.. "Great. Well, Brynn, you can hold those towels. Someone move him." Ryan demanded, standing up. My dad grabbed Harry's arm, roughly pulling him into a standing position and shoving him across the room.. I grimaced, shutting my eyes. I managed to grab the towel with my left hand, holding it to my stomach. As for the one wrapped around my right arm, I pushed against the ground, trying to slow the bleeding despite both the towels now being dark red except for in a few spots..

"Babe, you can't win with your eyes closed." He said, crouching down over me, straddling my waist. Which certainly didn't help the bleeding or the pain..

I hesitated, trying to steady my breathing again, trying to calm down and focus. Everything hurt really bad, and now I would have to keep myself conscious as I continued to lose more blood.. I finally opened my eyes, meeting his as he leaned over me again, smirking.

Harry was watching me.. "So like.. It's basically just a staring contest and whoever looks away first loses?" My father asked. "Correct, except you're allowed to blink." Ryan stated. "No cheating this time. You can't cut her." Harry said from across the room.

"Well... If I cut her, she bleeds out faster and that ruins all the fun." He commented. I mentally rolled my eyes, shifting under him as the towel on my stomach moved.. I grimaced at the pain, but kept my eyes open. "Brynn, you know you can't cheat either. None of what you did before." He said. "What, so I can't talk?" I asked.

"You can't manipulate me." He stated. "I wasn't manipulating you. I was just taking a trip down memory-lane." I replied. "Well I won't fall for it again." He said. "Although, it was great sex. I'll give you that." He commented. He didn't bother lowering his voice, obviously not caring..

"Hey, Harry?" He asked, not taking his eyes off mine. "What?" Harry replied. "Is she still good in bed?" Ryan questioned, clearly trying to bother me by bothering Harry.. But that wouldn't work, and Harry didn't say anything.

"I bet you are." He said, smirking. "Too bad you'll never know.. Your loss." I stated. He laughed. "Don't get too cocky. You know what happens when you lose." He said quietly. I glared at him, and he returned the look...

The first round was lasting longer than any of the rounds of the prior game.. He'd moved so he was leaning on his elbows, which meant his face was way too close to mine, and his body was putting pressure on my stomach wound. And even though it hurt me, it was probably helping..

"I thought you said you had the heart surgery." He said. "I did." I replied, trying to ignore the fact that he was really close to me. Our faces were maybe 3-4 inches apart.. "Then why is your skin still cold?" He asked. "Probably from being stabbed and losing blood." I commented. He laughed. "Forgot about that." He murmured..

I had a feeling this was going to take a long time.. Which only meant more blood-loss. This had a lot of potential to not end well...

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