Part 87

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**Brynn's POV**

"Alright. So, you are indeed pregnant. Have you put any thought into—" I shook my head, and she stopped. "I'm not keeping it." I said. "There are other options.. Adoption, for one.. Have you spoken to the father?" She questioned.. I knew she recognized me when I came in. I could see it in her face; which meant she knew who the father was...

"Yes. I have. And I don't think having this baby would be a good idea. I know my options." I replied. She nodded. "Ok. Well, are you taking any medications currently?" She questioned, moving on from that topic. "Yeah. Just some pain medicine." I said. "For... What?" She asked, motioning for me to elaborate as she wrote it down in my chart.

I hesitated, before rolling up the sleeve of the hoodie, revealing the bandages covering that cut. She looked up from what she was writing, hesitating when she saw it.. "It's not.. That.  I didn't do this to myself." I explained, seeing Ella looking at me the same way..

I sighed, lifting the bottom of the shirt up, revealing the butterfly bandage over the other cut. "Oh my god." Ella muttered. "Sorry, wait. Where did you get these? They look bad." The doctor questioned, walking over and observing that cut, her eyes landing on the other scars that were long-healed..

She met my gaze. "Does it matter?" I asked, letting my shirt fall back down. I pulled the sleeve down as well, tired of explaining my past to people..

"It might. Those look like they could've needed stitches." She stated, standing back up and going back to the chart. "Fine, okay. My psycho ex-boyfriend gave them to me." I commented. Neither her nor Ella said anything for a few seconds. "Let me see them again." The doctor said, and I rolled my eyes, lifting the bottom-half of my shirt up.. She walked over again, crouching down so she could see them better. "Wow.... Wait, this one looks different though." She stated, pointing at the small scar from being shot the night I met Harry. She ran her thumb across it, making me tense up.

"Sorry." She said quietly. "What's this from? If you don't mind me asking." She questioned. I looked down at it. "Oh, I got shot." I said casually, looking up again and leaning back on my hands..

"Ok.. Wow." She commented, and I laughed. "Yep.. Pretty eventful life. Abused, shot, pregnant.. Not really a big deal. Can we get on with this whole thing, or do you have more questions?" I asked, becoming impatient..

"Ok, yeah sure.. Well, we'll have to run some tests, and then you'll need to be approved for the procedure. If you go through with this decision, you will be sent home with some pills and instructions on what to do." She explained, and I nodded, seeing Ella look down at her phone when it started ringing. "Sorry, I'll just be a minute." She said, getting up and walking outside to answer it....


After another two hours, we got back to Andrew's house, and he told me that he'd talked to Harry. He then proceeded to lecture me about getting pregnant at my age.

"I fucking know, ok? But it's not going to happen. I'm not having his children. We stopped by the pharmacy on the way back, and got the abortion pills." I explained, holding up the bag. He looked at it. "And, you're sure this is what you want to do? You might want to talk to Harry. He seemed desperate enough. I mean, I think he'd take it off your hands. And that child would have a pretty great life." Andrew commented.

I sent him a look. "You were just lecturing me about this, and now you want me to have the child? Make up your fucking mind." I stated. He shook his head. "I know.. Just.. Think about it." He said, turning and going back to playing a board game with his kids..

*** The morning of June 6, 2021 **

I woke up to knocking on my bedroom door, which immediately pissed me off, because everyone here knows I hate being woken up..

I pulled the sheets over my head, groaning when they opened the door, despite not being invited in.

"Brynn." I went still, instantly recognizing the English accent. "Go away." I muttered. "No. I brought you a smoothie." He said, and I pulled the sheet down. Harry was standing in the doorway, holding a reusable cup with a familiar logo on it. It was from a French café that's a few streets over.

"What kind is it?" I asked. "Strawberry banana." He replied. I held out my hand, and he walked over, handing it to me. "Thanks." I murmured, drinking some of it, not looking at him..

He hesitated, before taking a seat on the floor-cushion. "So.. Andrew's wife told me you haven't taken the pills yet." He commented. I nodded, drinking more of the smoothie. It was really good.. "Are you going to?" He questioned. I didn't say anything. I could tell he was trying not to push me into making any decisions about it, which I appreciated..

"Why're you hesitating?" He asked, looking at me. I shrugged. "Brynn." He said, and after a few seconds, I looked over at him.. "You can talk to me." He commented. I sighed, looking back down at the smoothie, drinking some more of it.. I set it down on the table next to the bed, before moving over on the bed and patting the open spot next to me. He got up, taking his shoes off and getting on the bed, looking over at me.

"My mom wanted to get rid of me." I said, not able to look at him while talking about this stuff..

"I just... I wouldn't be here, if she'd done that." I said quietly. He nodded. "It's someone's entire life." I continued, sighing, shoving a hand through my hair.

"But.. I can't.." I commented, finally looking at him. "Harry, I can't." I said, seeing him searching my eyes, trying to figure out what I was thinking.. "I'm not a mother.. And I don't want to be. I can't do that to a child.. It would turn out even worse than me." I explained. After another moment of silence, he shifted a little on the bed. "So.." He trailed off.

"Andrew said you might want it... But, I can't do that to—" He cut me off. "No. Brynn, I absolutely would take it. I want to." He stated, turning to face me more.

I bit my lip, hesitant. He gently grabbed my hand. "Please." He said quietly, his eyes still locked on mine. "Harry..." I trailed off, alarms going off everywhere in my head.. I sighed, glancing over at the door, before moving closer to him.

He gently put his arm around me, careful to avoid my cuts and scars..

"I'm scared."

A/N: Alright, so this was the last chapter I had fully-written before I had to go to the hospital a few weeks ago. Since being released, I've been trying to remember where I was taking this story, and haven't been able to yet. Therefore, I've got writer's block. So publishing is probably going to slow down a little bit. I'm not sure. But, I'm hoping for the best, and really appreciate everyone who has read up to this point. <3 <3

Edited: 6-1-2021

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