Part 74

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I woke up to loud knocking, and let out a small groan, opening my eyes and looking around. Harry was still lying behind me, his arms tightly wrapped around my waist. I jumped when the knocking came again, and glanced over at the door. "Open the door!" I heard Jeff shout from the other side. I looked around the room, and grabbed the empty box of condoms, tossing it into the trashcan. Jeff knocked on the door again, still shouting. It was just past 10:00AM..

"Harry." I said quietly, tapping his arm. He let out a groan. "Jeff's knocking on the door." I whispered, managing to turn over so I was facing him.

He pulled me closer to him again, and I sighed, glancing over at the door. It was only a matter of time before Jeff found the spare key to the bedroom. It's hidden on the top of the door frame. I sighed, looking around the room some. There wasn't any more evidence other than the marks we both had on our necks.. I let my head rest back down on the pillow, pulling the comforter up, since my arm was cold.

I heard the key fall off the door frame, and shut my eyes, hearing him unlocking the door. I tucked my head down, and felt Harry's grip tighten slightly..

The door opened. "Get up." He demanded. Harry was a heavy sleeper, and didn't even remotely move. I heard Jeff walk to the bottom of the bed. "Harry, come on. Let's go, we need to leave." He commented, tapping Harry's feet at the bottom of the bed. But he only let out a small noise in response, clearly not wanting to be bothered..

"Brynn." Jeff said. I moved a little, but didn't pick up my head. "Brynn." He repeated.. "Hm?" I said, pretending to barely be awake. I honestly just didn't want to be the one to deal with this. He'd ask too many questions, which would only annoy me more. "Get up." He stated. When I didn't move, he groaned.

I heard him go over to the other side of the bed, and he slapped the side of Harry's face. Not too hard, but enough to wake him up. He groaned. "What, Jeff?" He asked, and then woke up enough to realize that Jeff was in the room. I felt him look over at me.

"We've got to go. I told you we were leaving today. We have a flight." Jeff explained. "Why would you schedule it so early?" Harry asked, turning back and pulling me against him again.

I couldn't hear something Jeff was saying. "What?" Harry asked, obviously confused.. "I can't understand you. She's sleeping, just say it out loud." Harry said quietly.. "Did you sleep with her?" I heard Jeff ask in a hushed tone. I felt his eyes on me. "No. I mean, before you came in we were sleeping together. But no." Harry lied, surprising me. "Ok. Well then what was going on in here last night? And why do you have hickeys?" Jeff questioned..

"That's none of your business." Harry stated, turning back over, his arm coming back around me. "Fine, well you need to get up. It's time to leave." Jeff commented.

I heard my phone start ringing from on the nightstand, and groaned. I rolled over, managing to reach and answer it. I held it to my ear. "What?" I asked, feeling Harry pull me back again..

"Hi, is this Brynn Matthews?" A woman asked. I sighed. "Who's calling?" I replied. "My name's Judy. I own the 5th-Avenue Apartments building." She explained. That was my New York apartment. "Ok. What'd you want?" I asked, knowing Jeff and Harry were both listening to me..

"There's been a situation involving your unit. I know you're currently out of town, but we need you to return here as soon as possible. It's urgent." She explained. I sighed. "How urgent?" I questioned, confused. "Well, I can't actually dispose that information over the phone due to client-confidentiality. It has to be in-person." She replied. "Ok, well how am I supposed to know if I actually care about whatever this is? Cause I don't want to go all the way back there just to waste my time." I stated.

"I highly recommend you return as soon as possible. Today, if you could." She said. I sighed, thinking about it. "Ok. Um. I'll see what I can do." I commented, hanging up and putting my phone back on the nightstand.. I pulled the comforter back over that arm, shutting my eyes back.

"Brynn." Jeff stated. "She's busy." I murmured, thinking about what I was going to pack to go back to New York for a few days. I'd have to fly out there, deal with whatever was so urgent, then come back to move out of this apartment.. Or I could pack up this apartment, ship my stuff to my next place, and then deal with that..

"Harry, let's go. I've already packed your stuff, and there's a cab on the way. So, put on a shirt, and let's go." He commented. I felt Harry let out a breath on the back of my neck. He had his arms linked around my waist, and I was actually pretty comfortable.. "Ok, I'll be there in a few minutes. Just, wait out there." Harry said. "Fine. You have five minutes, and I'm leaving the door open." Jeff stated, walking out of the room..

Harry turned his head, resting it against the back of my neck. "I don't want to leave you." He said quietly. "I told you you wouldn't. But you have to." I replied, turning over to face him.. He opened his eyes, looking at me. "I won't see you again.." He murmured. I shook my head. His hand came up to my face, gently holding my jaw. He pressed his lips against mine, and what was meant to be a short kiss, turned into a lot more...


"Best goodbye ever." He got out, kissing the side of my neck, and then down my collarbones. We'd gone into the bathroom to avoid Jeff walking in on us..

He decided to rinse off in the shower, and I quickly peed, pulling my underwear back on after. I brushed my teeth and did my makeup really fast in the mirror. After that, I brushed my hair, throwing it into a ponytail as Harry got out of the shower.. He wrapped a towel around his waist, and brushed his teeth while I covered the marks on my neck. I did my best covering the ones on my collarbones, but they were much darker, so it was good that the t-shirt covered them for the most part...

He was watching me now. "When are you leaving?" He asked. I shrugged, packing all my makeup and shit back into the bag. Jeff was still knocking on the door, obviously pissed at both of us. I swear, he has no right to be mad. We're all adults, and he's acting like he's Harry's dad or something..

"Should we go?" I asked. He pressed his lips against mine, and then pulled back. "Now we can go." He commented.....

A/N: Edited 6/1/2021
Sorry for not publishing all the smut. It's written in my drafts, but I didn't realize so many people would want to read that.

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