Part 30

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I ended up falling asleep on the couch. I woke up to Harry sitting back down on the sofa, and slowly sat up. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." He commented. His hair was wet, and he wasn't wearing a shirt. "Where are your clothes?" I asked. He looked down.

He still had his jeans on that he'd worn to the meeting, and had been wearing since then. "I'm wearing them." He commented. I sighed, getting up and going into the bathroom to shower...

I got out, changing into a pair of shorts and a tank top. Yes, in December. I like to wear summer clothes, so that I can bundle up in blankets and not get hot..

After I brushed my hair, I walked out of the bathroom. He was still not wearing a shirt, lounging on my couch. I sighed, going into my room, and pulling one of the drawers open. It was the drawer Ryan used to put his stuff in. He left all of it there when I kicked him out years ago. I hadn't bothered moving it, since I rarely spent much time here.. I grabbed a t-shirt and the gym shorts he'd left.

I walked back into the living room, dropping them onto his lap as I walked past him and into the kitchen. "Whose are these?" He asked. I grabbed a glass of water, walking back out. "My ex's." I said. He hesitated, before getting up and going into the bathroom. When he came back out, I had a flashback of a time when Ryan had worn that exact outfit. It was one of the good ones; he'd been in a good mood that day..

"I feel weird wearing another man's clothes. Especially his." He said, folding his jeans and dropping them onto the coffee table. I laughed. "Better then sleeping in jeans. Which, speaking of, you're sleeping on the couch. Don't try and get in my bed again." I stated. He just looked at me. "I'm serious." I commented. "Yeah, okay whatever." He replied, walking over and sitting down. "What're we watching?" He asked, running his hands through his hair...


I woke up to my phone vibrating on the table next to my bed. I reached over, grabbing it and answering it, all while keeping my eyes closed..

"Brynn, glad you're awake. Is Harry still with you? I checked his hotel again, and he isn't there. But pictures were taken yesterday of him leaving your apartment building." Jeff stated. I sighed.

"You woke me up to hassle me about this again?" I asked, rolling over. I ran into someone, and opened my eyes. Harry. Of course. He never fucking listens to me..

"I'm sorry. I just need to know that he's alright. When I saw those photos, I figured he was coming back here. But, no one's seen or heard from him." He replied. I felt a cold draft come in from the living room window, and shivered, pulling the comforter up over my shoulders. I instinctively moved closer to Harry, who was practically radiating heat..

"Yes." I stated simply. Harry rolled onto his side, his arm coming over me, holding me against him. I tensed up when he put his hand on my back. But he was still sleeping, and after a few seconds I relaxed.

"Yes what? He's okay? Or he left?" He questioned. I sighed. "I'm going back to sleep. If he wanted to talk to you, he would. He has his phone." I stated, hanging up. I put my phone down on the windowsill, putting my arm back under the sheets.

It took only a couple seconds for me to fall back asleep...


When I woke up again, Harry was no longer next to me. I sighed, rolling onto my stomach and pulling the pillow over my head. I laid there for a while, in and out of a semi-conscious state..

"Morning." Harry said, pulling me back to reality.
I slowly pulled the pillow off my head, looking over at where he was standing. He had a cup of coffee in his hand. I sighed. "Why are you waking me up?" I asked, annoyed. "I made you coffee. Here." He said, holding the mug up a little. I rolled over, slowly sitting up. He handed it to me. "Thanks." I commented quietly, taking a sip of it.

He was still wearing Ryan's old clothes, but now had a familiar-looking sweatshirt on.

"Where'd you get that?" I asked. "I made it." He said. I rolled my eyes. "Not the coffee. The sweatshirt." I stated. He looked down at it. "Oh, I found it in your closet." He replied, and it hit me. "Is it your ex's?" He questioned.

I shook my head. "I didn't know I had anything of his." I said quietly, more-so to myself. "Who's?" He asked. It fit him well. "Andrew's." I commented. He looked down at it. "Your brother?" He asked. I nodded. "Where'd you say you found it?" I questioned, still confused.

"In your closet. I was cold, and none of your stuff fits me. But, I found this one in a pile of sweatshirts that you had shoved into a corner." He explained. "Wow." I said, still looking at it. I missed my brother a lot. It had been a long time since I'd seen or heard from him..

I took another sip from the coffee, quickly masking any emotions that may have become visible. I looked out the window, seeing that it was raining now. I loved it when it rained. Of course, not so much in the winter.

"Have you decided when you're finally leaving?" I asked, meeting his gaze again. He'd been watching me, and shook his head. "I'm still mad at Jeff." He commented. "Understandable. He betrayed your trust. It's not easy to earn, but very easy to lose." I replied, taking another sip from the mug.

"Exactly." He stated, his eyes still on me. "Anyway.. I thought I told you to stay on the couch. Why were you in my bed?" I asked. "I didn't think you'd notice." He said quietly. I didn't say anything, waiting for an actual explanation.

"I was cold. Your living room is freezing at night." He commented. I rolled my eyes. "Harry, that's not my problem. You know, that wouldn't happen at your hotel." I replied. "Ok, well I'm still not leaving." He said. "So, you'd rather freeze to death sleeping on an old couch, than staying in a super nice hotel that has heat?" I questioned. He shrugged.

"You aren't at the hotel. So, yeah." He stated.. I took another sip of the coffee. He was already giving me a headache, and I'd only just woken up..

"Can we do something today?" He asked. I rolled my eyes, getting out of bed and going into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and everything, and then sat on the edge of the tub. I needed time away from him. He's truly aggravating 24/7.

I'd already done my makeup, and after a few minutes, I stood back up and left the bathroom.

He was standing by the wall of windows, looking down at the street. "Oh great, you're ready. I was thinking we could go down a few streets. There's a few shops over there." He commented, turning around.. I honestly just wanted to sit on the couch and watch Netflix all day. "I'd rather not. You can go do that. I'll be here." I said, grabbing my coffee from by the bed.

"No, you need to come. It'll be fun." He stated, following me into the kitchen. I had to reheat my coffee in the microwave, and turned to face him while I did that.

"Harry, I'm not like you. You're an extrovert. I'm not. I'd be perfectly fine staying in all day and lying on the couch watching tv. I could do that every day, and still not want to go anywhere. You can't do that. You always have to be doing something." I explained, taking my coffee out of the microwave and letting it cool off a little. I grabbed a granola bar from one of the cabinets. He was watching me.

"How about.. We go do my thing. And then when we get back, we can spend the rest of the day doing what you want." He commented. I looked over at him. "This isn't a compromise. It's cold, and raining. Perfect weather for me to lay on the couch all day. You should go shopping or whatever, and then go back to your hotel with all your little extrovert friends." I replied, grabbing my coffee and walking out of the kitchen. I sat on the couch, enjoying my small breakfast. He was leaning up against the wall outside the kitchen, watching me..

I just knew he'd have something to say about that...

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