Part 94

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*** Brynn's POV ***

•• Another three days later (June 28, 2021) ••

I woke up, just as tired as I'd been the last three days. It's impossible to sleep. I was constantly thinking about what to do about this decision I have to make now..

"Come here." I tensed up at the voice, and then felt Ryan tightly grip my arm, turning me over.. He'd been forcing me to sleep in his bed with him. "Do you think I could go for a run?" I asked quietly.

"What, so you can get away from me?" He questioned, and I quickly shook my head. "I just need some fresh air." I replied. "Fine. But I'm coming with you." He stated, getting off the bed and going into the bathroom.

Once he came back out, he motioned over to a box. "That's some of your old clothes that you left at my house." He said, and I got up, walking over and opening it.

"Wow." I murmured, realizing how much of my stuff he had kept. I pulled out a pair of Nike fleece shorts, and went into the bathroom.. I had to put on a hoodie to cover the marks he'd left on my neck.

After changing, I went out to the kitchen, where he was waiting. He'd made me ginger tea, like he's been doing.. I smelled it first, and then took a few sips of it, setting it back down. I jumped when he slid a granola bar across the counter.. I sighed, but opened it and took a few bites..

I didn't have much of an appetite, and my wrist still hurt a lot..

"Ok, let's go." I said quietly, standing up and walking out of the house...


We ran probably three miles, but then I got tired and we had to stop. "You sure it's okay to run this much when you're pregnant?" He asked, looking over at me. I rolled my eyes. "Stop pretending like you actually care." I replied, turning and walking back in the direction we'd come. I rolled the sleeves up on the hoodie, getting hot..

"Brynn!" I immediately looked up, recognizing the voice. Harry ran over, and Ryan quickly pulled me behind him. "Don't get any closer." He threatened, holding onto my non-injured wrist.. I could feel Harry looking at me, but I kept my eyes on the ground. "Brynn, are you okay?" I heard Harry ask.. I didn't answer him. "Nope, back up." Ryan stated when Harry moved closer.

"Just let me talk to her, mate. Please." Harry commented. "And why should I do that?" Ryan asked. "Please, Ryan." I said, and he glanced over his shoulder at me.

"Fine. But then we're leaving." He stated, and I nodded.. He hesitated, before moving out of the way..  Harry immediately walked over, wrapping his arms around me, which made me tense up. I could feel all the bruises on my arms, and also my ribs from Ryan kicking me yesterday..

I grimaced, pushing his arms off of me. He took a step back, looking down at me, pity filling his eyes, I looked away, not wanting to see that. I hated it...
"What'd you do to her?" He asked, looking over at Ryan..

"Nothing." He lied. "Ok, so then what happened to her wrist?" Harry questioned, becoming angrier. "Don't know, don't care." Ryan replied.. Harry faced me again. "Brynn, are you ok?" He asked. I looked down, just wanting to go back to before all of this happened. To before I even met Harry.. Life was so much simpler. I'd gotten away from Ryan, had a nice job.. And now look where I am...

"Did he hurt you?" He asked, and then he froze. His hand came up, and he pushed the neck of my sweatshirt out of the way a little. "Oh my god." He murmured, tracing his thumb over the many marks that Ryan had left on my neck. I tensed up almost immediately.

I still couldn't look at him.. In the short amount of time that I'd been with Ryan, I'd gone back to the way I was when we dated. Submissive, quiet, unable to hold eye contact with anyone, and my hatred of any physical contact.. It was unhealthy. I knew that. But, it was too hard to fight against those instincts now..

He gently grabbed my hands, holding them out towards him so that he could see my wrists. My forearms were covered in bruises. Guess that's one of the disadvantages of bruising easily.. He looked over at Ryan, and then back at my arms. I felt him run his thumb across some of them and immediately pulled my arms free, holding them close to my chest. "Alright, that's enough. Time for you to leave." Ryan commented, grabbing my wrist and pulling me away from Harry.

He pulled my sleeves down and put the hood up on my sweatshirt, forcing me to keep walking.. I glanced over my shoulder. "Don't you even think about following us. Remember what I said to you on the phone." Ryan threatened, and Harry took a step back, watching me.

I felt Ryan's arm come around my waist, his fingers sliding across my skin, since the hoodie was cropped.. I looked back in front of me, focusing on walking....


Once back at the house, he pushed me towards his bedroom. "Why do you have to do that? I'm obviously going to go where you go." I said, tripping over my feet when he forced me through the doorway. "Because, I know you aren't going to want to do this." He commented, grabbing my arm and shoving me backwards. I fell onto the bed, and immediately moved away from him, realizing what he was talking about.

He got on the bed, and grabbed my ankles to stop me from moving. He easily got on top of me, straddling my waist, ensuring I wouldn't be able to get out from under him. "Ryan, please. You don't have to do this." I begged, looking up at him.

"Actually, I do. Because I've been wanting to fuck you for a while." He replied, pulling his shirt off, revealing more tattoos; some new, some old.. "But I didn't do anything. I didn't say anything to him." I commented, struggling under his weight, attempting to hit him. He grabbed the bottom of my sweatshirt, having to pin my wrists above my head while he pulled it off. He threw it across the room.

He ran his thumb over the tattoo on my ribs, then proceeded to touch all of the scars he's ever given me, knowing it bothered me. The last one he touched was the one where I'd taken the bullet out.. "What is this? I didn't give you this one." He questioned, looking down at me.

"I got shot." I answered, and he laughed. "I see.. You know, that's not a bad idea..." He murmured, and I struggled underneath him again. "Ryan.. Please.. Stop hurting me. I can't do this." I got out, having to force the words out of me.. "Babe, I really don't care." He replied, pulling my shorts off and throwing them over by the door. He bent down, kissing the side of my neck.

I instantly started struggling against him, trying to get away. I tried hitting him, and attempted using my nails to hurt him. But he didn't budge. He didn't care..

I squirmed uncomfortably underneath him, and suddenly heard a loud bang. He quickly sat up, looking over his shoulder..

Someone was in the house.

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