Part 9

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•• August 1st, 2020 — Raleigh, NC show ••

I forced Harry to run with me again this morning, knowing how out of shape his heart and lungs were. He showered afterwards, then passed back out on the bed. After my shower, I put on my clothes for the day, and did my makeup..

I walked out of the bathroom. Harry was still sleeping, so I went down to the lobby and ate breakfast. I got him a plate of food, and some coffee, then took it back up to the room..

"Wake up." I stated, loudly shutting the door behind me. He groaned, pulling the pillow over his head. "I brought you coffee and breakfast. Eat it before it gets cold." I commented, and he slowly pulled the pillow off his head. "Is this how you always wake people up?" He questioned, running his hands down over his face and then through his hair.

"Yes, now get up." I stated, grabbing my phone and walking out onto the balcony. I shut the door behind me and called Jeff. "What's wrong now, Brynn?" He asked when he finally answered. "I want to go back to him not knowing that I exist." I said. "Okay, well I don't have a time machine, so I can't help you with that." He replied. I rolled my eyes. "Jeff, just.. I don't know.. I don't want him staying with me." I commented. "Brynn, get over it. He's a nice guy; you just need to give him a chance. This is part of your job now. Deal with it." He stated.

"Whatever." I muttered, hanging up. I went back inside. Harry was eating, and glanced over at me. He took a sip of the coffee. "Why don't you like me?" He asked. I had my arms crossed over my chest.

"What makes you think that?" I asked. "Because, it's pretty obvious. You don't try to hide it." He replied.
I pinched my eyebrows together. "I don't know you. Therefore, I have no opinion of you. I treat you like I would treat anyone else." I explained.

"So you're always this mean? To everyone?" He questioned. "Yes. Now, I've got some work to do. So stop asking questions." I said, grabbing my laptop and sitting on the bed. I went through his social media, which for the most part never changes. But, I immediately realized he'd recently been tagged in a lot of new pictures. I glanced over my computer screen. He was sipping the coffee, texting someone on his phone.

I went back to looking at the photos. They weren't good. It must've been what had happened at his hotel last night. Jeff hadn't explained it to me. He should have, because I could've dealt with it a lot sooner.

The pictures consisted of Harry outside his room. The fans had tracked the room number down, and clearly had no privacy.

He must've been at the hotel gym late last night. He was shirtless, very sweaty, and exhausted-looking. He'd had a guard with him, and didn't take any pictures with the girls. Smart, considering how disrespectful they'd been. But they'd still taken videos and gotten pictures of him..

I just didn't understand why Jeff hadn't mentioned this to me.

I hacked into Instagram's database, rearranging the coding to locate the private accounts that had posted the photos and videos.

I took all of the posts down, then proceeded to send each account a message from the "official Instagram" account. The message was notifying them that their post(s) were taken down due to illegal, un-approved content. I also made sure to warn them that if they re-posted it, their account would be suspended until further notice.

I then went through the Internet, taking down every news article that was circling around last night's events. I also took the pictures off the Internet entirely, ensuring they were gone, and sent anonymous messages to each of the sources, warning them about posting un-approved images and content..

"Hey." I heard Harry say, and I glanced up at him. He was looking at me. "What?" I asked. "What're you doing over there?" He questioned. "Work. Why?" I asked.

"Work? Like, your job as my security person?" He questioned. I nodded, clearing my search history and hiding all my sources. I shut my computer, looking back at him. He was scrolling through his phone. "How?" He asked. I sent him a confused look.

"Did you do this? Did you get rid of all of it?" He questioned. "Last night's events at your hotel? Yeah. That's my main job." I replied. "Wow." He commented, seeming surprised.

"Wait so.. How long have you been doing this?" He asked. I shrugged. "A while." I said, checking the time. Almost 2:00. "I'm gonna go get something to eat. I'll pick something up for you. Don't leave the room, obviously." I said, getting up. I grabbed my car keys and my phone, walking out of the room.

I ended up getting food from an Italian place. I got him the same thing I got, which was Fettuccini.. Once back at the hotel, I grabbed two water bottles from the vending machine, and went back up to the room.

Harry was lying on the bed, watching something on the tv. "Here." I said, tossing him a water bottle, and placing the to-go container on the bed. "Thanks." He commented. I sat at the desk to eat mine, watching whatever show he'd put on..

Once it was 3:45, we left to go to the arena. He was wearing a grey hoodie and sunglasses, trying to hide his identity as we left the hotel. No one saw him, thankfully..

We got to the arena, and Jeff wasn't even there yet. But there were some people from the media crowded around the back entrance. "Shit. Should we wait for Jeff?" I asked, putting my sunglasses on as I slowly drove towards the entrance. I made a U-turn, parking in one of the spots facing away from the people with the cameras.

"No, there's no point. They'll still take pictures." He said, glancing across me, over to where they were standing around the door.

"Can you make it through them by yourself?" I asked, knowing they'd assume the worst about me and Harry. I'd have to clean up that mess.

"Not a chance. It doesn't matter; they'll assume stuff anyway." He said, opening his door and stepping out of the car. "Harry—" He ignored me, and I groaned, getting out.

This was not going to end well..

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