Part 6

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"So, this morning.. You went for a run? In Atlanta?" He asked. I nodded, finishing the bite I'd taken. "Grew up here." I replied. He nodded, obviously thinking about it. "With your family?" He questioned. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not answering your questions. This isn't some blossoming friendship. It's mandatory babysitting. After tomorrow night, you won't be seeing me again." I explained.

"Right, okay. So then what's the harm?" He asked. I looked at him, running a hand through my hair. "The harm is that I don't know you. I know a lot about you, but that doesn't mean we're friends. I'm not telling you anything about me." I stated. "So then, you've got some serious trust issues. You've put up walls. Barriers.. Which means something must've happened to you. Boy trouble? Or family issues?" He questioned, trying to figure me out. "Mind your own business." I replied, annoyed.

"Maybe both." He murmured, and I glared at him. "I'm going to sleep. I recommend you shut up or you're sleeping on the balcony." I commented, getting off the bed and going into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, and then went and got in bed.. He was sitting up on the bed, watching me.

"I'm not joking, I will put you outside." I stated, looking over at him. "I don't doubt it." He replied, getting up and going into the bathroom..

I laid down, plugging my phone in and setting silent alarms on my watch.

Harry came back out after a few minutes, only wearing the shorts I'd bought for him. He got in the other bed and I shut off the lamp.....

*** July 31, 2020 ***

My watch's alarm woke me up, and I turned it off. I quietly got out of bed, putting on my workout leggings. I brushed my teeth, putting my hair into a ponytail. I snuck out of the room, silently shutting the door and making my way towards the stairwell. Even if it is going down the stairs, it's still a good way to warm-up..

I got down to the lobby, and saw Harry leaning against the wall by the doors. He was wearing the hoodie I'd let him borrow, and had the hood up. I rolled my eyes. "What did I tell you about leaving the room?" I asked quietly, turning him so the employees wouldn't see his face.

"I'm going running with you." He commented. "No. There's someone out there trying to kill you." I explained. He shrugged. "Well then I'm safest with you. So, let's go." He stated, pushing the door open and walking out. I groaned, following him. "Alright, which way?" He asked. "Harry, just go back upstairs." I said. He ignored me. I groaned.

"Fine. This way. And I'd prefer if you'd keep up with me." I stated, and he nodded. I started off jogging, slightly picking up the pace once he was with me..

We ran three miles, before he tapped my arm twice, and I slowed down. "No stopping, keep walking." I said, and he gave me a look, before forcing his feet to follow me. "You're.. Insane." He got out. "It's good for you, clearly." I replied. He looked over at me. "Is this some type of joke? You aren't even sweating." He commented, putting his hand on my forehead. I sent him a grossed-out look, shoving his hand off of me and wiping away the sweat that he'd left there.

"Yeah, and clearly you are. My god, do you ever work out?" I asked, wanting to keep running. "Yes. I run sometimes. Not like this, but I run. And I have a gym at my flat. So, I spend some time there." He explained. "Right.. Well, clearly that's not doing your heart and lungs any justice." I replied. He rolled his eyes.

"Are you done dying yet? You're the one that wanted to run with me. And I'm not done." I said. He looked at me like I was crazy, and I raised my eyebrows at him. "Fine, just let me stretch for a minute." He commented, and I nodded, slowing to a stop.

He did some pretty useless stretches, before standing back up straight, nodding at me. "You're joking, right? That's what we stopped for? Those were hardly stretches." I stated. "That's what I always do." He replied. "Uh huh, I'm sure it is. Come here." I commented..

I taught him some better stretches, and then we continued our run. We made it back to the hotel, and up to the room. "Go shower, you stink. I'm going to go get some coffee and some water." I said. He nodded, going into the bathroom, clearly exhausted.

It was funny, actually. How tired that run made him. It showed that despite how muscular and "fit" everyone says he is, he really isn't.. He doesn't do enough cardio, and if he doesn't start doing more, that's what'll hurt him later in life.

I went down to the lobby, drinking some water, and then coffee. I fixed Harry a plate, got him a cup of coffee, and went upstairs.. He was lying on the bed, a towel wrapped around his waist. "Here. Eat. Don't leave the room, and don't go on the balcony. I'm serious, don't." I stated, going into the bathroom to shower...

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