Part 99

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We spent the next 20 minutes arguing about it, and he moved towards me. "Stop it. I'm not going with you, Ryan. You need to let me go. Ok? This isn't fair for me." I commented. He shook his head. "Love, you know that I don't care if you think something is fair. Now, let's get to the point.. I've been watching you for a little while now. So, I know where your boyfriend's house is.. So let's go ahead and strike up a new deal. Either you get in this car and come with me, or I'm following you back to that house, and killing him and the child." He stated.

I shook my head. "You can't do this to me. Please, Ryan." I replied, knowing he'd hurt me as soon as we got back to wherever he was staying..

"Brynn. You have ten seconds to get in this car. I recommend you do as I say, because you know I won't hesitate to kill them." He threatened. I looked around, wishing there was someone I could signal for help. But most of them had headphones in and weren't paying us any attention. Of course, people suddenly start minding their own business right when I need them..

While I was distracted, he grabbed my arm, forcefully pulling me towards a car and shoving me into the passenger seat....


We drove for probably 30 minutes, before I felt my phone start vibrating. I slowly pulled it out, secretly answering it, knowing it was Harry without looking at it..

"You don't have to do this. You know that." I said, looking over at Ryan. "I actually don't know that. But I do know that this'll be fun. Of course, not for you. You disobeyed me." He commented. I shook my head, looking over at him. He pulled off onto a backroad, and then parked in front of a small house.. "Alright, let's go." He stated, and I glanced down at my phone. Harry was still on the other end, and I bit my lip, hesitant.

He couldn't do anything. I hung up, quickly dialing 911, despite knowing the consequences. It wouldn't do any good, and I knew that. He'd kill me, and then he'd get away from the cops, and go and kill Harry..

I looked down, seeing that they had picked up. Ryan opened my car door and I shoved my phone in my pocket. He grabbed my arm, roughly pulling me from the car. He twisted my arm behind my back and I let out a whimper. "Ow ow ow, stop." I got out, struggling against his grip. I managed to kick him in the shin as hard as I could from this angle.

"Fuck." He spat, shoving me. I tripped over my own feet, hitting the ground. I rolled over, letting out a small scream when he suddenly stood over me with a knife. I saw my life flash before my eyes and that's when I made the mistake. "Stop! I called the cops!"I exclaimed, holding my hands over my face.

He stood there for a second. "You.. What?" He asked, anger flaring in his tone. "You heard me. I called them. They're listening right now." I stated. He growled, bending down and quickly searching my pockets, before pulling out the phone. He hung up, throwing it probably 40 feet away from us and then grabbing my arm, forcing me to my feet...

** Ten minutes later **

The feeling came when I knew I would pass out any second.. I could feel my body slowly growing weaker as I lost more and more blood. "Don't pass out on me yet, Brynn." He stated, letting the knife softly drag across my skin, not cutting me..

"Why?" I got out, barely managing to keep my eyes open. "Because you deserve it.. And maybe that makes me a sociopath. But, I guess you never should've made that deal." He commented, suddenly slicing it sideways down the inside of my leg. I grimaced, but it only took me a few seconds to realize that it was too much..

"Ah, I guess the birth took a lot out of you. And, you know, carrying around a baby for that long takes it's toll on the human body." He said, leaning over me.

I felt weak.. Too weak. "Ryan.. Please. I can't.." I couldn't finish the sentence. My thoughts were becoming clouded with blurred memories. I shut my eyes for a second, before forcing them back open, trying to fight against it..

For some reason all I could think about, is that I hoped Harry would take care of the baby, and that Ryan would leave them alone when I was gone. Because.. Having experienced this far too many times, I know that this feeling is different than usual.

I wasn't going to survive this..

And having known Ryan for a long time, I had a will written. I'd known that eventually Ryan would kill me, whether intentionally or by accident. So, I made sure all my assets, including all of my money, would go to Grace...

Ryan was leaned over me, watching me. I let my eyes shut again, knowing there was no getting out of it. Because, that's just the thing.. You can't cheat death.. It's either your time, or it isn't.. And, you have to live knowing that any second, the universe could decide that your time is up. It isn't fair. But then again, nothing is..

I let out a shaky breath, trying to find a good memory somewhere in my mind.. "Goodbye, Brynn." I could barely hear him, his voice fading, and gasped when I felt a sharp pain in my chest as he stabbed me one last time.. It was only a matter of seconds after that.

And then it went dark...


Oops. Love you guys, thanks for reading.

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