Part 4

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A/N: Edited 10/29/2020

I drove us to my hotel, and parked. I realized he'd be recognized easily, and grabbed the hoodie from my backseat, throwing it at him. "Ow, stop being so aggressive, and mean." He commented. "Not possible, now put it on." I replied. He did as I said, pulling the old sweatshirt over his head and pulling the hood up to conceal his identity. He looked down at it. It fit him well.

"Who's shirt is this?" He asked. "An old boyfriend's. Let's go." I replied, getting out of the car and walking into the hotel without making sure he was following me..

When we got up to the room, he looked around. "You're lucky there's two beds. I'm taking the one by the wall. Try not to break anything." I stated, going into the bathroom and starting the shower up..

I shut the door, locking it and stripping. I winced at the movement of the cloth against the stitches, and dug through my bag..

I took a few Advil, and got in the shower. The water burned against the fresh wound. But, the pain felt good. Sounds a little weird, I know. When you go a long time not feeling anything; walking through all your days feeling like you're in a cloud.. Being able to feel something, even if it's pain, makes you feel as though maybe you're still human after all..

Afterwards, I pulled on a t-shirt and a pair of plaid pajama pants since the hotel room was cold. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Harry was already knocked out cold in the other bed. I swear if he snores we're really going to have a problem.

I turned off the lights and got in bed, easily falling asleep...

** July 30, 2020 **

I woke up early the next day, as I always do. I got up, putting on a pair of leggings and some tennis shoes.. I didn't bother leaving a note for Harry, knowing he'd likely stay asleep for a few more hours; especially after last night's chaos...


I ran a little over four miles, and then walked through the hotel lobby. I got some water, and grabbed a cup of coffee, taking it upstairs..

Harry was still in bed, and I switched on the lights. He groaned, pulling the pillow over his head. "Turn it off." He mumbled, barely audible. "No, get up. It's 10:00." I stated, and he pulled the pillow off his head, looking over to where I was standing. "Why're you all gross-looking and sweaty?" He asked.

"And you said I was the mean one." I commented, walking over and setting the cup of coffee down on his bedside table. "I'm going to rinse off. Don't leave the room unless you wanna die." I stated, grabbing an extra set of clothes and stepping into the bathroom.

I rinsed off, glad to get all that sweat off of me..

After that, I checked my wound, making sure all the stitches were still intact. I'd completely forgotten about them until I was running.. I pulled on a sweatshirt and a pair of athletic shorts, taking a few more Advil for the pain. I did my small amount of makeup. Which is pretty much just mascara and some concealer under my eyes. I stepped back out into the room. Harry was out on the balcony. I checked the time, and walked out there. "I'm going to get breakfast." I commented.

He glanced over at me. "Have you heard from Jeff?" He asked. "No. Have you?" I questioned. He shook his head. "I don't have my phone. Never keep it on stage with me." He replied.

"Great. Well as I said, I'm going downstairs." I said, and he followed me back into the room. "Wait, I can't go down there. I might be recognized." He commented. I rolled my eyes. "I'll bring you something. Just.. Don't answer the door to anybody, and don't go back out on the balcony. I'll be back in twenty." I explained, making sure he understood he couldn't leave the room..

Downstairs, I quickly ate, then fixed a plate for him, taking it back upstairs..

I unlocked the door, opening it. "Got your food." I commented, shutting the door and walking into the main area. Harry was wearing a towel around his waist, standing by the bed brushing his teeth. "Where'd you get the toothbrush?" I asked, worried he'd used mine.

"The hotel. Made a call, had them bring one up." He replied, going into the bathroom. I set the plate down on his bed, sitting down on mine..

When he came back out, he still only had the towel on.

I'd turned on the tv, and was now watching a crime show that was on. He sat down on his bed, eating the breakfast.

"So, what's wrong with you?" He asked after a few minutes of silence. I didn't look at him. "What?" I asked. "You're cold, and hostile. Why?" He questioned. "Because I can be. It's part of my job." I stated. He was clearly unsatisfied with my answer. "But you're mean. That's a personal choice. Did something bad happen to you or something?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes, looking over at him. "I'm not doing this. It's bad enough that I'm stuck with you. We aren't doing the whole 'get to know each other' thing." I stated. He was watching me. "You're cold-hearted. What was your family like?" He questioned, completely ignoring my statement.

I glared at him, continuing to watch the show. "Were they not good people?" He asked. "Just shut up. Please, just shut the fuck up before I throw you out and leave you to defend yourself." I commented. He sighed, leaning back against the pillows...


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