Part 89

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**A week later--June 13, 2021**

Ryan had sent me the address, which turned out to be a café about half-an-hour away from Andrew's house. Harry had stayed there, and was asleep when I'd left. I was sitting at the table Ryan told me to sit at. It was tucked away in the back corner.

I went still when I saw him walk in and immediately head towards me. "Glad you decided not to be stupid." He commented as he sat down across from me.

Every instinct in my body was telling me to get away from him. He grabbed my wrist, pulling it across the table and flipping my arm over. He ran his thumb across the cut he'd left last time. I grimaced, trying to pull my arm back; but he held onto it, tightening his grip.

"Stop." I stated, glaring at him. He smirked, pulling his sunglasses off and setting them on the table. He let go of my arm, letting his fingers drag across it.  I quickly pulled it back to me. "What do you want?" I asked. "The child." He commented. I scoffed. "Why does everyone want my children? I mean, seriously. You, Harry, Daniel, those guys I was working for.. What's so special about it?" I questioned.

"I don't care about any of them. I want the child, and you're going to give it to me." He replied, his tone becoming impatient. I rolled my eyes. "Listen, I already told Harry that he can have it. So, I don't know what you want me to do." I stated. "What did I just say? I don't care about any of them. You're giving me that child, or I'm going to kill your boyfriend." He threatened.

"He's not my boyfriend. Stop calling him that." I commented, annoyed. He sat up, glaring at me. "Are you going to give me the child or not?" He asked, glancing over when someone walked by.. "Not. It's not yours." I replied, crossing my arms over my chest. "So.. Ok. With you saying no, means I get to kill Harry, and then take the child. I mean.. I guess I could do that." He said, looking at me.

"That's not going to happen. You lay a finger on him, and I can promise you that you're going to regret the day you were born." I stated. "Don't threaten me, Brynn. I'm stronger than you." He commented, clenching his hands into fists. "No, Ryan. You really aren't." I replied, my anger being brought to the surface.

"Don't make me hurt you." He muttered, leaning forward across the table. I smirked. "You won't." I stated, watching him. "Is that a challenge?" He asked, and I hesitated. "No." I replied, knowing better. "That's what I thought." He said, leaning back in his chair.

After a few seconds, he glanced over his shoulder, and then back over at me.

"Want something to eat?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "No. I want you to leave me alone." I commented. He smirked, standing up and going over to the counter, ordering something...

I shoved a hand through my hair, pulling my phone out. Harry had sent me multiple texts, asking where I was. Before I could respond, Ryan snatched it out of my hand. I flinched at the movement, and looked up at him.

He read through the texts, then shoved my phone in his back pocket. He set a cup down in front of me, and sat back in his seat. I looked at it. "What is this?" I asked, sending him an annoyed look. He set his own cup down in front of him.

"Just drink it." He replied, not answering my question. I pushed it away from me. "No." I stated. He glared at me, pushing the cup back towards me. In the process, his phone fell off the table. He bent down to get it, and then placed it back on the table. "I see you've still got those tattoos I gave you." He commented. He'd given me the one on the left side of my leg, and also the one on my left hip, which he currently can't see.

"Well, obviously. They're permanent." I stated. He smirked again, but didn't say anything. "And I see you've extended your tattoos." I said, looking at his arms. He shrugged. "Little bit." He replied, pushing the cup towards me again. I rolled my eyes. "I'm not drinking that. You probably poisoned it or some shit." I commented. He laughed.

"No. 'Cause whatever drugs I give you, the baby gets." He said. I looked at him for a few seconds, reading his expression, trying to pick up on his energy. He raised his eyebrows at me, and I sighed, grabbing the cup and looking at it.. I took a sip out of it, and set it back down, trying to figure out what he'd gotten me. It was some type of tea.

"You could've at least gotten me coffee." I commented, and he shook his head, drinking more of whatever he'd gotten. "That's bad for the baby. Too much caffeine." He replied, and I rolled my eyes. "So what is this?" I questioned, taking another sip of it, since it was actually pretty good.

"Ginger tea. Should help with the morning sickness. Which, you've probably started with if I had to guess. What're you, almost five weeks in?" He asked. I shrugged, not wanting to know how he knew that. "I guess so." I replied. "So, um.. Why do you want the baby? Since it's not even yours." I questioned, risking a glance up at him.

"Well, because you are mine. And since you insist on going out with that singing imbecile, I have to wait. So, while you get that out of your system, I'll have the child." He explained. I rolled my eyes. "I'm not yours." I stated. "That's where you're wrong, Brynn." He commented. "Besides, I'm not going out with him." I said. He shrugged. "Still, I want the baby." He replied.

"What, so you can kill it?" I asked, knowing he'd be a worse parent than me. "No, Brynn. I'm not a fucking psychopath." He defended. "You're right; you're a sociopath." I replied, and he glared at me. "Don't start with that." He stated, anger flaring in his eyes. I rolled my eyes for what felt like the 40th time today. "I'm going to leave. And, no, you can't have the child." I said, standing up. I grabbed the tea he'd gotten me, since it actually did help curb the nausea.

"You aren't going anywhere." He stated, getting up from his seat. "Sure I am. Because I have legs, and I can walk. So.. Bye." I commented, pushing past him and walking out of the café. He didn't hesitate to follow me.

"Just because you're pregnant, doesn't mean I can't hurt you." He said quietly. I didn't respond, starting my walk back to Andrew's place. It's not that bad of a walk. Just about thirty minutes.

"So, you gonna tell me why you slept with him?"He asked as we crossed the street. "Nope." I replied. "I see.. Well knowing people don't really change, I'd say it was out of pity." He commented, glancing in my direction. He'd put his sunglasses back on.  I didn't say anything, not really wanting to talk to him anymore.. "You know what happens when you ignore me." He stated, his tone changing. "Yeah, I remember. You get mad, because you're a sociopath who's got anger issues." I replied.

"I'm not a sociopath." He said, grabbing my wrist, his grip tight. It sent flashbacks running across my vision, and I had to push them all away. "Ok, well then let go of me." I commented, sending him a look.

He did as I said, surprising me. "Besides, if I'm a sociopath, so are you." He commented. I shrugged. "Never said I wasn't one." I replied...

We continued to walk for probably 15 more minutes, and he hadn't said anything more. "Why are you following me?" I asked, turning a corner to walk down another street.

"I'm not. I'm coming to meet your boyfriend again." He commented, and I stopped. "No. You aren't." I stated, turning to face him.. He laughed, stopping and looking at me. "I am, actually. I need to meet the father of my child." He replied. "It's not your child. I'm giving it to Harry." I said, and he shook his head. "That's where you're wrong." He stated, grabbing my wrist and forcing me to keep walking.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Give me my phone at least." I commented. "No." He replied, not giving me any explanation as to why not..


I turned onto the street that Andrew lives on, feeling my heart rate grow faster.. Ryan had already left bruises on my wrist from holding onto it so tightly.

He didn't say anything more to me as we walked up the drive. This would certainly be interesting...

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