Part 64

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•• April 12, 2021 ••

** 9:25AMThe next day **

I woke back up, and it didn't take long to realize Harry was still lying right next to me. He was on his back now, but still had his arm around mine. I sighed, looking around a little. My head still hurt quite a bit, and my chest wasn't as bad as it had been, but was still pretty sore..

Another 20 minutes passed of me lying there, waiting for him to wake up. I reached over, softly dragging my finger up his forearm. When I reached his elbow, I felt his other hand wrap around my wrist. He let go a second later, looking over at me. "You're awake." He said, as if he didn't think I'd ever wake back up.. I pulled my hand back over. "What happened?" I asked quietly.

He sat up a little, moving so he wasn't sitting as close to me. I appreciated that he'd at least gotten better at minding my personal space.  "Your brain started bleeding again. So, they went back in and found the source, which was the same place it's been bleeding. They said they'd put patches on it the first two times, but those didn't hold. So, they did some other thing; I don't remember what they said it was called." He explained. "They thought you were going to go back into the coma." He said.. I nodded, thinking about all of that. I reached up, touching the small spot behind my ear.

I pushed my fingers through my hair, expecting it to be disgusting and greasy. But it felt clean, and soft..

"Um.. Did someone shower me?" I asked quietly, looking over at him. "Yeah, I think one of the nurses did that. She likes you." He replied. I nodded.

"Oh, right. How are you feeling?" He asked. "No headache. Just, some pain on that side of my head. And, my chest still hurts." I answered.. He nodded. "But now we have matching scars." He said. I rolled my eyes. "I'm not sure that's a good thing." I replied, laughing a little. He was watching me.. "Jeff said that you laid with me like this when I was in my coma. So, I figured I'd repay the favor." He commented. I nodded, but was somewhat uncomfortable with it now..

"Should I get the doctor?" He asked. "Sure." I replied, feeling him softly touch the scar on the back of my hand. I glanced down at it, the memory flashing through my head of when I received it. I pulled my hand away, and he looked over at me. "Sorry." He murmured. I shook my head, not looking at him..

He got off the bed, walking out of the room.. A few minutes later, the doctor came in. I still don't know what his name is, despite us being here for well-over a month..

"Ah, you're up. How are you feeling?" He asked, walking over. I simply shrugged in response.. He helped me slowly sit up, and then listened to my heart and lungs. "Any headaches?" He asked. I shook my head, lying back down, letting him check my eyes. "Good.. Well, everything seems in order. If you have any headaches or dizziness, let someone know immediately." He said, walking out of the room. Harry followed him, stopping in the hallway and quietly saying something to him.. I let my head rest on the pillow, turning my head so I was looking at the wall..

I needed to get out of here. Even though I just had surgery, I knew that I couldn't stay here. Hospitals freak me out...

*** Three weeks later ***
•• May 3rd, 2021 ••

They finally released me from the hospital this morning, and Harry lent me one of his hoodies, since mine apparently had gotten messed up sometime in the timespan of my many complications..

We got a taxi, which took us back to my apartment. Jeff was riding in the front, and was the first one to get out when we arrived.

Surprisingly, there were six or so guys with cameras, waiting around out front. Why the hell would they still be hanging around here? It's been over two months.. I pulled the hood up on the sweatshirt. Harry had his up too, and got out of the car. He held out his hand to me, and I hesitated a moment. I had to convince myself that it was fine, before letting him help me out of the car. My chest was still slightly sore..

Annoyingly, the guys took many pictures of us walking into the apartment building. I'd kept my head down and angled away from them. Once inside, I shut the door behind us, going up the staircase and down the hall....

It was weird being back in the apartment again. Harry had obviously cleaned up, and it was barely noticeable that anything had happened here. I ran a hand through my hair, letting the hood fall down. I set my backpack on the floor, looking around. It no longer felt like home; I needed to leave.. "Brynn." Jeff said, and I looked over at him. "You've barely said anything since you woke up three weeks ago." He commented..

He was sitting on the couch. I shrugged, picking up my laptop and sitting at the table.. I quickly went on it and contacted the people from my job. They responded pretty soon, with some work for me to do.

I jumped, feeling Harry bend down, looking over my shoulder. "Don't." I stated, reaching up and pushing him away. He laughed, sitting down across from me and grabbing the laptop. I sighed, watching him attempt to decipher what it all said.

He glanced up at me. "You're still working for them?" He asked.. "Well, it's my job. So, yes." I replied, quickly taking the computer back and starting the job they'd assigned me. It was a pretty easy one..

Harry was saying something to me, but I was busy hacking into a European bank's security system.. Once I finished doing that, I sent my bosses the information they wanted, and cleared my history..

"Are you listening to me?" I heard Harry ask. I shut my laptop, looking at him. "No. What do you want?" I asked. He sighed. "Never mind." He muttered, standing up and going to sit on the couch.

I rolled my eyes, grabbing my phone off the table. Daniel had texted me for the hundredth time today. I put my phone back down, getting up and going into my room.. I'd been ignoring him ever since I learned his true intentions. Had no plans whatsoever to see or speak to him again

I walked back out, running a hand through my hair. "So, are you guys leaving anytime soon?" I questioned, wondering when I could start packing the place up.. Harry looked over his shoulder. "What? Brynn, we just got back from the hospital. You had surgery three weeks ago." He replied. I shrugged. "And I feel fine." I stated. He sighed, looking over at Jeff, who was texting someone.

"Jeff." Harry said, getting his attention. "What?" Jeff asked. "Brynn wants us to leave." He said. "Right, yeah. Um, I mean I guess we could do that." He commented, meeting Harry's gaze. I couldn't see Harry from where I was standing, but he must've been saying something to Jeff. "Or you know, maybe not. Do you think we could stay a few more days? I just don't think you should be left by yourself so soon after your surgery." He said. I rolled my eyes. "I'll be fine on my own." I stated.

"I know. But, I'd feel better about it if we stayed here just a little longer." He commented. I sighed. "I'd rather you didn't." I replied, walking out into the living room a little more. Harry was looking at me. "Please." He said, and I glanced in his direction, my mind briefly flashing back to a memory I thought I'd lost. Him falling on me, and then everything going dark after hitting my head..

I pushed the flashback away, walking into the kitchen and getting some water. I turned around, almost dropping the cup. "Jesus christ, Harry. Don't do that." I stated, glaring at him. "Sorry." He murmured. I tried to go around him, but he stepped in my path. I did that a few more times, and then glared at him again. "What do you want?" I asked.. "To stay here. With you." He replied. "Right. Well, I need to start packing. And I can't do that with two people living in my common-room." I said.

"Packing? For what?" He questioned. "To leave. I've been here for too long." I answered. "Why do you have to keep doing that?" He asked. I sent him a confused look. "Harry, this is who I am.. I can't stay here. You know that." I commented. He looked down. "Did something change?" He asked quietly. "With what?" I replied, annoyed. "With you.. At the hospital you talked to me, and you let me touch you.. And now it's like, none of that matters to you, and you're back to how you were before." He explained.

"Because this is who I am. I'm not going to change, Harry. I don't warm up to people with time.. And, everyone knows my business now. You, Jeff, your mom, the doctor.. It's time that I go somewhere else." I commented, finally looking at him. He was watching me. "I still have feelings for you." He said quietly. I sighed. "They'll go away. I promise.. But I can't do that. I'm incapable of those emotions, and you deserve someone who isn't." I stated.

"But, I don't want any of them. I want you."

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