Part 55

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His mom was still really confused about the whole thing, not sure what they meant by someone cutting me.. I hesitated, all my instincts telling me no. Red flags were going up everywhere, and I felt like I might pass out, my headache made worse from the stress. But, I shoved it all down, and held out my right hand to her..

She looked down at it, then grabbed my hand. "Oh my god." She murmured, examining the scar.. "Someone did that to you? That's horrible." She stated.

"There's 13 of them." I said, not looking at any of them. Harry was lying back down now, the pain from his chest surgery hitting him. The doctor gave him some morphine, and told him they were scheduling an MRI.

"I'm sorry, you said 13? Someone did that to you thirteen times?" Jeff asked, walking over, gently grabbing my hand and observing it further.

"Where are the others?" He asked.. I hesitated a moment. "Everywhere.. My stomach, back, legs, arms, ribs.." I trailed off. "Why.. what.. who—" Jeffrey stumbled over his words, sort of similar to the way Harry reacted when I told him..

I hesitated. I was internally freaking out. I didn't want to tell them. I couldn't. They wouldn't understand it...

I shook my head, getting off the bed and walking out of the room. I felt dizzy, likely caused by standing up too fast.. I heard someone running down the hall behind me. I went into my room, sitting on that bed, being able to breathe a little better without all their eyes on me. My head was spinning, and the headache had gotten worse. Possibly a migraine.. A few seconds later, Jeff appeared in the doorway.

I was now lying down under the covers, on my side.. He slowly walked over, sitting down in the chair next to my bed. He didn't say anything.

"I can't talk about it." I said quietly. He nodded. "I understand." He commented. "You don't." I stated. He didn't respond, but stayed sitting there.

"Does Harry know?" He asked. I hesitated, before nodding. "He won't tell you." I replied. "I figured as much." He said..

"You woke him up." He commented, changing the subject. I shrugged. "You know I can't stay, right?" I questioned. He shook his head. "You can't leave, Brynn.. You saw what he did to himself. What he became.." He was looking at me. "I can't stay just because his emotional well-being depends on me.. I have to think about myself, Jeff.. Being around him, and knowing that he knows my past.. It hurts me. Literally. The more that people know about me, the worse I get.. Why do you think you didn't notice any of this stuff before now?" I explained.

"Why does it have to get worse? Who cares if people know your past?" He questioned. "Jeff, if you knew my past, you would never look at me the same way." I stated. "Try me." He said. I shook my head. "What happened in that room.. I was re-living one of my memories. It felt real. It was like I could feel it all over again.. If I stay here, that will happen more frequently. And I can't do that." I said.

"Ok well, why does it have to get worse?" He repeated. I hesitated, knowing that by answering these questions, it was too much.. "I don't have control over it." I replied quietly, shutting my eyes, becoming tired.

Before he could ask me more questions, I changed the subject. "Can you go ask Harry if he remembers what happened that night? And why he was naked in my bed?" I questioned. "Oh, right. I forgot about that. I'll go ask." He said, getting up and leaving..

It took me only a few seconds to fall asleep, my exhaustion overtaking me...

*** The next day < March 16th, 2021 > ***

I slowly woke up, my head instantly hurting. I groaned, reaching up and holding it.. The headache didn't go away, nor did it get any better over the next few minutes. I wasn't sure why it had continued into the next day.. I slowly looked around the room. There wasn't anyone here. I could leave..

But, my head was hurting too much to go anywhere, so I just laid back down and shut my eyes..

A few hours went by, and the door to my room opened. I glanced over. Jeff, of course. "Oh good, you're finally awake. I talked to Harry." He said, walking over and sitting down in the chair..

It took me a minute to remember what we'd been talking about last.. "Oh. What'd he say?" I asked, not sitting up. My head was pounding.

"Nothing happened. Well.. Yeah. Apparently after you fell, you made him shower. And he said he passed out a few times, but was refusing to get dressed. And he said that you two sort of made out for a while. But then you blacked out, and so he went to sleep." He explained. "Sounds realistic enough." I said quietly, shutting my eyes.

"That's it? No getting mad at Harry 'cause you don't remember anything?" He asked. "He was drunk, and my brain was bleeding. Doesn't really matter at this point." I replied, pulling the sheets up to my neck, realizing how cold I was.

"Did you want a blanket?" He asked. I nodded, and he got up, walking out of the room. He came back after a minute, and laid the blanket over me. It helped a little bit, but not much.. "Thanks." I murmured, my head pounding. Everything around me felt like it was spinning, so I kept my eyes closed.

"Are you ok? Is this because of yesterday?" He asked.. My headache had suddenly gotten much worse, but I managed to open my eyes, looking at him. He was watching me, and I saw a concerned look cross his face.. "Brynn, what's wrong?" He questioned. "I.. Can't." I managed to mumble, before my eyes shut and I blacked out...

**Jeff's POV**

I knew something was wrong as soon as I saw that strange look in her eyes. It was the same one from the morning this all started.. She started to say something, and then her eyes rolled back and she was out. I jumped up, running out into the hall, yelling for someone to come help her.

A few different doctors ran into the room, and I saw them shining their lights in her eyes, and checking her pulse. They shouted something, hitting a button on the wall. The code button, I realized. I couldn't bare to watch as they started doing CPR on her. I didn't know what had happened. She was fine yesterday. She was talking to me just a few minutes ago..

I could hear them using the paddles to shock her. They'd also managed to hook her up to a machine like Harry's, but she had no heartbeat..

I shoved my hands through my hair, turning back around, leaning onto the nurse's desk. I could hear them trying to use the paddles again. "Jeff? What's going on?" I heard Anne ask. She was down the hall, outside Harry's room. I shook my head, motioning for her to go back into the room. She seemed confused, and watched as two more doctors ran into Brynn's room. They were all shouting different things, but it was all in French, and I couldn't understand it.

She looked at me, and I shook my head. She nodded, going back into Harry's room and shutting the door. I shoved my hands through my hair again, still turned away from her room..

This was going to kill Harry....

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