Part 27

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For the next few hours, I continued to go through the many, many documents.. Harry was on the couch, watching tv. I looked over at him. He had a blanket wrapped around him.

It's pretty cold in here, since one of my windows isn't sealed properly at the top, so cold air comes through it. And, I refuse to waste money on heat. All you need is layers, and some blankets..

"Why hasn't Jeff called you?" I asked, and he glanced in my direction. "I shut my phone off." He replied, continuing to watch whatever he was watching..

I pulled my phone out. It was on silent, and I had six missed calls from Jeff, and 14 text messages. He was wondering if I knew where Harry was. I set the phone down on the table...

I continued working for the next two hours, and it was almost 6:45 now. I glanced over at him. He was asleep, completely knocked out on the couch. He'd eaten half of my food today, and had now decided to take a nap on my couch.. Somehow he managed to annoy me even when he wasn't talking.

** 10:30PM **

I finally finished all the documents, and had a half-eaten bowl of ramen in front of me. Harry was still sleeping. I sighed, finishing the paragraph I was typing. I sent it to my employer, then got up.. I took the jean jacket off, throwing it at Harry. He woke up, the movement scaring him. He looked at the jacket, picking it up.

He looked around, confused, then over at me. "Was that really necessary?" He asked, still half-asleep. "Yes. It's late, and I think you should leave." I replied. He sighed, rolling over on the couch, facing away from me, still clutching my jacket.

"Harry, I'm serious. You can't stay here." I commented. I walked over, grabbing my phone off the table. Jeff had called me eight more times, still wanting to know if I'd seen or heard from Harry. "I'm calling Jeff." I stated, turning away from him.

I hit the phone app, scrolling down my contacts and hitting Jeff's name. My phone was suddenly taken out of my hand and I turned around, watching Harry end the call and turn my phone off. I groaned. "Are you kidding me?" I asked.. "No. I'm staying here. I don't want to see or speak to Jeff right now." He commented, walking over and sitting back on the couch, shoving my phone into his pocket. "Why not?" I asked. "Brynn, he lied to me. I don't know, maybe that doesn't seem like a big deal to you. But it is to me." He stated, running his hand through his hair.

"Harry.. You're getting on my nerves. I don't want you here." I stated. He laughed, pulling the blanket back over him and lying down. "I'm sleeping. Right here. And.. You can do whatever you want; I'm not leaving." He said, turning away from me. I sighed, going into the bathroom and starting the shower..

I took a normal shower, washing my hair and whatnot. Afterwards, I wrapped the towel around me, putting moisturizer on my face, lotion on my legs, and brushing my hair..

I walked out of the bathroom, seeing Harry was once again asleep. I went into my bedroom, grabbing some clothes from the closet, which consisted of a long-sleeve tee and some pajama pants.. After I brushed my teeth, I shut off all the lights, and got in bed.

It didn't take me very long to fall asleep, especially after the day I'd had....

** December 7th, 2020 **
(The next day)

I woke up to the sun shining through the windows, like I usually do. I attempted to roll over to go back to sleep, and felt someone holding me in place. I groaned. "Why are you in my bed?" I asked. I was lying on my stomach, and he had his arms wrapped around me. I managed to roll onto my back, but he kept his arms around my waist.

"Harry, why the hell are you in here?" I repeated, nudging him with my elbow. He let out a small groan, turning his head into the pillow. "It was really cold out there." He murmured, obviously still mostly asleep. "Yes, which is why you should've gone back to your hotel." I stated, trying to sit up. His hold tightened, keeping me there.

I sighed. "You're warm." He commented quietly, turning his head and tucking it against my neck. "Harry.. You need to let go of me. Okay? Please." I commented, bad memories coming back to me..

He sighed, his arms loosening. I felt his fingers softly slide across my stomach, and I moved away from him. He instantly shivered, pulling the comforter up over his shoulders, his eyes still shut..

I got up, going into the bathroom and doing my normal morning routine. I put on a small amount of makeup.. I walked back out, pulling my hair into a ponytail. After I made a cup of coffee, I walked back out to the main room. Harry was knocked out in my bed, obviously having gone back to sleep. I saw my phone sitting on the coffee table, and walked over. I turned it back on, seeing more texts and calls from a very-concerned Jeff..

My phone lit up as he started calling me.. I sighed, taking a sip of my coffee and answering it.. "Jeff, what do you want?" I asked quietly, going into the kitchen, as to not wake Harry..

"Brynn, I called you like a million times. Where have you been?" He asked, sounding impatient. "Oh calm down. You know I have another job; I was working all day yesterday after the meeting. Which, by the way, thanks for not telling me Harry was going to be there." I stated sarcastically. He sighed. "Ok, yes I know. But you wouldn't have gone if you knew he was going to be there. Besides, that's not what I wanted to talk about. Did you see him after the meeting?" He asked.

"You're damn right I wouldn't have gone. You should've told me." I commented, ignoring his question, trying to think about how to answer it.

"Brynn. Answer my question. I need to know if you saw him afterwards. Or even talked to him." He commented. "Why?" I asked. He sighed, frustrated. "I haven't heard from him since before that meeting. We were supposed to meet for lunch afterwards, and he didn't show up. He's not answering his phone, or any texts. Please tell me you know where he is.." He explained..

I hesitated, about to tell him the truth, when I remembered what Harry said last night.. An eye for an eye. Lying was horrible, and he needed to know that it wasn't okay to lie to people.

"I left as soon as the meeting was over, and worked the rest of the day." I said, not technically lying to him. I just didn't mention that Harry was with me. He deserved it.. "Damn it.. Okay. Can you call him? He might answer if he sees it's you." He stated.

"I mean, I can give it a shot. I don't want to talk to him. But, it's clearly important. So, I'll do that, and let you know." I said, pacing across the kitchen. "Great. Let me know if he answers." He commented, hanging up.

I rolled my eyes, walking back out into the main area, drinking more of my coffee. After a minute, I texted Jeff, telling him that Harry hadn't answered. Technically, I did try to call him. But I knew his phone was off, and it went straight to voicemail, as expected.

I sat on the sofa, watching Netflix and drinking my coffee. After about half an hour, I put my mug in the sink and walked over to my room, ready for Harry to leave.. "You should go. Jeff's worried." I stated. He let out a small groan in response, before rolling onto his side, opening his eyes. "You told him?" He asked.

I laughed. "No. He lied to you. I didn't mention it." I replied. He looked surprised. "Wow. Thanks." He said, running his hand through his messy hair. Without product in it, it was hanging down in his face..

"Did you shower?" I asked, realizing his hair should've still had product leftover from yesterday....

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