Part 59

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"Wow." Jeff commented. "I know. What a dick." I said, sitting back down, grabbing Brynn's hand again.

"Oh, no not that.. I just noticed that they're a lot alike in that way. They both leave before they can get hurt, and don't care if they hurt the other person in the process." He explained. I realized just how right he was, and leaned back in my chair. "I don't know if she'd leave like that if it were him lying here instead. She was never mean when talking about him." I replied.

He nodded, thinking, but chose to change the subject. "You know, she snuck into your room a few times when you were still in the coma. The doctor said she didn't sleep for a few days, but fell asleep lying next to you.." He said. "Really?" I asked, surprised. Especially considering she didn't even like the idea of us being in the same bed before. "That's how she woke you up. She'd been in there with you, and found out that when she touched you, you'd move. And that the sound of her voice made your heart rate go up.. She wanted to leave, after you woke up. But, then this happened." He explained..

"I think I remember feeling something right before I woke up. But I don't remember hearing her voice." I replied. "Yeah, she wasn't talking to you then. The doctor thought you might've been able to hear while in your coma. But you only reacted to her voice, so I'm thinking it was probably more of a subconscious-type of hearing." He said. I nodded, thinking about it. She'd been touching me, despite her hating any physical contact...

"We should probably tell the doctor about her heart." I said after a few minutes.. He nodded. "I'll go let him know." He replied, getting up and walking out..

After a few minutes, the doctor came into the room. "So, he didn't specify what the condition was?" He questioned. "No, he didn't. Just that she was born with it, and that it was bad." Jeff said, coming in behind him..

The doctor stood in front of the heart monitor, watching it for a few minutes. He pulled his stethoscope out and started listening to her heart. He pulled back after only a minute, putting it back around his neck. "Yeah, she's got a heart murmur. Um, it's hard to tell exactly what's causing it at the moment. But if it's been there her whole life, I'd have to guess that something is wrong with one of the valves." He explained..

"So.. What can you do about it?" I asked. "Well, we'd have to get an MRI. But with her current state, I don't believe we can do that." He replied.. "So then, what? I mean, what if her brother was right? What if she can't survive this?" I questioned.

"Well. I don't believe her brother knew much about her 'condition,' because generally heart murmurs aren't something to be too concerned about." He said.. "And, what if hers is?" I asked. He sighed. "There's no way of knowing that, and we can't get an MRI with her in this state. She can't breathe on her own." He commented. "So then.. We're just supposed to wait and see what happens?" Jeff asked.

The doctor shrugged. "Sadly, that's the only thing I can suggest at this point." He said, walking past us, and out of the room.

"Great. Perfect." I muttered, running my hands through my hair. "I need to go somewhere." I said, looking over at Jeff. "What? Like.. Outside?" He asked. "Yes. Is that a problem?" I questioned.

"No. This might be a good time for that I guess. Sure, go get some air. I'll stay here with her." He said. I nodded, glancing over at Brynn once more, before standing up and walking out.....

** Jeff's POV **

I'd learned a lot about Brynn that I never could've even imagined. But, I think she handles it just as one would expect someone to. It certainly explains why she acts the way she does sometimes..

I sat there for another 45 minutes, nearly falling asleep. But, I was woken up by someone coughing, like they were choking.. I sat back up in the chair, quickly looking over and seeing that it was Brynn.

I jumped up, running out into the hall, yelling for someone to help her. I had no idea what was going on. A few nurses ran into the room, and they removed the tube that had been down her throat for the last two weeks. I stood in the doorway, still confused. They were checking her eyes, and her throat, then listened to her heart and lungs I guess.

But she wasn't moving. The English-speaking doctor came out of nowhere, moving past me and going into the room. "Um. Sorry, what's going on? Is she okay?" I asked. For a second, I thought that she might've died, but then I realized she was still hooked up to a heart monitor, which was continuously beeping.. He was doing some quick tests on her.

"Yeah. She's okay. She was fighting the intubation tube, which means she's started breathing on her own." He explained. "Oh my god.." I murmured, looking down the hall, wishing Harry was here right now. But he wasn't..

"And so, is she.. waking up?" I asked, confused. "Um. You know, it's hard to say. I don't think so. We're going to get an MRI. But, this is good. This is massive progress considering where we were just this morning." He explained.. Within just a few minutes, she was out of the room.

I remembered that I probably needed to find out where Harry was.. I went back into the room, grabbing my phone and calling him... He picked up after four rings. "Yeah?" He asked, his voice sounding tired. "Where are you?" I questioned.. "At Brynn's apartment." He replied. I sighed, running my free hand through my hair.

"Ok. Um. Did anyone see you?" I asked. He paused, and I heard some movement on the other end. "No. I had my hood up. Besides, there aren't many people around this side of the city." He commented. "Ok. Ok good. Um. There's been a change. With Brynn." I said, sitting down in the chair. "What is it?" He asked, not sounding very hopeful..

"She started breathing on her own."

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