Part 36

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Throughout the remainder of the day, more photos of this morning's event surfaced. Apparently more people had noticed Harry's presence on the street than I'd thought. So, my face was now recognizable in many of the pictures. Someone had also somehow been filming in the hotel when we were out by the elevator. I have no idea how I never see these people. But, it was becoming a dangerous situation..

Immediately, the images spread through many different media sources. From the video at the hotel, it was blatantly obvious what was happening, even without clear sound.

I managed to get back to my apartment without being seen, and pulled my laptop out. I quickly called Jeff, who picked up after a few rings.

"You need to let me take these pictures down." I stated. "You do that, and you have a lawsuit on your hands." He replied. "Jeff, seriously? This isn't good publicity, and you know it." I commented, already getting annoyed.

"Well, it isn't bad publicity. If anything, it makes you look like the woman who broke his heart. Which.. You are." He said. I sighed. "Fine. You know what? It doesn't matter. I'm done. This is done." I stated, ending the call..

I spent the rest of the day looking through the pictures and the videos. They did make me look like the bad guy in them, mainly because Harry appeared overtly upset in a majority of the pictures.. But.. I didn't mind being the bad guy. After all, it's what I do best...


After three days, I'd packed up my entire apartment. But, knew I wouldn't be able to get out of my lease. So, I left a large majority of my stuff there. I packed a duffle, with the normal stuff I travel with. Then, I headed for the airport.

I wore all black, to try and go un-detected. But sadly, that wasn't the case. There was only one girl who immediately recognized me, which was still insane. Especially given how far away the pictures were.

And, she didn't even have the balls to walk up and talk to me. She just took pictures of me. But.. It didn't matter at this point. I got to my boarding gate, and had to wait awhile once I boarded the plane, since I was one of the first ones on the flight.

Almost as soon as I sat down, my phone started vibrating. I glanced down at it. Jeff. I rolled my eyes, ignoring it. I also ignored the next five calls. I didn't care why he was calling me. I'd quit, and wasn't concerned with it anymore.

Finally, he stopped calling me, and instead blew my phone up with texts. I muted his contact, so I wouldn't have to get all the notifications..

Another minute went by, and a random number started calling me. I recognized the area code. France. Which was strange, considering that's where I was headed.

I hesitated, answering it. "Hello?" I said, glancing over as someone sat down in my row, in the aisle seat.

"Brynn." I froze, not able to comprehend that this was real. I didn't say anything. "Are you there?" He asked. I managed to control my confusion. "Yeah, I'm here. Um.. Wow. I haven't heard from you in so long, Andrew. Where are you?" I asked, even though I was pretty certain of the answer.

"A little ways outside of Bordeaux. You know, your face is all over the internet." He commented. I sighed. "I know." I murmured.

"Who's the lad?" He questioned. "No one important. Just someone I used to work for." I replied, still somewhat in shock to be hearing his voice after all these years. I almost didn't recognize it at first..

"I see... Well.. You know mum and dad will see those." He stated, and I nearly stopped breathing. I hadn't even thought about that. "Shit." I muttered. He laughed. "It's fine, they probably won't be able to find you. They were never too bright. But, I called you, just in case. You probably shouldn't stay where you are." He commented. I nodded, glancing over at the people walking onto the plane. "I'm not." I said.

"I see.. You headed on another tropical vacation with your celebrity boyfriend?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "He was never my boyfriend. Besides, I thought you didn't know who he was." I stated. He laughed, bringing a smile to my face. I've missed him..

"Everyone knows who Harry Styles is. Never thought my sister would date him. But hey, the man gets around." He commented. "Yeah, ok. I never dated him." I said. "Sure, sure. That's definitely what it looked like." He said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes.

"Well, listen.. If you need a place to crash, I've got a few extra rooms." He stated. I thought about it, but knew it wasn't something I could do. I never wanted to ask him for any favors. It just wouldn't feel right. "I'll think about it. But, I think I might stay in Paris for a little while." I said. He laughed. "Wow.. That's quite an expensive plan you've got there." He commented. "Yes, well. I think I'll be alright." I replied, looking up when the flight attendant walked down the aisles to make sure everyone was buckled and everything. She told me to turn my phone off.

I sighed. "Hey, I've gotta go. My flight's about to take off." I said. "Great, sounds good. I'll talk to you soon." He stated, and the call ended...

I turned my phone on airplane mode, and pulled the belt across my lap. The plane had started moving, and was nearly about to take off. I was reading through the messages Jeff had sent.

Apparently Harry had been constantly drinking since I'd left, and they had to cancel an interview he was supposed to do in a few days.. Jeff only continued to blow up my phone. I guess he didn't get the message when I said "I'm done." But.. He'd put it together eventually. Especially when Harry does something stupid, and I'm not there to take it off social media.....

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