Part 81

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We were still in the first round. Ten more minutes had passed. "Ok, can we just stop this? It's taking too long. Obviously neither of you are going to cave anytime soon." My dad stated, probably getting bored.

"No. Once the game starts, there's no quitting." Ryan replied, keeping his eyes locked on mine. I was beginning to feel dizzy from the amount of blood I'd already lost. I blinked a few times, but kept my eyes still on his. He laughed. "Told you, you shouldn't have volunteered to play again." He said. "What's going on?" Harry asked.

"Oh, well she's still losing blood and it's affecting her." He commented casually.. I forced myself to try and stay focused.. This went on for another five minutes, and then Ryan shifted a little, which shifted the towel on my stomach. After that, it was only a matter of seconds before I blacked out.....


I woke up, still on the floor of the hotel room. Ryan wasn't on top of me anymore, and Harry was holding a new towel against the cut on my stomach.

"Oh good, she's up. See? I told you she'd be fine." I heard Ryan say from somewhere in the room. "Then why is her stomach still bleeding?" Harry asked.

I glanced down at my arm. That cut had stopped bleeding, but he'd kept it wrapped up in the towel. "Ice." I said, looking at him. He glanced down at me. "What?" He questioned, confused. "Get ice. Wrap it in a towel and come back. It helps the blood vessels constrict, which will slow the bleeding." I managed to explain. "Can you hold pressure on it?" He asked. I nodded, and he got up.

"You aren't allowed to leave." My father stated. "I'm just getting ice. I don't even have my phone on me." Harry replied, before walking out of the room..

Five minutes passed, and he came back with ice and a clean towel. He quickly wrapped it into the towel, and came back over, swapping it with the other one..

I tensed up, shutting my eyes. I hadn't done this in a while, and so I'd forgotten how much this part hurts as your body adjusts to the temperature.. "Ok. Well, we have a game to finish. So.. Figure something out and move away from her." Ryan commented.

Harry hesitated, looking at me. "It's fine." I said quietly, moving my left hand across me, and holding the towel in place. He was watching me, obviously not wanting to leave me there again.. Ryan grabbed his arm and pulled him up, roughly shoving him back over towards my parents. He stumbled a little, but my dad grabbed Harry's elbow, keeping him up.

Ryan stood over me, watching me. "Is that necessary? Why do you have to do that?" Harry asked as Ryan straddled my waist again, leaning over me so he could look at me.

"We have to be as close as possible, so we can see when the other person loses." He replied. I made sure the towel was steady on my stomach, before making eye contact with him again.

It was traumatizing, doing this. It brought back all the other times he'd done this to me. He'd used it as a method of torture, and called it a game..

"That's cold." He said, referring to the ice, which was touching his stomach as well. "Like your heart." I replied. He smirked. "Touché." He murmured.

"I've been keeping up with you." He commented. "That's creepy." I stated. He laughed. "Maybe a little bit. But, you've slept with a few guys since me." He said.. "And?" I questioned. He shrugged a little. "I just doubt they know you like I do." He replied.. I laughed. "You don't know me, Ryan. You knew me four years ago." I said.

"Right. Well, I've kept tabs on you. I know where you are at all times." He stated.. That confused me. I wasn't sure how he could possibly know that..  "I have my ways." He said, seeing my confusion.

"Why're you stalking me?" I asked. He laughed. "Because you're mine." He commented. I glared at him. "I'm not yours. And I never will be." I stated firmly. He glared back at me, anger present in his eyes. "You say that like you have a choice." He replied.

"I do. And I'm not yours." I said. His eyes flickered down to my lips, and I smirked. He sighed, shaking his head and sitting up, straddling my waist again...

"This is taking forever." My mom stated. He looked over at her. "Ok, well we only have one round left and I would bet you money she won't be winning it. Especially with what's waiting at the finish line for me." He commented, leaning back down over me. He locked eyes with me, beginning the third round..

"You know, I'm really looking forward to winning.. Not just 'cause I get to kill your boyfriend. But the other thing as well." He said. "What's the other thing?" Harry asked. Ryan laughed. "Again, that's for her and I to know." He stated...

About ten minutes passed, and I felt the knife softly drag up my left arm. "That's cheating. You agreed to those terms. I don't manipulate you, and you don't cut me." I commented. He smirked. "I never agreed to them. I just said that it wouldn't be as fun." He replied. I went back over the conversation in my head, and sighed, feeling him bring the blade up my arm and then onto my neck. He still had his eyes locked on mine..

"Don't you dare cut her again." Harry stated, struggling to get away from my father, who wrapped his arm around Harry's neck, keeping him in a headlock.

I went still, my breath catching in my chest when he slowly turned the knife so the blade was pressing into the side of my neck. He was trying to get me to lose.

I brought my left hand up. Harry and my parents couldn't see that side of him.. My heart felt like it was beating too fast, and I was terrified.

I wasn't sure if this would even work, but I had to try....

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